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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mercedes Bringing ChatGPT into its Cars
From ACM TechNews

Mercedes Bringing ChatGPT into its Cars

German automaker Mercedes-Benz has partnered with Microsoft to add ChatGPT generative artificial intelligence software to Mercedes-Benz cars in the U.S.

Walgreens Replaced Some Fridge Doors with Screens; Some Shoppers Absolutely Hate It
From ACM TechNews

Walgreens Replaced Some Fridge Doors with Screens; Some Shoppers Absolutely Hate It

Some customers are furious with Walgreens and other retailers’ replacement of clear fridge and freezer doors with iPad-like screens displaying items within.

Dairy-Tech Startup Created a Step Counter for Cows
From ACM TechNews

Dairy-Tech Startup Created a Step Counter for Cows

India's Stellapps Technologies has come up with what CEO Ranjith Mukundan describes as "a device which is like a Fitbit for cattle."

Domino's Launches Pizza Delivery Robot Car
From ACM TechNews

Domino's Launches Pizza Delivery Robot Car

Pizza chain Domino's has launched a robot car pizza delivery service to select customers in Houston's Woodland Heights neighborhood.

Grocery Stores Turn to Robots During the Coronavirus
From ACM TechNews

Grocery Stores Turn to Robots During the Coronavirus

Local grocers and large supermarket chains are deploying robots to clean floors, stock shelves, and deliver groceries during the coronavirus pandemic
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