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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorChris Edwards

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Teaching Transformed
From Communications of the ACM

Teaching Transformed

The apparent ability of LLMs to write functioning source code has caused celebration over the potential for massive increases in programmer productivity and consternation...

Accelerating Optical Communications with AI
From Communications of the ACM

Accelerating Optical Communications with AI

Communications efficiency helps bring photonics to artificial intelligence.

AlphaFold Spreads through Protein Science
From Communications of the ACM

AlphaFold Spreads through Protein Science

Based on machine learning, DeepMind's code now lies at the heart of a variety of protein-structure tools and workflows. It may ultimately be replaced by models...

Competition Makes Big Datasets the Winners
From Communications of the ACM

Competition Makes Big Datasets the Winners

Measurement has driven research groups to home in on the most popular datasets, but that may change as metrics shift to real-world quality.

Neural Networks Learn to Speed Up Simulations
From Communications of the ACM

Neural Networks Learn to Speed Up Simulations

Physics-informed machine learning is gaining attention, but suffers from training issues.

Shrinking Artificial Intelligence
From Communications of the ACM

Shrinking Artificial Intelligence

Energy concerns push AI optimizations to the edge.

Holograms on the Horizon?
From Communications of the ACM

Holograms on the Horizon?

Machine learning drives toward 3D imaging on the move.

Let the Algorithm Decide?
From Communications of the ACM

Let the Algorithm Decide?

Algorithms fail their first test to replace student exams.

The Best of NLP
From Communications of the ACM

The Best of NLP

Natural language processing delves more deeply into its knowledge gap.

Coalition of the Willing Takes Aim at COVID-19
From Communications of the ACM

Coalition of the Willing Takes Aim at COVID-19

Data science can only do so much in the face of a pandemic.

Leveraging Unlabeled Data
From Communications of the ACM

Leveraging Unlabeled Data

Deep learning looks for better pretexts.

Malevolent Machine Learning
From Communications of the ACM

Malevolent Machine Learning

AI attacks throw light on the nature of deep learning.

Hidden Messages Fool AI
From Communications of the ACM

Hidden Messages Fool AI

Forced errors focus attention on neural network quirks.

Learning to See
From Communications of the ACM

Learning to See

Machine learning turns the spotlight on elusive viruses.

Floating Voxels Provide New Hope for 3D Displays
From Communications of the ACM

Floating Voxels Provide New Hope for 3D Displays

In search of holograms that can be viewed from any angle.

Animals Teach Robots to Find Their Way
From Communications of the ACM

Animals Teach Robots to Find Their Way

Navigation research demonstrates bio-machine symbiosis.

Deep Learning Hunts for Signals Among the Noise
From Communications of the ACM

Deep Learning Hunts for Signals Among the Noise

Neural networks can deliver surprising, and sometimes unwanted, results.

Digitizing the World
From Communications of the ACM

Digitizing the World

Digital maps trawl for real-time updates.

Self-Repair Techniques Point to Robots That Design Themselves
From Communications of the ACM

Self-Repair Techniques Point to Robots That Design Themselves

Robots are being taught to brainstorm alternatives when damaged.

Brain Science Helps Computers Separate Speakers in a Crowded Room
From Communications of the ACM

Brain Science Helps Computers Separate Speakers in a Crowded Room

People can listen to a single voice amid the hubbub of a cocktail party; algorithms can help computers do it, too.
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