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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectLegal Aspects
authorEsther Shein

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Saving Digital Libraries and the Internet Archive
From Communications of the ACM

Saving Digital Libraries and the Internet Archive

A battle over "truth and who has access to it in the digital age."

Building Up the U.S. Semiconductor Industry
From ACM News

Building Up the U.S. Semiconductor Industry

U.S. chipmakers await monetary support from the government a year after supporting legislation was signed into law.

Embuing AI with Ethics
From ACM News

Embuing AI with Ethics

In lieu of regulations, companies are starting to develop their own guidelines to control the use of artificial intelligence.

A Nested Inventory for Software Security, Supply Chain Risk Management
From ACM News

A Nested Inventory for Software Security, Supply Chain Risk Management

The growing importance of the Software Bill of Materials

Women in Computer Science Are Making Strides
From Communications of the ACM

Women in Computer Science Are Making Strides

Computer science is still not a level playing field for those women who majored in it and choose to pursue it as a career.

The Afterlife Online
From ACM News

The Afterlife Online

Preparing for the end of life should include consideration of online accounts that will continue when you're gone.

First, There Were Bug Bounties. Now, Here Come the Bias Bounties
From ACM News

First, There Were Bug Bounties. Now, Here Come the Bias Bounties

Offering rewards for the identification of bias in algorithms.

Converting Laws to Programs
From Communications of the ACM

Converting Laws to Programs

In highly regulated industries, it is critical that laws are translated precisely into code that reflects their intent.

Just Think: The Outlook for BCI
From ACM News

Just Think: The Outlook for BCI

Where Brain-Computer Interfaces are headed.

Hiring from the Autism Spectrum
From Communications of the ACM

Hiring from the Autism Spectrum

Companies increasingly are looking to hire people who are on the autism spectrum to fill IT roles.

How Universities Deploy Student Data
From Communications of the ACM

How Universities Deploy Student Data

Personalizing efforts to drive greater student retention and success.

Bug Bounties: Big Business
From ACM News

Bug Bounties: Big Business

Companies are learning that bug bounty programs are just one aspect of good security protocols.

The CS Teacher Shortage
From Communications of the ACM

The CS Teacher Shortage

How can we fill more computer science classrooms when there just aren't enough teachers to go around?

Viewing the Web Through Colorblind Eyes
From ACM News

Viewing the Web Through Colorblind Eyes

How Web designers develop sites to ensure the colorblind can perceive them.

Exoskeletons Today
From Communications of the ACM

Exoskeletons Today

Wearable mobile machines integrate people and machines to assist the movement-impaired, and amplify the capabilities of industrial and defense workers while protecting...

Eyes in the Skies
From ACM News

Eyes in the Skies

Privacy concerns arise around the New York Police Department's drone program.  

Broadening the Path for Women in STEM
From Communications of the ACM

Broadening the Path for Women in STEM

Organizations work to address 'a notable absence of women in the field.'

The State of Fakery
From Communications of the ACM

The State of Fakery

How digital media could be authenticated, from computational, legal, and ethical points of view.

Overcoming Disabilities
From Communications of the ACM

Overcoming Disabilities

Brain-computer interfaces hold the promise of fully featured replacements for body parts that don't work or are missing.

Will Quantum Computers Surpass Encryption?
From ACM News

Will Quantum Computers Surpass Encryption?

The fundamentally different paradigm of quantum computation will require fundamentally different security.
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