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authorPaul Marks

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Magnetic Sensors Pinpoint 
GPU Cryptojacking Attacks
From ACM News

Magnetic Sensors Pinpoint 
GPU Cryptojacking Attacks

Identifying incursions with magnetic sensors.

Space Robots Prepare to Grapple and Repair Satellites in Orbit
From ACM News

Space Robots Prepare to Grapple and Repair Satellites in Orbit

An interview with William Vincent, Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites (RSGS) program manager at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory.

A Revolution in Haptics
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A Revolution in Haptics

New technology solutions allow users to 'touch' the virtual.

In Space, No One Can Fix Your Sign Errors
From ACM News

In Space, No One Can Fix Your Sign Errors

Once you've left the Earth, the simple inversion of a critical parameter can cause a mission to fail.

The Future of Supply Chains
From Communications of the ACM

The Future of Supply Chains

Droids, drones, and driverless technologies are fueling a supply chain revolution.

Defending Against the Next Stuxnet
From ACM News

Defending Against the Next Stuxnet

Experts are skeptical of an Iranian plan to evade Stuxnet replay attacks.

Eyes on the Skies
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Eyes on the Skies

Fighting delivery drone privacy invasions.

Finally, Apps to Sink Your Teeth Into
From ACM News

Finally, Apps to Sink Your Teeth Into

Developers are beginning to incorporate teeth into new technologies.

Testing Asimov's Idea for Power From Space
From ACM News

Testing Asimov's Idea for Power From Space

Isaac Asimov's notion of capturing energy in space and beaming it to the Earth’s surface faces its first orbital testing.

Creepy Robots of the Coronavirus Era
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Creepy Robots of the Coronavirus Era

The robots policing people as they begin to emerge from coronavirus lockdowns are not being mistaken for anyone's friends.

Robots Aim to Boost Astronaut Efficiency
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Aim to Boost Astronaut Efficiency

A multitude of robotic assistants for astronauts and rovers are in development to make space exploration more resource-efficient.

Fending Off Digital Sabotage
From ACM News

Fending Off Digital Sabotage

Sabotage-resistant industrial machinery combats Stuxnet-like attacks.

Protecting Privacy from Wireless Spycams
From ACM News

Protecting Privacy from Wireless Spycams

Computer science techniques combat intrusive cameras.

Prototyping Faster with Laser Cutters
From ACM News

Prototyping Faster with Laser Cutters

Laser cutting tools could outperform three-dimensional printers at prototyping stretchables, wearables.

Smart Phone Tricks
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Smart Phone Tricks

Researchers refine ways users can interact with a touchscreen.

Humans Are Needed in the Robotic Loop
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Humans Are Needed in the Robotic Loop

Are people the answer to the robot reliability issue?

Rogue Drone Pilots Face A New Foe: Deep Learning AI
From ACM News

Rogue Drone Pilots Face A New Foe: Deep Learning AI

A growing number of counter-drone systems look to overwhelm rogue drones, and find their pilots.

Defending the Orbital Internet
From ACM News

Defending the Orbital Internet

Hypersonic space debris threatens communications beyond the atmosphere.

As Air Taxis Arrive, Software Issues Arise
From ACM News

As Air Taxis Arrive, Software Issues Arise

Urban 'flying car' technology is almost here, but with proponents haunted by a 1977 helicopter crash, getting safety right is the top priority.

Smarter Voice Assistants Recognize Your Favorite Brands—and Health
From ACM News

Smarter Voice Assistants Recognize Your Favorite Brands—and Health

People often surrender their data privacy to their continuously listening voice assistants without understanding the implications.
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