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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google DeepMind's New AI Matches Gold Medal Performance in Math Olympics
From ACM News

Google DeepMind's New AI Matches Gold Medal Performance in Math Olympics

AlphaGeometry incorporates a rule-bound logical model that attempts to find an answer, and a large language model to generate out-of-the-box ideas.

Robots Guarding U.S. Nuclear Stockpile
From ACM News

Robots Guarding U.S. Nuclear Stockpile

The U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration recently announced that it has started using autonomous robot vehicles to patrol the vast desert surrounding...

Lego Robot Solves Any Rubik
From ACM News

Lego Robot Solves Any Rubik

Be warned my fellow humans, robots will not be satisfied until they defeat us in even the most trivial of contests. Cube Stormer is the latest creation from Mike...

Skiing Robot Navigates Slalom Courses
From ACM News

Skiing Robot Navigates Slalom Courses

Bojan Nemec from the Jozef Stefan Institute in Slovenia recently presented his skiing robot at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems...

Robots Take To The Stairs
From ACM News

Robots Take To The Stairs

Robots can climb stairs, and they are doing it everywhere you look. Built on  painstakingly accumulated knowledge, several examples are demonstrated in YouTube...
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