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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

'master the Mainframe' Contest Lures Next Generation to Big Iron
From ACM News

'master the Mainframe' Contest Lures Next Generation to Big Iron

IBM's zEnterprise Academic Initiative is using a contest to spark student interest in coding for mainframes.

'a Fema-Level Fail': The Law Professor Who Coined 'net Neutrality' Lashes Out at the Fcc's Legal Strategy
From ACM Opinion

'a Fema-Level Fail': The Law Professor Who Coined 'net Neutrality' Lashes Out at the Fcc's Legal Strategy

Back in 2003, when he was a law professor at the University of Virginia, Tim Wu wrote the definitive paper on net neutrality.

Why You Should Care About Net Neutrality (faq)
From ACM News

Why You Should Care About Net Neutrality (faq)

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Tuesday struck down rules adopted by the Federal Communications Commission in 2010 meant to protect...

Rowan Computer Professor Pushes the Right Buttons
From ACM TechNews

Rowan Computer Professor Pushes the Right Buttons

Rowan University professor Jennifer Kay this year won a $34,000 grant from Google to teach robotics in a new massive open online course. 

Emory, Georgia Tech Team Up on High-Performance Computing Cluster
From ACM TechNews

Emory, Georgia Tech Team Up on High-Performance Computing Cluster

Researchers at Emory University and Georgia Tech will share the computing power of TARDIS, a new high-performance computing cluster. 

This Eerie Game Was Made by Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

This Eerie Game Was Made by Artificial Intelligence

If there's one human characteristic that’s difficult to emulate in artificial intelligence, it's creativity.

­nemployed in Europe Stymied By Lack of Technology Skills
From ACM TechNews

­nemployed in Europe Stymied By Lack of Technology Skills

A large portion of Europe's unemployed workers and young people entering the workforce lack the necessary skills for technology-based job opportunities.

Meditation May Aid Smoking Cessation Treatment
From ACM TechNews

Meditation May Aid Smoking Cessation Treatment

  A new study suggests more heavy smokers can quit, with fewer relapses, through treatment with meditation with pharmaceutical and cognitive behavioral therapies...

How Microsoft's 1 Percenters Balance Basic Research with Short-Term Success
From ACM Opinion

How Microsoft's 1 Percenters Balance Basic Research with Short-Term Success

When Microsoft launched its research labs in 1991, the personal computer was just beginning to blossom into a worldwide phenomenon, thanks in no small part to Windows...

Canadian Girls Good at Math Half as Likely to Study STEM
From ACM TechNews

Canadian Girls Good at Math Half as Likely to Study STEM

Canadian high school girls who are good at math are half as likely as their male counterparts to pursue STEM and computer science in college.

Go Easy on Moocs
From ACM TechNews

Go Easy on Moocs

A new report recommends the federal government not interfere with massive open online course vendors and providers. 

'Peace Technologies' Enable Eyewitness Reporting When Disasters Strike
From Communications of the ACM

'Peace Technologies' Enable Eyewitness Reporting When Disasters Strike

Ushahidi — or "testimony" in Swahili — has played a central role in coordinating responses to crises around the globe.

How One Publisher Is Stopping Academics from Sharing Their Research
From ACM News

How One Publisher Is Stopping Academics from Sharing Their Research

One of the world's largest academic publishers has launched a wide-ranging takedown spree, demanding that several different universities take down their own scholars'...

Innovative Technology Addresses Wireless Interference
From ACM TechNews

Innovative Technology Addresses Wireless Interference

Dina Katabi is leading a team working to create tools and programs to improve the speed, efficiency, and security of wireless data transmissions. 

Nmsu Professor Shows There's More to Computer Science Than Gaming Careers
From ACM TechNews

Nmsu Professor Shows There's More to Computer Science Than Gaming Careers

New Mexico State University researchers recently used real and computer-generated data to develop a software system to study biological systems. 

Hundreds of Teens Attend Computer Science Education Day at Cal
From ACM TechNews

Hundreds of Teens Attend Computer Science Education Day at Cal

The University of California, Berkeley held its annual Computer Science Education Day on Dec. 10, drawing hundreds of students from across the Bay Area. 

President Obama Talks About Teaching Everyone to Code. This Professor Does It.
From ACM Opinion

President Obama Talks About Teaching Everyone to Code. This Professor Does It.

On Monday, President Obama kicked off computer science education week, encouraging every young person to acquire computer programming skills, even if they have...

For Steve Ballmer, a Lasting Touch on Microsoft
From ACM Opinion

For Steve Ballmer, a Lasting Touch on Microsoft

On the eve of his exit as chief executive officer of Microsoft, after more than a decade on the job, Steve Ballmer is more than ever a CEO whose image does not...

Database Tracks Toxic Side Effects of Pharmaceuticals
From ACM TechNews

Database Tracks Toxic Side Effects of Pharmaceuticals

Updates to an extensive toxicology database should make it easier to track information about the unintentional toxic effects of therapeutic drugs. 

Coding Kids
From ACM TechNews

Coding Kids

As the importance of programming as a life skill grows, parents are beginning to seek coding education for their children. 
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