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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Stanford Medical Technology Exposes Hidden Maladies of Sculptor Auguste Rodin's Celebrated Hands
From ACM News

Stanford Medical Technology Exposes Hidden Maladies of Sculptor Auguste Rodin's Celebrated Hands

One has a ganglion cyst.

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa
From ACM Careers

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa

If Douglas MacArthur or Ulysses S. Grant went to the U.S. Military Academy today, they might be testing their defensive skills hunched in front of a computer screen...

How a Ping-Pong-Playing Robot Is Revolutionizing Robotics
From ACM TechNews

How a Ping-Pong-Playing Robot Is Revolutionizing Robotics

An Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate student is developing a new way for robots to learn by using a ping-pong-playing robotic arm. 

U.s. Cyber Challenge Opens Registration For Cyber Quests Competition
From ACM TechNews

U.s. Cyber Challenge Opens Registration For Cyber Quests Competition

Students and professionals have until April 29 to register for the Cyber Quests online contest that could yield an invitation to a week-long Cyber Camp this summer...

To Create a Pipeline of STEM Workers in Virginia, Program Starts With Littlest Learners
From ACM TechNews

To Create a Pipeline of STEM Workers in Virginia, Program Starts With Littlest Learners

SySTEMic Solutions aims to get young Northern Virginia students to become passionate about STEM in order to boost the region's future economy. 

Steve Matteson: Fonts in the Time of Wearables
From ACM Opinion

Steve Matteson: Fonts in the Time of Wearables

As gadgets get smaller, and mobile manufacturers find new ways to shrink their devices to fit on a user's wrist, people like Steve Matteson are focused on keeping...

Bu Prof Earns $450k Grant to Improve Computer Chips
From ACM TechNews

Bu Prof Earns $450k Grant to Improve Computer Chips

Binghamton University professor Timothy Miller focuses on teaching computer chips how to be smarter about themselves. 

Earth and Computer Sciences Collaboration a Success
From ACM TechNews

Earth and Computer Sciences Collaboration a Success

University of Waikato students have developed software that optimizes the manufacture of terrain models created by a three-dimensional printer. 

Google Glass Hackathon Spawns Bizarre No-Touch Apps
From ACM TechNews

Google Glass Hackathon Spawns Bizarre No-Touch Apps

At a recent Google Glass hackathon, which developers used a new language called Wearscript to create a wide range of new applications for the wearable technology...

Princeton Compsci Prof Wins Prestigious Award
From ACM TechNews

Princeton Compsci Prof Wins Prestigious Award

An expert in machine learning and Bayesian statistics at Princeton University is the recipient of the 2013 ACM-Infosys Foundation Award in Computer Sciences. 

Early STEM Education Will Lead to More Women in It
From ACM TechNews

Early STEM Education Will Lead to More Women in It

Girls Who Code says schools must develop mandatory computer science programs for K-12 if the technology industry wants more women in its workforce.

DHS Turns to Mentors to Strengthen Cyber Workforce
From ACM TechNews

DHS Turns to Mentors to Strengthen Cyber Workforce

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has adopted a rotation and mentorship strategy to help find and develop qualified cybersecurity professionals. 

Can a Computer Craft Compelling Stories?
From ACM TechNews

Can a Computer Craft Compelling Stories?

University of Southern California professor Andrew Gordon has a new project that involves getting computers to read and generate stories.

The Internet Is Killing Most Languages
From ACM News

The Internet Is Killing Most Languages

You might be living through another mass extinction of species—brought on by us humans, who have been changing climate and fragmenting habitats at an increasing...

Carnegie Mellon Robot Invites Humans to Play Mean Game of Scrabble
From ACM News

Carnegie Mellon Robot Invites Humans to Play Mean Game of Scrabble

Victor is obsessed with SCRABBLE.

Getting to Know ... Jason
From ACM News

Getting to Know ... Jason

The JASON group is a low-profile, high-level adviser to the U.S. government on defense, science, and technology.

­niversity of Idaho Competes with Big Leagues in Computing
From ACM TechNews

­niversity of Idaho Competes with Big Leagues in Computing

The University of Idaho is home to Big-STEM, a supercomputer that provides researchers with an enhanced amount of memory to support large-scale simulations.

Open Enigma Project Makes Encryption Machines Accessible
From ACM News

Open Enigma Project Makes Encryption Machines Accessible

Enigma machines have captivated everyone from legendary code breaker Alan Turing and the dedicated cryptographers from England's Bletchley Park to historians and...

Penn Scientists Teach Computer Programs How to Teach Programming
From ACM TechNews

Penn Scientists Teach Computer Programs How to Teach Programming

University of Pennsylvania researchers are developing "automated program synthesis tools" that check whether human-supplied code operates correctly. 

Japanese Language Inspires Student to Develop ­nique Computer Game
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Language Inspires Student to Develop ­nique Computer Game

Koe is a role-playing game that teaches users the Japanese language within the context of entertaining game play. 
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