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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Hacker-Powered Security Is Reaching Critical Mass
From ACM TechNews

Hacker-Powered Security Is Reaching Critical Mass

Hackers are finding more severe vulnerabilities than ever before, as the total number of high or critical severity vulnerabilities identified increased 22% last...

Looking Through the Eyes of China's Surveillance State
From ACM Opinion

Looking Through the Eyes of China's Surveillance State

They perch on poles and glare from streetlamps. Some hang barely visible in the ceiling of the subway, and others seem to stretch out on braced necks and peer into...

Inside Facebook, Twitter and Google's AI Battle Over Your Social Lives
From ACM News

Inside Facebook, Twitter and Google's AI Battle Over Your Social Lives

When you sign up for Facebook on your phone, the app isn't just giving you the latest updates and photos from your friends and family.

Microsoft Calls for Regulation of Facial Recognition, Saying It's Too Risky to Leave to Tech Industry Alone
From ACM News

Microsoft Calls for Regulation of Facial Recognition, Saying It's Too Risky to Leave to Tech Industry Alone

Microsoft is calling for government regulation on facial-recognition software, one of its key technologies, saying such artificial intelligence is too important...

New Insider Attack Steals Passwords by Reading Thermal Energy From Keyboards
From ACM TechNews

New Insider Attack Steals Passwords by Reading Thermal Energy From Keyboards

A new insider attack strategy involving the measurement of thermal energy from keyboards has demonstrated the ability to expose passwords.

Facebook's Push for Facial Recognition Prompts Privacy Alarms
From ACM News

Facebook's Push for Facial Recognition Prompts Privacy Alarms

When Facebook rolled out facial recognition tools in the European Union this year, it promoted the technology as a way to help people safeguard their online identities...

Researchers Discover Android Apps Spying on ­sers' Screens
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Discover Android Apps Spying on ­sers' Screens

An analysis of Android apps found “several” clandestinely recording and sharing video and images of users' screens.

Girl Scouts Are Learning to Pick Locks, Hack Computers
From ACM TechNews

Girl Scouts Are Learning to Pick Locks, Hack Computers

The Girl Scouts are hosting workshops to teach members the basics in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Dutch Police Fight Crime by Cracking PGP Phones
From ACM News

Dutch Police Fight Crime by Cracking PGP Phones

Forensic hacking puts criminals behind bars.

Inside China's Dystopian Dreams: A.I., Shame and Lots of Cameras
From ACM News

Inside China's Dystopian Dreams: A.I., Shame and Lots of Cameras

In the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, a police officer wearing facial recognition glasses spotted a heroin smuggler at a train station.

4G Is Vulnerable to Same Types of Attacks as 3G, Researchers Say
From ACM TechNews

4G Is Vulnerable to Same Types of Attacks as 3G, Researchers Say

A new report has found the 4G wireless telecommunications protocol is susceptible to the same types of remote exploitation as 3G.

In Search of New Rules to Protect Other Worlds From Earth's Cooties
From ACM News

In Search of New Rules to Protect Other Worlds From Earth's Cooties

NASA has to start protecting planets better. The international treaty governing space—there is one—and the laws and regulations that follow it date back to the...

Security Gaps Identified in LTE Mobile Telephony Standard
From ACM TechNews

Security Gaps Identified in LTE Mobile Telephony Standard

Cyberattackers are abusing security weaknesses in the LTE mobile telephony standard that affect all devices using the network.

I Never Said That! High-Tech Deception of 'Deepfake' Videos
From ACM News

I Never Said That! High-Tech Deception of 'Deepfake' Videos

Hey, did my congressman really say that? Is that really President Donald Trump on that video, or am I being duped?

Why Are Countries Creating Public Random Number Generators?
From ACM News

Why Are Countries Creating Public Random Number Generators?

In Chile, politicians resent the Comptroller General, which audits government officials to prevent corruption.

China's Penetration of Silicon Valley Creates Risks for Startups
From ACM Careers

China's Penetration of Silicon Valley Creates Risks for Startups

Cybersecurity Goes to Summer Camp
From ACM TechNews

Cybersecurity Goes to Summer Camp

University of Virginia researchers are training educators on how to teach cybersecurity to adolescents through a summer camp program.

Wi-Fi Security Is Starting to Get its Biggest ­pgrade in Over a Decade
From ACM TechNews

Wi-Fi Security Is Starting to Get its Biggest ­pgrade in Over a Decade

The Wi-Fi Alliance has begun certifying products that support WPA3, a major security advance over the WPA2 protocol that has been in use since 2004.

Adobe Is Using AI to Catch Photoshopped Images
From ACM News

Adobe Is Using AI to Catch Photoshopped Images

While picture editors have tweaked images for decades, modern tools like Adobe Photoshop let them alter photos to the point of complete fabrication.

How Deep Learning Is Making Computers Better at Guessing Your Passwords
From ACM TechNews

How Deep Learning Is Making Computers Better at Guessing Your Passwords

A machine learning technique can make computers up to 24% better at guessing passwords.
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