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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Banks and Retailers Are Tracking How You Type, Swipe and Tap
From ACM News

Banks and Retailers Are Tracking How You Type, Swipe and Tap

When you're browsing a website and the mouse cursor disappears, it might be a computer glitch—or it might be a deliberate test to find out who you are.

Google Tracks Your Movements, Like It or Not
From ACM TechNews

Google Tracks Your Movements, Like It or Not

Researchers have confirmed that many Google services on Android devices and iPhones store location data, even if the user selects a setting that purports to prevent...

The Flourishing Business of Fake YouTube Views
From ACM News

The Flourishing Business of Fake YouTube Views

Martin Vassilev makes a good living selling fake views on YouTube videos. Working from home in Ottawa, he has sold about 15 million views so far this year, putting...

Campaigns and Candidates Still Easy Prey for Hackers
From ACM News

Campaigns and Candidates Still Easy Prey for Hackers

Some bathrooms have signs urging people to wash their hands. But at the Democratic National Committee, reminders hanging in the men's and women's restrooms address...

Samsung Galaxy S7 Smartphones Vulnerable to Hacking
From ACM TechNews

Samsung Galaxy S7 Smartphones Vulnerable to Hacking

Researchers say they have determined a way to exploit a microchip security flaw in Samsung Galaxy S7 smartphones.

The Sensors That Power Smart Cities Are a Hacker's Dream
From ACM News

The Sensors That Power Smart Cities Are a Hacker's Dream

At this point, it seems like every so-called consumer smart device—from routers and baby monitors to connected thermostats and garage door openers—has been shown ...

­.S. Defense Department Produces First Tools for Catching Deepfakes
From ACM TechNews

­.S. Defense Department Produces First Tools for Catching Deepfakes

U.S. Defense researchers say they have created the first forensic tools for catching fake videos, known as "deepfakes," created with artificial intelligence.

New Genre of AI Programs Take Hacking to Another Level
From ACM TechNews

New Genre of AI Programs Take Hacking to Another Level

IBM has identified a variety of artificial intelligence hacking program that could get past top-tier defensive measures.

A Generation Grows ­p in China Without Google, Facebook or Twitter
From ACM News

A Generation Grows ­p in China Without Google, Facebook or Twitter

Wei Dilong, 18, who lives in the southern Chinese city of Liuzhou, likes basketball, hip-hop music and Hollywood superhero movies. He plans to study chemistry in...

AI May Put Private Data at Risk
From ACM TechNews

AI May Put Private Data at Risk

Cornell Tech researchers have determined current models of machine learning are vulnerable to privacy leaks and other attacks.

New Genre of Artificial Intelligence Programs Take Computer Hacking to Another Level 
From ACM News

New Genre of Artificial Intelligence Programs Take Computer Hacking to Another Level 

The nightmare scenario for computer security—artificial intelligence programs that can learn how to evade even the best defenses—may already have arrived.

The Defense Department Has Produced the First Tools for Catching Deepfakes
From ACM News

The Defense Department Has Produced the First Tools for Catching Deepfakes

The first forensics tools for catching revenge porn and fake news created with AI have been developed through a program run by the US Defense Department.

Cyber Report Details Tricks ­sed by Hackers to Target Critical Infrastructure
From ACM News

Cyber Report Details Tricks ­sed by Hackers to Target Critical Infrastructure

A cybersecurity firm says it uncovered the methods and tools hackers use to target critical infrastructure organizations, activity it observed by creating a website...

Adopting a Culture of Transparency
From ACM News

Adopting a Culture of Transparency

Software is used increasingly to determine the existence of scientific fraud in published studies.

Research Robots Sometimes Left ­nsecured on the Internet, Study Finds
From ACM TechNews

Research Robots Sometimes Left ­nsecured on the Internet, Study Finds

Brown University researchers have identified exposed systems running the Robot Operating System, with as many as 19 considered to be fully operational robots.

How Cryptojacking Can Corrupt the Internet of Things
From ACM News

How Cryptojacking Can Corrupt the Internet of Things

Cyber criminals shut down parts of the Web in October 2016 by attacking the computers that serve as the internet's switchboard.

Google, Seeking a Return to China, Is Said to Be Building a Censored Search Engine
From ACM News

Google, Seeking a Return to China, Is Said to Be Building a Censored Search Engine

Google withdrew from China eight years ago to protest the country's censorship and online hacking.

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal
From ACM TechNews

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal

Brent Hecht, chair of ACM's Future of Computing Academy, proposes revising the peer review process to ensure scientists report negative societal consequences of...

Blockchain, Once Seen as a Corporate Cure-All, Suffers Slowdown
From ACM News

Blockchain, Once Seen as a Corporate Cure-All, Suffers Slowdown

Corporate America's love affair with all things blockchain may be cooling.

Same Web-Based Vulnerabilities Still Prevalent After Nine Years
From ACM TechNews

Same Web-Based Vulnerabilities Still Prevalent After Nine Years

The threat of common Web-based vulnerabilities has not been significantly mitigated over the past nine years, according to a study by the U.K.-based NCC Group. ...
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