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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Lesson of Tesla Crashes? Computer Vision Can't Do It All Yet
From ACM News

A Lesson of Tesla Crashes? Computer Vision Can't Do It All Yet

Jitendra Malik, a researcher in computer vision for three decades, doesn't own a Tesla, but he has advice for people who do.

Wireless Alerts Sound For Nyc Bombing Suspect
From ACM News

Wireless Alerts Sound For Nyc Bombing Suspect

New Yorkers' morning commute was interrupted this morning by a chorus of emergency alerts, part of a manhunt for bombing suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami.

How the Fbi Could Have Hacked the San Bernardino Shooter's Iphone
From ACM News

How the Fbi Could Have Hacked the San Bernardino Shooter's Iphone

More than six months have passed since the FBI first ordered Apple to help the agency bypass the encryption on the iPhone 5c of Rizwan Syed Farook, an ISIS supporter...

Cassini Begins Epic Final Year at Saturn
From ACM News

Cassini Begins Epic Final Year at Saturn

After more than 12 years studying Saturn, its rings and moons, NASA's Cassini spacecraft has entered the final year of its epic voyage.

How Big Data and Algorithms Are Slashing the Cost of Fixing Flint's Water Crisis
From ACM TechNews

How Big Data and Algorithms Are Slashing the Cost of Fixing Flint's Water Crisis

University of Michigan researchers are using data analytics methods similar to those employed by Facebook and Amazon to help solve the water contamination in Flint...

Congressional Report Slams Nsa Leaker Edward Snowden
From ACM News

Congressional Report Slams Nsa Leaker Edward Snowden

A House intelligence committee report issued Thursday condemned Edward Snowden, saying the National Security Agency leaker is not a whistleblower and that the vast...

Humans Do Dumb Things with Smart Cities
From ACM News

Humans Do Dumb Things with Smart Cities

New York City wants to make Wi-Fi available to anyone who walks its streets. But Gotham is finding out the hard way that free and open Internet access is ripe for...

Brain-Sensing Technology Allows Typing at 12 Words Per Minute
From ACM News

Brain-Sensing Technology Allows Typing at 12 Words Per Minute

It does not take an infinite number of monkeys to type a passage of Shakespeare.

Detailed Map Shows Milky Way Is Bigger Than We Thought
From ACM News

Detailed Map Shows Milky Way Is Bigger Than We Thought

The European Space Agency (ESA) has released the largest, most detailed map yet of the Milky Way. It pinpoints the 3D positions of 1.1 billion stars, almost 400...

Pluto 'paints' Its Largest Moon Red
From ACM News

Pluto 'paints' Its Largest Moon Red

In June 2015, when the cameras on NASA's approaching New Horizons spacecraft first spotted the large reddish polar region on Pluto's largest moon, Charon, mission...

How Space Scientists Turn Exoplanets Into Places We Can 'see'
From ACM News

How Space Scientists Turn Exoplanets Into Places We Can 'see'

Do a Google image search for "exoplanet."

The Science of Smartphone Batteries and How to Keep Them Charged
From ACM News

The Science of Smartphone Batteries and How to Keep Them Charged

Whenever a new iPhone gets announced, there's one feature that every Apple lover is hoping for: improved battery life.

The Extraordinary Link Between Deep Neural Networks and the Nature of the ­niverse
From ACM News

The Extraordinary Link Between Deep Neural Networks and the Nature of the ­niverse

In the last couple of years, deep learning techniques have transformed the world of artificial intelligence.

The Bizarre World of Bitcoin 'mining' Finds a New Home in Tibet
From ACM News

The Bizarre World of Bitcoin 'mining' Finds a New Home in Tibet

Inside a metal shed in the Tibetan highlands of western China, thousands of microprocessors flank narrow corridors, generating a constant hum and stifling waves...

AI Can Recognize Your Face Even If You're Pixelated
From ACM News

AI Can Recognize Your Face Even If You're Pixelated

Pixelation has long been a familiar fig leaf to cover our visual media’s most private parts.

Mars Rover Views Spectacular Layered Rock Formations
From ACM News

Mars Rover Views Spectacular Layered Rock Formations

The layered geologic past of Mars is revealed in stunning detail in new color images returned by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover, which is currently exploring the "Murray...

Microsoft's Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader

When Apple CEO Tim Cook refused to help the FBI get into a mass murderer's iPhone last winter, he was hailed for his boldness in fighting the government on ...

Your Car's New Software Is Ready. Update Now?
From ACM News

Your Car's New Software Is Ready. Update Now?

Tired of your vehicle and its aging, limited features? Don’t trade it in just yet. Download new software instead.

Google's Clever Plan to Stop Aspiring Isis Recruits
From ACM News

Google's Clever Plan to Stop Aspiring Isis Recruits

Google has built a half-trillion-dollar business out of divining what people want based on a few words they type into a search field.

How Satellite Imaging Will Revolutionize Everything from Stock Picking to Farming
From ACM News

How Satellite Imaging Will Revolutionize Everything from Stock Picking to Farming

When people say knowledge is power, they usually mean "money." Even the great scientist and innovator Galileo Galilei knew that.
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