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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Data and Democracy: Building Tools For Citizen Engagement
From ACM TechNews

Data and Democracy: Building Tools For Citizen Engagement

Developing tools to promote citizen engagement, specifically direct participation by citizens in the political process, is the goal of CITRIS' Data and Democracy...

As Smart Electric Grid Evolves, Engineers Show How to Include Solar Technologies
From ACM TechNews

As Smart Electric Grid Evolves, Engineers Show How to Include Solar Technologies

An optimization algorithm could help ensure that solar technologies are integrated with existing technologies such as energy storage and control systems.  

From ACM TechNews

The Wild World of Wearable Computers

The technology associated with wearable computers is growing quickly and could become a priority in the near future.

Study To Test 'talking' Cars That Would Warn Drivers Of Unseen Dangers
From ACM News

Study To Test 'talking' Cars That Would Warn Drivers Of Unseen Dangers

Experts predict that our cars will one day routinely "talk" to one another with wireless communication devices, possibly preventing huge numbers of traffic accidents...

Wind Sensor Damaged on NASA's Curiosity Rover
From ACM News

Wind Sensor Damaged on NASA's Curiosity Rover

NASA has reported its first setback in the Curiosity rover mission to Mars.

From ACM News

3D Printers Tell You When Your Design Will Fail

Make a mistake with your average office printer and the worst that happens is a paper jam and some wasted ink. Do the same with a 3D printer, though, and your newly...

 Why Passwords Have Never Been Weaker—and Crackers Have Never Been Stronger
From ACM News

Why Passwords Have Never Been Weaker—and Crackers Have Never Been Stronger

In late 2010, Sean Brooks received three e-mails over a span of 30 hours warning that his accounts on LinkedIn,, and other popular Websites were at risk...

ICANN Expects gTLD Applications Processing to Start December
From ACM TechNews

ICANN Expects gTLD Applications Processing to Start December

ICANN expects to implement a new batching process for generic top-level domains by December.  

Uc Research Promises Quiet Cars--Even When Hitting Unexpected Bumps in the Road
From ACM TechNews

Uc Research Promises Quiet Cars--Even When Hitting Unexpected Bumps in the Road

University of Cincinnati researchers have developed an adaptive, active algorithm that enables the deployment of a rapid-response sound wave that could counter...

Nature: Electronic Read-Out of Quantum Bits
From ACM TechNews

Nature: Electronic Read-Out of Quantum Bits

Magnetic molecule complexes may solve a dilemma for quantum computing, which would use quantum effects and also would be susceptible to external influences.  

Google Raises Ante for Next Chrome Hacking Contest to $2M
From ACM TechNews

Google Raises Ante for Next Chrome Hacking Contest to $2M

Google announced that it will pay up to $2 million for the discovery of major vulnerabilities in the Chrome browser at the Pwnium hacking contest. 

From ACM News

Secrets Learned in Apple-Samsung Trial

When companies go to trial, as Apple and Samsung have learned, the public gets to hear corporate secrets. Among those revealed:

Your Car, Tracked: The Rapid Rise of License Plate Readers
From ACM News

Your Car, Tracked: The Rapid Rise of License Plate Readers

Tiburon, a small but wealthy town just northeast of the Golden Gate Bridge, has an unusual distinction: It was one of the first towns in the country to mount automated...

The Technology Race For Intelligent E-Textbooks
From ACM News

The Technology Race For Intelligent E-Textbooks

The next-generation college textbook will undoubtedly be an "intelligent e-textbook." 

Experts Hope to Shield Cars from Computer Viruses
From ACM News

Experts Hope to Shield Cars from Computer Viruses

A team of top hackers working for Intel Corp's security division toil away in a West Coast garage searching for electronic bugs that could make automobiles vulnerable...

New Nasa Mission to Take First Look Deep Inside Mars
From ACM News

New Nasa Mission to Take First Look Deep Inside Mars

NASA has selected a new mission, set to launch in 2016, that will take the first look into the deep interior of Mars to see why the Red Planet evolved so differently...

In Apple’s Patent Case, Tech Shifts May Follow
From ACM News

In Apple’s Patent Case, Tech Shifts May Follow

This week, nine jurors are expected to hunker down in a federal courthouse here to decide a case that could change how the world's smartphones and tablet computers...

Will the Next Election Be Hacked?
From ACM Opinion

Will the Next Election Be Hacked?

Two years ago, hackers gained access to an online voting system created by the District of Columbia and altered every ballot on behalf of their own preferred candidates...

Recreating a Slice of the ­niverse
From ACM TechNews

Recreating a Slice of the ­niverse

Researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies have developed Arepo, software that can accurately...

Digital Doppelgangers: Building an Army of You
From ACM TechNews

Digital Doppelgangers: Building an Army of You

U.S. National Science Foundation researchers have developed a smart, animated, digital double that can interact with other people via a screen when the user is...
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