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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

The Guardian's Open 20: Fighters For Internet Freedom

From politicians and professors to computer scientists and the first programmer, champions of the open Internet.

Hackers Turn MIT Building Into Giant Tetris Game
From ACM News

Hackers Turn MIT Building Into Giant Tetris Game

Hackers overrode the tallest building in Cambridge, Mass., last week, turning the 21-story Green Building at MIT into a giant Tetris puzzle game controllable from...

Tim Berners-Lee: We Don't Need Arbitrary New Tlds
From ACM TechNews

Tim Berners-Lee: We Don't Need Arbitrary New Tlds

World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee is criticizing the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers' plan to create arbitrary new top-level domains...

Researchers Work to Make Future Smart Grid Safe and Secure
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Work to Make Future Smart Grid Safe and Secure

Missouri University of Science and Technology researchers led by Bruce McMillin are using cybersecurity techniques to prevent attackers on a future power network...

An Algorithm For Preserving Art
From ACM TechNews

An Algorithm For Preserving Art

Technology ReviewThe Metropolitan Museum of Art's Paolo Dionisi and IBM researchers have deployed 120 low-power temperature and humidity sensors in an attempt to...

Are Two Monitors Better Than One?
From ACM News

Are Two Monitors Better Than One?

Whether workers in a data-intensive environment are more productive with a single monitor or with multiple monitors can depend on the size of the single monitor...

Hackers Attack Iranian Oil Ministry Website, Vital Data Remains Intact
From ACM News

Hackers Attack Iranian Oil Ministry Website, Vital Data Remains Intact

A spokesman of the Iranian oil ministry confirmed a cyber attack on the ministry's data systems, but stressed that the Iranian oil industries' data has not been...

How Big Data Is Changing Astronomy (Again)
From ACM News

How Big Data Is Changing Astronomy (Again)

Think of all the data humans have collected over the long history of astronomy, from the cuneiform tablets of ancient Babylon to images—like the one here—taken...

What's a 'computer Vision Specialist' and Why Does Apple Need One?
From ACM News

What's a 'computer Vision Specialist' and Why Does Apple Need One?

When Apple posted a job listing last week for a "Computer Vision specialist," the tech-obsessed echo chamber began speculating which Apple product line would be...

Intel's Ivy Bridge Chips Launch Using '3d Transistors'
From ACM News

Intel's Ivy Bridge Chips Launch Using '3d Transistors'

The American firm says the innovation allows it to offer more computational power while using less energy.

This Supercomputer Is Rethinking the Future of Software
From ACM TechNews

This Supercomputer Is Rethinking the Future of Software

The International Center of Excellence for Computational Science and Engineering's Daresbury lab recently installed an IBM BlueGene/Q supercomputer in order to...

­. of Florida Dean Proposes to Save Money By Revising Faculty Jobs to Focus on Teaching, Not Research
From ACM TechNews

­. of Florida Dean Proposes to Save Money By Revising Faculty Jobs to Focus on Teaching, Not Research

The University of Florida College of Engineering is proposing to revise the assignments of some of its tenured faculty in the computer science department to focus...

Researchers Boost Efficiency of Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Boost Efficiency of Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

North Carolina State University researchers have developed centrality-based power control technology, which they say is a more efficient data transmission approach...

New Institute to Tackle 'data Tsunami' Challenge
From ACM TechNews

New Institute to Tackle 'data Tsunami' Challenge

U.S. Department of Energy Argonne National Laboratory researchers recently received part of a $25 million grant to address the problem of extracting knowledge from...

Iran Decodes U.S. Drone Intel
From ACM News

Iran Decodes U.S. Drone Intel

Senior Iranian military officials announced that the country's experts have decoded the intelligence gathering system and memory hard discs of the United States'...

Pentagon Looks to Dna from Plants to Foil Electronic Component Counterfeiters
From ACM News

Pentagon Looks to Dna from Plants to Foil Electronic Component Counterfeiters

Counterfeit electronics embedded in missile guidance systems and hundred-million-dollar aircraft have become a serious problem for the U.S. military and its contractors...

New Report Recommends NASA Rethink How It Avoids Contaminating Other Worlds
From ACM News

New Report Recommends NASA Rethink How It Avoids Contaminating Other Worlds

Over the past several decades, there's been a stunning revolution in how we view the prospect of life on other planets.

Secret Computer Code Threatens Science
From ACM TechNews

Secret Computer Code Threatens Science

Although modern science calls for researchers to share their work so that their peers can verify the success or failure of experiments, most researchers still do...

Open Source Hardware Movement Seeks Legitimacy
From ACM TechNews

Open Source Hardware Movement Seeks Legitimacy

A group of technologists recently established the Open Source Hardware Association to promote the creation and sharing of hardware or electronic designs.

Tomorrow's Privacy Struggles, On Display Today
From ACM News

Tomorrow's Privacy Struggles, On Display Today

The thorny privacy issues of tomorrow were on display Thursday morning, when AT&T showed off a batch of technologies under development at AT&T Labs, the company’s...
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