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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Driverless Car: Google Awarded ­.s. Patent For Technology
From ACM News

Driverless Car: Google Awarded ­.s. Patent For Technology

The intellectual rights relate to a method to switch a vehicle from a human-controlled mode into the state where it takes charge of the wheel.

R&d Spending to Continue Climbing
From ACM TechNews

R&d Spending to Continue Climbing

The United States, Europe, and Asia are expected to boost spending on R&D a combined 5.2 percent to $14 trillion in 2012, according to a Battelle Memorial Institute...

Forrester's Five Futuristic Computing Form Factors
From ACM TechNews

Forrester's Five Futuristic Computing Form Factors

Forrester Research analyst Sarah Rotman Epps says five computing form factors could gain momentum in the near future. 

Educators Look For Resources, New Programs Amid STEM Push
From ACM TechNews

Educators Look For Resources, New Programs Amid STEM Push

U.S. President Obama's push to prepare 100,000 new STEM educators over the next 10 years, the effort by the National Science Teachers Association to have science...

Rare, Last Look Inside Space Shuttle Atlantis
From ACM News

Rare, Last Look Inside Space Shuttle Atlantis

Space shuttle Atlantis, which only five months ago flew the final mission of NASA's 30-year shuttle program, is now being prepared for its public display at the...

Wearing Your Computer on Your Sleeve
From ACM TechNews

Wearing Your Computer on Your Sleeve

Google and Apple researchers are developing projects that might result in wearable computers, with smartphones acting as the hub for information sharing. 

Making Science Leap From the Page
From ACM News

Making Science Leap From the Page

When a college textbook, "Principles of Biology," comes out from the Nature Publishing Group in January, one place it won't be is on the shelves of school bookstores...

Augmented Monoliths: Stonehenge Goes Digital
From ACM News

Augmented Monoliths: Stonehenge Goes Digital

Ever wanted to stand at the centre of Stonehenge at summer solstice and appreciate the site’s beauty without the accompaniment of tourists or druids?

Digital Data on Patients Raises Risk of Breaches
From ACM News

Digital Data on Patients Raises Risk of Breaches

One afternoon last spring, Micky Tripathi received a panicked call from an employee. Someone had broken into his car and stolen his briefcase and company laptop...

Can Cornell Build a Silicon Valley Culture in New York City?
From ACM Careers

Can Cornell Build a Silicon Valley Culture in New York City?

New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that Cornell University and its partner Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have been approved to build a...

From ACM News

Should We Fire the First Shot in a Cyberwar?

Military bureaucracies around the world are likely to see offensive capabilities as increasingly attractive in any cyberwar, suggests the head of the computer...

From ACM News

Sopa Hearings Cast Debate as Old Media vs. New Media

The circus atmosphere of the hearing on the Stop Online Piracy Act, introduced by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), reflected the high-stakes, emotional nature of the...

San Diego Supercomputer Center Welcomes 'gordon' Supercomputer as a Research Powerhouse
From ACM TechNews

San Diego Supercomputer Center Welcomes 'gordon' Supercomputer as a Research Powerhouse

The San Diego Supercomputer Center's new Gordon supercomputer is designed to help researchers solve the most challenging data-intensive problems, including mapping...

Tool Detects Patterns Hidden in Vast Data Sets
From ACM TechNews

Tool Detects Patterns Hidden in Vast Data Sets

Researchers at the Broad Institute and Harvard University have developed a tool that can analyze large data sets. 

Improving Security in the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Improving Security in the Cloud

Weizmann Institute and MIT researchers are moving closer to developing a method for working with data while it is still encrypted, providing an encrypted result...

Mosaic Report: Synergies Between Cs, Social Sciences
From ACM TechNews

Mosaic Report: Synergies Between Cs, Social Sciences

The NSF's Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences recently released a report that assessed the directorate's research investments and identified...

Japan Group to Build Smart Power Grids That Treat Energy Like Network Data
From ACM TechNews

Japan Group to Build Smart Power Grids That Treat Energy Like Network Data

Japan's Digital Grid Consortium plans to develop large-scale energy grids that can handle power the way the Internet handles data, using routers and service providers...

From ACM News

Iran's Alleged Drone Hack: Tough, but Possible

Take everything that Iran says about its captured U.S. drone with a grain of salt. But its new claim that it spoofed the drone’s navigational controls isn't implausible...

From ACM News

Dm: Iran Pioneering Drone Production

Iran is a leading country in manufacturing different types of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi stressed on Monday.

From ACM News

Tiny Biocomputers Move Closer to Reality

Several research groups are developing DNA-based circuits that could one day monitor and treat disease from inside the body.
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