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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

China Rattles Washington's Tech Debates
From ACM News

China Rattles Washington's Tech Debates

A common thread is running through nearly every tech debate in Washington these days: fear that an ambitious China is poised to win the next wave of technology....

China Has Been "Hijacking the Vital Internet Backbone of Western Countries"
From ACM News

China Has Been "Hijacking the Vital Internet Backbone of Western Countries"

The Chinese government turned to a local ISP for intelligence gathering after it signed the Obama-Xi cyberpact in late 2015, the researchers say.

Self-Driving Car Dilemmas Reveal That Moral Choices Are Not ­niversal
From ACM TechNews

Self-Driving Car Dilemmas Reveal That Moral Choices Are Not ­niversal

The largest-ever multinational survey on machine ethics found many moral precepts that guide a driver's decisions are not universal.

Weighing the Impact of GDPR
From Communications of the ACM

Weighing the Impact of GDPR

The EU data regulation will affect computer, Internet, and technology usage within and outside the EU; how it will play out remains to be seen.

Will There Be a Ban on Killer Robots?
From ACM TechNews

Will There Be a Ban on Killer Robots?

A group of arms control advocates, humans rights groups, and technologists is lobbying the United Nations to craft a global decree that bans autonomous weapons....

How Smartphone Apps Track ­sers and Share Data
From ACM TechNews

How Smartphone Apps Track ­sers and Share Data

Researchers analyzing about 33% of the Android apps in the Google Play Store found almost nine out of 10 track smartphone data and transmit it back to Google.

­.S. Begins First Cyberoperation Against Russia Aimed at Protecting Elections
From ACM News

­.S. Begins First Cyberoperation Against Russia Aimed at Protecting Elections

The United States Cyber Command is targeting individual Russian operatives to try to deter them from spreading disinformation to interfere in elections, telling...

I Fell for Facebook Fake News. Here's Why Millions of You Did, Too.
From ACM Opinion

I Fell for Facebook Fake News. Here's Why Millions of You Did, Too.

The Facebook video is nuts, but I can't tear my eyes away. A plane, struggling in a huge storm, does a 360-degree flip before safely landing and letting out terrified...

The Next Tech Talent Shortage: Quantum Computing Researchers
From ACM TechNews

The Next Tech Talent Shortage: Quantum Computing Researchers

U.S. corporations and universities could face a major shortage of qualified quantum computing scientists unless immigration policies and priorities change.

Europe and ­S Lock Horns on Transatlantic Privacy
From ACM News

Europe and ­S Lock Horns on Transatlantic Privacy

Europe's effort to export its tough privacy rules around the world is about to run into a wall of U.S. resistance.

A Tech Investor Brought Cellphone Voting to West Virginia, Igniting Debate About Access and Security
From ACM TechNews

A Tech Investor Brought Cellphone Voting to West Virginia, Igniting Debate About Access and Security

A former political operative and Uber investor is funding an effort to allow West Virginians serving in the military or living abroad to cast absentee ballots via...

Google Wants China. Will Chinese ­sers Want Google?
From ACM News

Google Wants China. Will Chinese ­sers Want Google?

Google CEO Sundar Pichai was upbeat Monday when he told WIRED about internal tests of a censored search engine designed to win approval from Chinese officials....

Shaken by Hype, Self-Driving Leaders Adopt New Strategy: Shutting ­p
From ACM Careers

Shaken by Hype, Self-Driving Leaders Adopt New Strategy: Shutting ­p

Three former executives at Google, Tesla and Uber who once raced to be the first to develop self-driving cars have adopted a new strategy: Slow down. And shut up...

How Political Campaigns Weaponize Social Media Bots
From ACM News

How Political Campaigns Weaponize Social Media Bots

In the summer of 2017, a group of young political activists in the United Kingdom figured out how to use the popular dating app Tinder to attract new supporters...

These New Tricks Can Outsmart Deepfake Videos, for Now
From ACM News

These New Tricks Can Outsmart Deepfake Videos, for Now

For weeks, computer scientist Siwei Lyu had watched his team's deepfake videos with a gnawing sense of unease.

Hackers, Trolls and the Fight Over Your Vote in the 2018 Midterm Elections
From ACM News

Hackers, Trolls and the Fight Over Your Vote in the 2018 Midterm Elections

The election interference that came to define the 2016 presidential race hasn't stopped.

Mozilla's Ambitious Plan to Teach Coders Not to Be Evil
From ACM TechNews

Mozilla's Ambitious Plan to Teach Coders Not to Be Evil

Several organizations last week jointly launched an academic contest to incorporate ethics into undergraduate computer science education.

We’d Be Crippled by a Cyberattack on Our ­tilities
From ACM News

We’d Be Crippled by a Cyberattack on Our ­tilities

It's time we come up with a strategy to defend our nation from potentially crippling cyberattacks that would put states at the forefront of the fight.

Internet Hacking Is About to Get Much Worse
From ACM News

Internet Hacking Is About to Get Much Worse

Writer Bruce Schneier is a fellow and lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Facebook Tackles Rising Threat: Americans Aping Russian Schemes to Deceive
From ACM News

Facebook Tackles Rising Threat: Americans Aping Russian Schemes to Deceive

When Christine Blasey Ford testified before Congress last month about Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh's alleged sexual assault, a website called Right Wing News sprang...
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