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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Supercharged Crime-Scene DNA Analysis Sparks Privacy Concerns
From ACM News

Supercharged Crime-Scene DNA Analysis Sparks Privacy Concerns

Genetic sleuthing techniques that led to the arrest of a suspect in the infamous Golden State Killer case this year are set to become vastly more powerful, suggest...

Cyber Tests Showed 'Nearly All' New Pentagon Weapons Vulnerable to Attack, GAO Says
From ACM TechNews

Cyber Tests Showed 'Nearly All' New Pentagon Weapons Vulnerable to Attack, GAO Says

Most of the U.S. Department of Defense's newest weapons systems are plagued by security issues, according to a new Government Accountability Office report.

These Scientists May Be Your Next Members of Congress
From ACM TechNews

These Scientists May Be Your Next Members of Congress

A growing number of aspiring candidates for U.S. congressional offices have a background in science.

The Ick of AI That Impersonates Humans
From ACM News

The Ick of AI That Impersonates Humans

Philip K. Dick was living a few miles north of San Francisco when he wrote Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, which envisioned a world where artificially intelligent...

­S Weapons Systems Are Easy Cyberattack Targets, New Report Finds
From ACM News

­S Weapons Systems Are Easy Cyberattack Targets, New Report Finds

The first step in solving any problem is admitting there is one. But a new report from the US Government Accountability Office finds that the Department of Defense...

Voting Experts: Why the Heck Are People Still Voting Online?
From ACM TechNews

Voting Experts: Why the Heck Are People Still Voting Online?

A new study calls online ballots a key weakness in the securing of U.S. election systems, and estimates at least 100,000 Americans cast online ballots in the 2016...

How Russian Spies Infiltrated Hotel Wi-Fi to Hack Victims ­p Close
From ACM News

How Russian Spies Infiltrated Hotel Wi-Fi to Hack Victims ­p Close

For years, the Kremlin's increasingly aggressive hackers have reached across the globe to hit targets with everything from simple phishing schemes to worms built...

Researchers Raise Alarm Over ­se of AI in Immigration, Refugee Decision-Making
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Raise Alarm Over ­se of AI in Immigration, Refugee Decision-Making

Researchers in Canada are concerned about government initiatives to replace human decision-making with artificial intelligence regarding immigrants' human rights...

This Tech Would Have Spotted the Secret Chinese Chip in Seconds
From ACM TechNews

This Tech Would Have Spotted the Secret Chinese Chip in Seconds

Researchers have developed a semiautomated system that could have identified in seconds malicious chips reportedly inserted into computer systems by the Chinese...

The Big Hack: How China ­sed a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate ­.S. Companies
From ACM News

The Big Hack: How China ­sed a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate ­.S. Companies

In 2015, Inc. began quietly evaluating a startup called Elemental Technologies, a potential acquisition to help with a major expansion of its streaming...

Assessing the Impact of Cryptography on Internet Privacy
From ACM News

Assessing the Impact of Cryptography on Internet Privacy

Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman on the relationship between cryptography and Internet privacy, and the impact the Turing Award has had on their lives, at the...

State-Level Policy for Computer Science Education Continues to Grow
From ACM TechNews

State-Level Policy for Computer Science Education Continues to Grow

A report by found many U.S. states are aggressively implementing policies in support of computer science education across K-12 curriculums.

Feds Force Suspect To ­nlock An Apple iPhone X With Their Face
From ACM News

Feds Force Suspect To ­nlock An Apple iPhone X With Their Face

It finally happened. The feds forced an Apple iPhone X owner to unlock their device with their face.

Reducing False Positives in Credit Card Fraud Detection
From ACM TechNews

Reducing False Positives in Credit Card Fraud Detection

A new machine learning technique can drastically reduce false positives in fraud-detecting technology that incorrectly flag credit card sales as suspicious.

Score One for Privacy
From ACM News

Score One for Privacy

Researching ways to block facial recognition software.

Request for Information on ­pdate to the 2016 National AI R&D Strategic Plan
From ACM News

Request for Information on ­pdate to the 2016 National AI R&D Strategic Plan

Notice of Request for Information.

Tim Berners-Lee Launched His Vision for an Alternative Web, and His Timing was Impeccable
From ACM TechNews

Tim Berners-Lee Launched His Vision for an Alternative Web, and His Timing was Impeccable

Tim Berners-Lee has developed an open-source project to give Internet users more control over their data by allowing them to decide which apps may access it.

Attack on Commonly ­sed Voting Machine Could Tip an Election, Researchers Find
From ACM News

Attack on Commonly ­sed Voting Machine Could Tip an Election, Researchers Find

A malicious hacker could alter the outcome of a U.S. presidential election by taking advantage of numerous flaws in one model of vote-tabulating machine used in...

Stupid AI: How Humans Can Stop Machines From Falling for Visual Tricks
From ACM TechNews

Stupid AI: How Humans Can Stop Machines From Falling for Visual Tricks

Research from Johns Hopkins University suggests new ways to prevent artificial intelligence from being visually deceived.

The Crisis of Election Security
From ACM News

The Crisis of Election Security

As the midterms approach, America's electronic voting systems are more vulnerable than ever. Why isn't anyone trying to fix them?
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