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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Image Software Spots Links in Tattoo Ink
From ACM News

Image Software Spots Links in Tattoo Ink

In an unusual twist on biometrics research, US computer scientists have joined with law-enforcement officials to find new ways to automatically detect tattoos on...

Nasa Spacecraft Detects Impact Glass on Surface of Mars
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft Detects Impact Glass on Surface of Mars

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has detected deposits of glass within impact craters on Mars.

Giving Physical Shape to Invisible Signals
From ACM News

Giving Physical Shape to Invisible Signals

When a newly renovated apartment in San Francisco went on the market earlier this year for roughly $8.5 million, its asking price included a somewhat unexpected...

Falls of the Robots: Disaster Droids Struggle to Stay ­pright
From ACM News

Falls of the Robots: Disaster Droids Struggle to Stay ­pright

It's a scenario straight out of a Hollywood movie.

Scientists Aspire to Nature's Genius With 'biomimetic' Research
From ACM News

Scientists Aspire to Nature's Genius With 'biomimetic' Research

Engineers and researchers looking for the next big thing are turning more than ever to their own back yards for inspiration.

Korean ​robot Makers Walk Off With $2 Million Prize
From ACM News

Korean ​robot Makers Walk Off With $2 Million Prize

A team of roboticists from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology claimed a $2 million prize on Saturday that was offered by a Pentagon research...

Computer Invents New Scientific Theory Without Human Help For the First Time
From ACM News

Computer Invents New Scientific Theory Without Human Help For the First Time

The mystery of how flatworms regenerate has been solved independently by a computer.

Computer Scientists Are Astir After Baidu Team Is Barred From A.i. Competition
From ACM News

Computer Scientists Are Astir After Baidu Team Is Barred From A.i. Competition

A group of researchers at the Chinese web services company Baidu have been barred from participating in an international competition for artificial intelligence...

Disaster Droids Face Off in the DARPA Robotics Challenge
From ACM News

Disaster Droids Face Off in the DARPA Robotics Challenge

Final preparations are being made by 24 robotics teams about to compete for $3.5m (£2.3m) worth of prizes in a Pentagon-backed competition.

Meet the New Generation of Robots For Manufacturing
From ACM News

Meet the New Generation of Robots For Manufacturing

A new generation of robots is on the way—smarter, more mobile, more collaborative and more adaptable.

Nasa's Hubble Finds Pluto's Moons Tumbling in Absolute Chaos
From ACM News

Nasa's Hubble Finds Pluto's Moons Tumbling in Absolute Chaos

If you lived on one of Pluto's moons, you might have a hard time determining when, or from which direction, the sun will rise each day.

Crispr, the Disruptor
From ACM Careers

Crispr, the Disruptor

Three years ago, Bruce Conklin came across a method that made him change the course of his lab.

How the End of Patriot Act Provisions Changes Nsa Surveillance
From ACM News

How the End of Patriot Act Provisions Changes Nsa Surveillance

Thanks to resistance from Senator Rand Paul and other members of the Senate, the provisions of the USA Patriot Act that were used to justify the National Security...

Emtech Digital: Project Loon Head Details How the Balloons Interact
From ACM TechNews

Emtech Digital: Project Loon Head Details How the Balloons Interact

Google's Project Loon intends to use interconnected balloons to bring Internet service to parts of the world that remain largely disconnected. 

Medical Microbots Take a Fantastic Voyage Into Reality
From ACM News

Medical Microbots Take a Fantastic Voyage Into Reality

In the 1966 film Fantastic Voyage, scientists at a U.S. laboratory shrink a submarine called Proteus and its human crew to microscopic size and then inject the...

Nasa Instrument on Rosetta Makes Comet Atmosphere Discovery
From ACM News

Nasa Instrument on Rosetta Makes Comet Atmosphere Discovery

Data collected by NASA's Alice instrument aboard the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft reveal that electrons close to the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov...

Getting 'physical' and Emotional in Virtual Reality
From ACM News

Getting 'physical' and Emotional in Virtual Reality

If you think about virtual reality, you probably think of it as the place where gamers don an Oculus headset and go shoot up enemies in 3D or travel space.

New Sensing Technology Could Improve Our Ability to Detect Diseases, Fraudulent Art, Chemical Weapons and More
From ACM TechNews

New Sensing Technology Could Improve Our Ability to Detect Diseases, Fraudulent Art, Chemical Weapons and More

An international team of researchers have developed a nanotechnology that promises to make surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy simpler and cheaper.

One Step Closer to a Single-Molecule Device
From ACM TechNews

One Step Closer to a Single-Molecule Device

Researchers have designed a new technique to create a single-molecule diode that can perform 50 times better than prior designs. 

Deep Learning Catches On in New Industries, from Fashion to Finance
From ACM News

Deep Learning Catches On in New Industries, from Fashion to Finance

A machine-learning technique that has already given computers an eerie ability to recognize speech and categorize images is now creeping into industries ranging...
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