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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Hacking the Brain
From ACM Opinion

Hacking the Brain

The perfectibility of the human mind is a theme that has captured our imagination for centuries—the notion that, with the right tools, the right approach, the right...

­.s. Science Academies Take On Human-Genome Editing
From ACM News

­.s. Science Academies Take On Human-Genome Editing

The U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) will launch a major initiative to develop guidelines for editing human genomes...

Can We Identify Every Kind of Cell in the Body?
From ACM News

Can We Identify Every Kind of Cell in the Body?

How many types of cells are there in the human body? Textbooks say a couple of hundred. But the true number is undoubtedly far larger.

Attention White-Collar Workers: The Robots Are Coming For Your Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Attention White-Collar Workers: The Robots Are Coming For Your Jobs

From the self-checkout aisle of the grocery store to the sports section of the newspaper, robots and computer software are increasingly taking the place of humans...

Astronomers Take a New Kind of Pulse From the Sky
From ACM News

Astronomers Take a New Kind of Pulse From the Sky

Every night, our sky beats with the pulses of radio light waves, most of which go unseen.

How Maker Faires Are Inspiring Young 'makers' All Over the World
From ACM Careers

How Maker Faires Are Inspiring Young 'makers' All Over the World

One of the truly bright lights in tech education is the Maker Faire.

Blueprint For a Better Human Body
From ACM News

Blueprint For a Better Human Body

When Elizabeth Wright smacks her right leg on a table, she says "ow."

Feds Say That Banned Researcher Commandeered a Plane
From ACM News

Feds Say That Banned Researcher Commandeered a Plane

A security researcher kicked off a United Airlines flight last month after tweeting about security vulnerabilities in its system had previously taken control of...

Google's Vint Cerf Warns Against Fragmentation of Internet
From ACM Opinion

Google's Vint Cerf Warns Against Fragmentation of Internet

Internet pioneer Vinton G. Cerf warned Thursday that political and technological forces threaten universal access and integrity, which he described as the foundation...

Autonomous Car Prototype Folds, Shrinks, Drives Sideways
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Car Prototype Folds, Shrinks, Drives Sideways

A group of engineers, software developers, and designers in Germany have developed a design for a electric micro car capable of driving sideways. 

What a Dinosaur's Mating Scream Sounds Like
From ACM News

What a Dinosaur's Mating Scream Sounds Like

Two years ago, Sean Murray, a video-game developer from the town of Guildford, outside London, announced an ambitious game that he had been working on in secrecy...

OPALS Boosts Space-to-Ground Optical Communications Research
From ACM News

OPALS Boosts Space-to-Ground Optical Communications Research

Ever wonder why stars seem to twinkle?

This Little 3D Printed Robot Cracks Combination Locks in 30 Seconds
From ACM News

This Little 3D Printed Robot Cracks Combination Locks in 30 Seconds

Careful what you leave in your lockers, high school students and gym-goers.

Baidu's Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer Beats Google at Image Recognition
From ACM News

Baidu's Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer Beats Google at Image Recognition

Chinese search giant Baidu says it has invented a powerful supercomputer that brings new muscle to an artificial-intelligence technique giving software more power...

'positive Train Control' Could Have Prevented U.s. Derailment
From ACM News

'positive Train Control' Could Have Prevented U.s. Derailment

The investigation into the cause of a fatal train derailment in the U.S. city of Philadelphia this week has already yielded its first conclusion: it could have...

Soft Robot to Swim Through Europa's Oceans
From ACM TechNews

Soft Robot to Swim Through Europa's Oceans

Cornell University researchers have received a nine-month, $100,000 grant to develop a soft, swimming robot that can explore other worlds.

Ants' Movements Hide Mathematical Patterns
From ACM TechNews

Ants' Movements Hide Mathematical Patterns

Spanish and U.S. researchers have proposed a mathematical model explaining how ants form their routes. 

A First Big Step Toward Mapping the Human Brain
From ACM News

A First Big Step Toward Mapping the Human Brain

It's a long, hard road to understanding the human brain, and one of the first milestones in that journey is building a … database.

Robots, Hungry for Power, Are Too Weak to Take Over the World
From ACM News

Robots, Hungry for Power, Are Too Weak to Take Over the World

Today's robots may just be too hungry and unfit to take over the world any time soon.

Rise of the Machines
From ACM News

Rise of the Machines

Elon Musk busies himself building other people's futures.
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