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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Meet Arm's Cortex A15: The Future of the Ipad, and Possibly the Macbook Air
From ACM News

Meet Arm's Cortex A15: The Future of the Ipad, and Possibly the Macbook Air

In addition to unveiling its Cortex A7 processor last Wednesday, the press event was also a sort of second debut for the Cortex A15. The A15 will go into ARM...

From ACM News

Intel Faces Colossal Clash

Written off by some critics as a doomed dinosaur, stuck in the tar pit of a stalling personal computer market, Intel is headed for a colossal clash as it scrambles...

Why Computer Voices Are Mostly Female
From ACM News

Why Computer Voices Are Mostly Female

To most owners of the new iPhone, the voice-activated feature called Siri is more than a virtual "assistant" who can help schedule appointments, find a good nearby...

Risky Business
From Communications of the ACM

Risky Business

Governments, companies, and individuals have suffered an unusual number of highly publicized data breaches this year. Is there a solution?

Hacking Cars
From Communications of the ACM

Hacking Cars

Researchers have discovered important security flaws in modern automobile systems. Will car thieves learn to pick locks with their laptops?

Modeling Chaotic Storms
From Communications of the ACM

Modeling Chaotic Storms

Scientists say improvements to extreme-weather prediction are possible with new weather models and a reinvention of the modeling technologies used to process them...

Precision-Controlled Microbots Show They Could Take On Industrial-Scale Jobs
From ACM News

Precision-Controlled Microbots Show They Could Take On Industrial-Scale Jobs

A pioneering research institute that introduced the computer world to the mouse, hypertext, and networks is now setting its sights a bit lower.

Tiny Stamps for Tiny Sensors
From ACM News

Tiny Stamps for Tiny Sensors

Advances in microchip technology may someday enable clinicians to perform tests for hundreds of diseases—sifting out specific molecules, such as early stage cancer...

Virginia Tech Cybersecurity Breakthrough Keeps Sensitive Data Confined in Physical Space, Engineering Team Says
From ACM TechNews

Virginia Tech Cybersecurity Breakthrough Keeps Sensitive Data Confined in Physical Space, Engineering Team Says

Virginia Tech researchers have developed new security features that can remotely place smartphones under lockdown. 

Kurzweil Responds: Don't ­nderestimate the Singularity
From ACM TechNews

Kurzweil Responds: Don't ­nderestimate the Singularity

Paul Allen and a colleague recently challenged inventor and author Ray Kurzweil's prediction that computers will soon surpass human intelligence, an event known...

Carnegie Mellon Develops Touchscreen Technology That Distinguishes Taps By Different Parts of Finger
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Develops Touchscreen Technology That Distinguishes Taps By Different Parts of Finger

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed TapSense, a system that combines a microphone with a touchscreen to distinguish the difference between the...

A Picture of Democracy
From ACM News

A Picture of Democracy

How digital cameras and smartphones might reduce corruption in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

High Demand For Science Graduates Enables Them to Pick Their Jobs, Report Says
From ACM TechNews

High Demand For Science Graduates Enables Them to Pick Their Jobs, Report Says

Science and engineering graduates are in high demand in a wide variety of fields, and many English-speaking science graduates are taking jobs in nonscience fields...

From ACM TechNews

New Project to Tackle Data Deluge: Eudat--Towards a Pan-European Collaborative Data Infrastructure

The recently launched EUDAT project aims to provide Europe's scientific and research communities with a sustainable European-wide infrastructure for improved access...

Hyperlinking Doesn't Constitute Defamation, Supreme Court of Canada Rules
From ACM News

Hyperlinking Doesn't Constitute Defamation, Supreme Court of Canada Rules

The Supreme Court of Canada has erected a shield to protect those who post Internet links to defamatory sites.

From ACM News

Faq on Son of Stuxnet

What is Duqu? Duqu (pronounced dyu kyu) is primarily a remote-access Trojan targeted at a limited number of organizations in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East...

Jobs Tried Exotic Treatments to Combat Cancer, Book Says
From ACM News

Jobs Tried Exotic Treatments to Combat Cancer, Book Says

In his last years, Steven P. Jobs veered from exotic diets to cutting-edge treatments as he fought the cancer that ultimately took his life, according to a new...

How Google's Self-Driving Car Works
From ACM News

How Google's Self-Driving Car Works

Once a secret project, Google's autonomous vehicles are now out in the open, quite literally, with the company test-driving them on public roads and, on one occasion...

Stanford Engineering's New Online Classes: Hugely Popular and Bursting With Activity
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Engineering's New Online Classes: Hugely Popular and Bursting With Activity

About 300,000 students have registered for Stanford University's first set of comprehensive, free online computer science courses, which include courses in databases...

­niversity Studies Crowdsourcing For Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

­niversity Studies Crowdsourcing For Intelligence

The U.S. intelligence community is studying how to tap the power of crowdsourcing through a multi-university effort. 
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