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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Supercomputing's Exascale Arms Race
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing's Exascale Arms Race

The United States wants to achieve exaflop speeds for supercomputing, but China, the European Union, India, Japan, and Russia also have set their sights on exascale...

Table Salt Found to Boost Data Storage Density
From ACM TechNews

Table Salt Found to Boost Data Storage Density

Table salt could be used to increase the capacity of hard drives from as much as 4 Tbytes today to more than 21 Tbytes, according to researchers at the Institute...

Survey: Java Losing Popularity Among Developers
From ACM TechNews

Survey: Java Losing Popularity Among Developers

The downward trend in the use of Java continues, according to Tiobe Software's latest monthly assessment of programming languages, and the company's Paul Jansen...

Georgia Tech Releases Cyber Threats Forecast For 2012
From ACM TechNews

Georgia Tech Releases Cyber Threats Forecast For 2012

A new report warns that 2012 will feature new and increasingly sophisticated means to capture and exploit user data, as well as escalating battles over the control...

Robot Car to Cut Jams & Crashes
From ACM TechNews

Robot Car to Cut Jams & Crashes

Oxford University researchers have installed robotic technology in a Wildcat vehicle built by BAE Systems that transforms the vehicle into an autonomous car. The...

From ACM News

­.s. Debated Cyberwarfare in Attack Plan on Libya

Just before the American-led strikes against Libya in March, the Obama administration intensely debated whether to open the mission with a new kind of warfare...

Seeing Through Walls
From ACM News

Seeing Through Walls

Researchers at MIT's Lincoln Lab have developed new radar technology that provides real-time video of what’s going on behind solid walls.

Instant Health Checks For Buildings and Bridges
From ACM News

Instant Health Checks For Buildings and Bridges

During 2011's deadly onslaught of earthquakes, floods and tornadoes, countless buildings had to be evacuated while workers checked to make sure they were stable...

Clamping Down on High-Speed Stock Trades
From ACM News

Clamping Down on High-Speed Stock Trades

Regulators in the United States and overseas are cracking down on computerized high-speed trading that crowds today’s stock exchanges, worried that as it spreads...

From ACM News

Steve Jobs's Patents

The 317 Apple patents that list Steven P. Jobs among the group of inventors offer a glimpse at his legendary say over the minute details of the company's products—from...

Zot! Uc Irvine Team Proves Stellar at Mapping Dark Matter
From ACM News

Zot! Uc Irvine Team Proves Stellar at Mapping Dark Matter

When David Kirkby and Daniel Margala entered a contest to find out who could most accurately map dark matter in the universe, the first algorithm they submitted...

From ACM News

Light Is Not Fast Enough For High-Speed Stock Trading

Every microsecond counts in stock trading. The New York Stock Exchange handles a third of the world's stock trading—around 22 billion messages a day. But NYSE Euronext...

Knowledge Mining Resource Accelerates Science, Technology Education, Research
From ACM TechNews

Knowledge Mining Resource Accelerates Science, Technology Education, Research

Virginia Tech researchers have created the Virginia Tech Knowledge Networks, a repository of more than 5,000 publications by the College of Engineering faculty,...

Experimental Mathematics: Computing Power Leads to Insights
From ACM TechNews

Experimental Mathematics: Computing Power Leads to Insights

In a forthcoming article, "Exploratory Experimentation and Computation," American Mathematical Society researchers will describe how modern computer technology...

Robot Biologist Solves Complex Problem From Scratch
From ACM TechNews

Robot Biologist Solves Complex Problem From Scratch

Researchers at Vanderbilt and Cornell universities have demonstrated that a computer can analyze raw experimental data from a biological system and derive the basic...

Software to Prevent Abuse at the Click of a Mouse
From ACM TechNews

Software to Prevent Abuse at the Click of a Mouse

The State Office of Criminal Investigations in Berlin is using desCRY, a new system for detecting child-pornographic images in field tests. 

Mass. Schools Team Up For Supercomputer Center
From ACM TechNews

Mass. Schools Team Up For Supercomputer Center

The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computer Center aims to capitalize on the huge boost in the amount of computer power available for academic research. 

Scott Forstall, the Sorcerer's Apprentice at Apple
From ACM News

Scott Forstall, the Sorcerer's Apprentice at Apple

The deteriorating health of Steve Jobs loomed over Apple’s Oct. 4 press event at the company’s headquarters in Cupertino, Calif. Apple wanted the day to be all...

Researchers Merge Art and Science
From ACM News

Researchers Merge Art and Science

Researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics are turning their attention to something even the most advanced telescopes can’t detect: the art...

Founding Father Wants Secure 'internet 2'
From ACM TechNews

Founding Father Wants Secure 'internet 2'

A new version of the Internet might be the best way to defend against cyberattacks, says Internet co-founder Vint Cerf. 
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