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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

John Bolton, Cyber Warrior
From ACM News

John Bolton, Cyber Warrior

John Bolton has spent years imploring the U.S. to go on the attack in cyberspace—a stance that some digital warfare experts caution could set up the nation for...

MIT Professor Who Developed Wi-Fi-like Device That 'Sees Through Walls' to Receive ACM Prize in Computing
From ACM TechNews

MIT Professor Who Developed Wi-Fi-like Device That 'Sees Through Walls' to Receive ACM Prize in Computing

Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Dina Katabi has been named recipient of the 2017 ACM Prize in Computing.

Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence Leading the Way to Smart Houses
From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence Leading the Way to Smart Houses

Researchers are studying deep learning, with a focus on improving medical imaging and advancing the future of truly smart houses that will perform manual labor...

Hubble ­ncovers the Farthest Star Ever Seen
From ACM News

Hubble ­ncovers the Farthest Star Ever Seen

More than halfway across the universe, an enormous blue star nicknamed Icarus is the farthest individual star ever seen.

Tech Thinks It Has a Fix for the Problems It Created: Blockchain
From ACM News

Tech Thinks It Has a Fix for the Problems It Created: Blockchain

Entrepreneurs, companies, and governments look to use databases like Blockchain—often independent of Bitcoin—to solve some of the most intractable issues facing...

Augmented Reality App Created by NY­ Students Can Translate Sign Language in Real Time
From ACM TechNews

Augmented Reality App Created by NY­ Students Can Translate Sign Language in Real Time

ARSL is a new app that enables users to capture sign language with a smartphone camera and see a live translation into their native language.

Military Documents Reveal How the ­S Army Plans to Deploy AI in Future Wars
From ACM News

Military Documents Reveal How the ­S Army Plans to Deploy AI in Future Wars

Tomorrow's wars will be fought with a lethal combination of soldiers, drones, and AI-powered systems. The Internet of Battle Things, as it's being called, is a vast...

Robot Designed to Defend Factories Against Cyberthreats
From ACM TechNews

Robot Designed to Defend Factories Against Cyberthreats

The HoneyBot is designed to deceive industrial hackers into exposing information to cybersecurity professionals.

'Bar Codes' Could Trace Errant Brain Wiring in Autism and Schizophrenia
From ACM News

'Bar Codes' Could Trace Errant Brain Wiring in Autism and Schizophrenia

Neuroscientists today know a lot about how individual neurons operate but remarkably little about how large numbers of them work together to produce thoughts, feelings...

Trump's China Concern Adds Pressure in Race to Be First With 5G
From ACM News

Trump's China Concern Adds Pressure in Race to Be First With 5G

The Trump administration's concern about China's growing technology clout is putting even more pressure on U.S. wireless carriers in their marketing battle over...

N­S Scientists Develop Novel Chip for Fast, Accurate Disease Detection
From ACM TechNews

N­S Scientists Develop Novel Chip for Fast, Accurate Disease Detection

National University of Singapore researchers have developed a microfluidic chip that could identify minuscule amounts of biomolecules without intricate lab equipment...

Potholes? Self-Powered Wireless Sensors Embedded in Roads Could Spot Them
From ACM TechNews

Potholes? Self-Powered Wireless Sensors Embedded in Roads Could Spot Them

ePave is a project to set up networks of self-powered wireless sensors under roads to provide updates on road conditions to transportation planners, drivers with...

Companies Seek Ways to Hold On to Customer Data ­nder New E­ Privacy Law
From ACM News

Companies Seek Ways to Hold On to Customer Data ­nder New E­ Privacy Law

Nicholas Oliver gathers reams of personal information about users of his mobile app: age, sex, location, profession, relationship status, and more—and uses it to...

'Marsquakes' Could Shake ­p Planetary Science
From ACM News

'Marsquakes' Could Shake ­p Planetary Science

Starting next year, scientists will get their first look deep below the surface of Mars.

The Scant Science Behind Cambridge Analytica's Controversial Marketing Techniques 
From ACM News

The Scant Science Behind Cambridge Analytica's Controversial Marketing Techniques 

The practices of Cambridge Analytica, a data-analytics firm involved in US President Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign, have made headlines around the world...

Princeton Senior ­ses Big Data to Examine Global Digital Gender Gap
From ACM TechNews

Princeton Senior ­ses Big Data to Examine Global Digital Gender Gap

A Princeton University student used Facebook's advertising audience estimates to reveal insights on the global digital gender gap.

Earbud Translators: Not Perfect, Still Handy
From ACM News

Earbud Translators: Not Perfect, Still Handy

Utility is high, even though the translations may be limited.

Are We Already Living in Virtual Reality?
From ACM News

Are We Already Living in Virtual Reality?

Thomas Metzinger had his first out-of-body experience when he was nineteen.

A Needle in a Legal Haystack Could Sink a Major Supreme Court Privacy Case
From ACM News

A Needle in a Legal Haystack Could Sink a Major Supreme Court Privacy Case

It looks like one of the marquee cases before the U.S. Supreme Court is about to go bust—sabotaged by a needle in a legislative haystack.

­CR Researchers Take ­p Fight Against Fake News
From ACM TechNews

­CR Researchers Take ­p Fight Against Fake News

Researchers are developing ways to address problems in social network analysis, including dissemination of malicious misinformation.
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