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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Attention to Detail, Noted in 313 Patents

When people in the technology industry speak of Steven P. Jobs’s knack for design, they often have Apple’s iconic products in mind: the early all-in-one Macintosh...

'smart' Cctv Could Track Rioters
From ACM News

'smart' Cctv Could Track Rioters

Researchers at Kingston University have created a system that uses artificial intelligence to recognise specific types of behaviour, such as someone holding a...

Ben Fry, Information Designer
From ACM News

Ben Fry, Information Designer

In the golden age of data visualization, he helps designers think like programmers, and vice versa.

Human Gait Could Soon Power Portable Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Human Gait Could Soon Power Portable Electronics

The energy of human motion could be used soon to power cell phones and other portable devices, according to University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers Tom Krupenkin...

Personal Security
From ACM TechNews

Personal Security

Researchers have developed a laptop-sized device that emits a jamming signal whenever it detects an unauthorized wireless link being established between a medical...

Researchers Improving Gps Accuracy in the 3rd Dimension
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Improving Gps Accuracy in the 3rd Dimension

Ohio State University researchers have developed software that can fix global positioning system errors by taking a more accurate measurement of altitude. 

Virtual Touch Helps Keyhole Surgeons to 'feel' Tumours
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Touch Helps Keyhole Surgeons to 'feel' Tumours

Leeds University researchers have developed tactile feedback technology that combines computer virtualization with a hand-held haptic device that gives doctors...

When Algorithms Control the World
From ACM News

When Algorithms Control the World

If you were expecting some kind warning when computers finally get smarter than us, then think again.

From ACM News

IBM Work With World's Thinnest Material Seen Creating Faster Pcs

A one-atom-thick layer of carbon may one day help International Business Machines Corp. and the U.S. military build more precise radar and computers that operate...

New Tool Allows First Responders to Visualize Post-Event Disaster Environments
From ACM TechNews

New Tool Allows First Responders to Visualize Post-Event Disaster Environments

During the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Level Exercise 2011, emergency preparedness officials and first responders used iPads and SUMMIT,...

The New Big Data
From ACM TechNews

The New Big Data

Industry research and academic labs will present the latest big data techniques during the 17th ACM conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). 

From ACM TechNews

Better 'photon Loops' May Be Key to Computer and Physics Advances

University of Maryland, Harvard University, and U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology researchers are close to developing a method for steering photons...

Could A Crypto-Computer in Your Pocket Replace All Passwords?
From ACM TechNews

Could A Crypto-Computer in Your Pocket Replace All Passwords?

Cambridge University researcher Frank Stajano recently presented a paper on the Pico, a tiny, portable computer that functions as the authenticator for potentially...

Computational Method Predicts New Uses For Existing Medicines
From ACM TechNews

Computational Method Predicts New Uses For Existing Medicines

A recent National Institutes of Health-funded computational study analyzing genomic and drug data has been able to predict new uses for existing medicines. 

Judge Says Warrant Required For Cell Phone Location Data
From ACM News

Judge Says Warrant Required For Cell Phone Location Data

In recent years, the courts have struggled to decide whether the government needs a warrant to access historical records about a cell phone user's location. Some...

Robonaut Wakes Up In Space
From ACM News

Robonaut Wakes Up In Space

After months of patiently snoring away in its storage bag, Robonaut 2—the first dexterous humanoid robot in space—finally got its wakeup call on Monday.

From ACM Opinion

A Turbulent End to the Pc Era

The personal computer recently celebrated its 30th birthday. Then last week, Silicon Valley staged the PC's funeral.

Six Computer Labs that Gave Birth to the Digital World
From ACM News

Six Computer Labs that Gave Birth to the Digital World

Throughout history there is a recurring theme of like-minded individuals coming together to create a shared "hive mind" intelligence that is greater than its...

'endless Forms' Uses the Web to Breed 3-D Printable Objects
From ACM TechNews

'endless Forms' Uses the Web to Breed 3-D Printable Objects

Cornell University researchers are using their new, interactive Web site to allow anyone online to guide the evolution of printable, three-dimensional...

From ACM TechNews

Free Computer Science Courses, New Teaching Technology Reinvent Online Education

Stanford professors will offer popular computer science courses online for free in the autumn, and are launching an experiment that could radically change the delivery...
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