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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Airline Pilots Forgetting How to Fly? Computer Controls Blamed

Are airline pilots forgetting how to fly? As planes become ever more reliant on automation to navigate crowded skies, safety officials worry there will be more...

Mining Electronic Records Yields Connections Between Diseases
From ACM News

Mining Electronic Records Yields Connections Between Diseases

Danish scientists have devised a new way to connect the dots between diseases.

From ACM News


The bitcoin, a virtual medium of exchange, could be a real alternative to government-issued money—but only if it survives hoarding by speculators.

New Supercomputer Benchmarks Overdue?
From ACM News

New Supercomputer Benchmarks Overdue?

The yardstick used to identify the world’s best-performing supercomputers–the Linpack Benchmark–no longer reflects "real-world usage" and ought to be replaced with...

Animated or Real, Both Are Believable
From ACM News

Animated or Real, Both Are Believable

It is still possible to distinguish between a living, breathing character in a movie and an animated one—but it is getting harder.

Feds, Eff Clash in Appeals Court Hearing on Nsa Spying
From ACM News

Feds, Eff Clash in Appeals Court Hearing on Nsa Spying

A three-judge federal appeals court grilled government and civil rights lawyers while entertaining arguments here Wednesday concerning dozens of dismissed lawsuits...

New Sensors Streamline Detection of Estrogenic Compounds
From ACM TechNews

New Sensors Streamline Detection of Estrogenic Compounds

University of Illinois researchers have developed sensors that fluoresce in the presence of compounds that interact with estrogen receptors in human cells. 

Showcasing Award-Winning Scientific Visualizations
From ACM TechNews

Showcasing Award-Winning Scientific Visualizations

Argonne National Laboratory's computer visualizations of arterial blood flow and the dynamics of early galaxy formation both recently won Office of Advanced Scientific...

Google, Opendns Add Geo Speed Boost to Net
From ACM TechNews

Google, Opendns Add Geo Speed Boost to Net

OpenDNS, Google, and Verisign have built new technology into their Internet operations that is designed to accelerate the delivery of data worldwide. 

From ACM TechNews

Astrophysicists Report First Simulation to Create a Milky Way-Like Galaxy

University of California, Santa Cruz researchers recently solved a long-standing physics problem by using Eris, a supercomputer simulation that created a spiral...

Taking Mobile Applications Into the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Taking Mobile Applications Into the Cloud

Microsoft's Mobile Computer Research Center director Victor Bahl, speaking at the recent Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2011, discussed Project Hawaii, an initiative...

Nasa Measures Irene's Record Rain Totals From Space
From ACM News

Nasa Measures Irene's Record Rain Totals From Space

NASA has totaled the impressive rainfall from Hurricane Irene using highly precise microwave measurements from a satellite.

From ACM News

Jupiter-Bound Space Probe Captures Earth And Moon

On its way to the biggest planet in the solar system—Jupiter, NASA's Juno spacecraft took time to capture its home planet and its natural satellite—the moon.

From ACM News

Milky Way Galaxy Re-Created

How long does it take to simulate the Milky Way? The answer is about nine months, if you're using a powerful supercomputer.

Prof Explores Dynamics of Online Networking
From ACM TechNews

Prof Explores Dynamics of Online Networking

University of Texas at Dallas professor Cuihua Shen has led a study of SourceForge, the Internet's largest open source community, using social network analysis...

The First Fully Stretchable Oled
From ACM TechNews

The First Fully Stretchable Oled

University of California, Los Angeles researchers have developed the first fully stretchable organic light-emitting diode.

From ACM TechNews

Hanging Can Be Life Threatening

Although testing and static code analysis are used to detect and remove bugs in a system during development, problems can still occur once a software system is...

Turning Data Into Democratic Action: Social Apps Lab at Citris
From ACM TechNews

Turning Data Into Democratic Action: Social Apps Lab at Citris

Current projects at the University of California Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society's Social Apps Lab include eradicating dengue...

Dumping Friends on Facebook Helps Make You Secure
From ACM TechNews

Dumping Friends on Facebook Helps Make You Secure

Arizona State University researcher Pritam Gundecha has developed a method for determining which Facebook friends are most likely to leak private information. 

From ACM News

Online Review Too Good To Be True? Sometimes It Is

Online reviews are many, but it's often difficult to tell the real ones from the fakes. To help sort the genuinely delighted customers from profit-driven praise...
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