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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Black Hat: Legal Pitfalls of Investigating Mobile

Hackers today are testing mobile devices ever more strenuously, but the work often stands on shaky legal ground, according to Jennifer Granick, an attorney for...

Building Robots that Understand Human Emotions and Make People Healthier
From ACM News

Building Robots that Understand Human Emotions and Make People Healthier

 For most of us, the closest we get to a robot in daily life is a Roomba. But Dr. Cynthia Breazeal, director of the Personal Robots Group at the MIT Media Lab...

Nasa Spacecraft Data Suggest Water Flowing on Mars
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft Data Suggest Water Flowing on Mars

Observations from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed possible flowing water during the warmest months on Mars.

From ACM News

Your Smartphone: A New Frontier For Hackers

Last week, security researchers uncovered yet another strain of malicious software aimed at smartphones that run Google's popular Android operating system. The...

From ACM News

At a Hacker Conference, Plenty of Friendly Feds

 Why are the Feds hobnobbing with hackers? Defcon, a convention of computer hackers here, was crawling with federal agents on Friday. They smiled, shook hands,...

China's Supercomputing Goal: From 'zero To Hero'
From ACM News

China's Supercomputing Goal: From 'zero To Hero'

China basked in a moment of technological glory last November when it nudged out the U.S. as home of the world's fastest supercomputer. The achievement was short...

From ACM News

Your Face

Imagine being able to sit down in a bar, snap a few photos of people, and quickly learn who they are, who their friends are, where they live, what kind of music...

European Security Group Issues Warning on HTML5
From ACM TechNews

European Security Group Issues Warning on HTML5

New standards under development as part of HTML5 neglect important security issues, according to a European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) report...

Web Search Is Ready For a Shakeup, Says ­w Computer Scientist
From ACM TechNews

Web Search Is Ready For a Shakeup, Says ­w Computer Scientist

University of Washington (UW) professor Oren Etzioni recently called on the international academic community and engineers to be more ambitious in designing how...

Georgia Tech Proposes Internet Consumer Nutrition Label
From ACM TechNews

Georgia Tech Proposes Internet Consumer Nutrition Label

A recent Georgia Tech University study of Internet service providers (ISPs) concluded that ISPs should provide easy-to-understand information about service-limiting...

Costly Drone Is Poised to Replace ­-2 Spy Plane
From ACM News

Costly Drone Is Poised to Replace ­-2 Spy Plane

Tucked away here in the Mojave Desert, the assembly plant for the high-flying Global Hawk jet resembles a giant hobby shop. Work tables surround a handful of...

Diy Spy Drone Sniffs Wi-Fi, Intercepts Phone Calls
From ACM News

Diy Spy Drone Sniffs Wi-Fi, Intercepts Phone Calls

What do you do when the target you’re spying on slips behind his home-security gates and beyond your reach? Launch your personal, specially equipped WASP drone—short...

Can Video Kill the Credit-Card Form?
From ACM News

Can Video Kill the Credit-Card Form?

The days of tediously having to punch in credit-card details whenever you make an online purchase may be numbered, thanks to a new payment system that turns any...

Beyond Cell Phone Wallets, Biometrics Promise Truly Wallet-Free Future
From ACM News

Beyond Cell Phone Wallets, Biometrics Promise Truly Wallet-Free Future

Ever since Google announced that its Android phones would be equipped with a "digital wallet" that allows users to pay for things simply by touching their phone...

From ACM News

Shady Rat Hacking Is Not About China

Jeffrey Carr, author of O'Reilly Media's Inside Cyber Warfare, argues that McAfee's supposed revelations about large-scale Chinese hacking attacks are a smokescreen...

From ACM News

Operation Shady RAT May Be the Biggest Hack in History but Is No Surprise

Anybody involved in the IT and cybersecurity industry knows that every major industry and government agency around the world is under threat of intrusion through...

Crime's Digital Past
From ACM TechNews

Crime's Digital Past

Eight interdisciplinary groups of digital humanists recently met to discuss the results of research on London's Old Bailey courthouse's digitized archive. The...

Hard-Coded Password and Other Security Holes Found in Siemens Control Systems
From ACM News

Hard-Coded Password and Other Security Holes Found in Siemens Control Systems

A security researcher has uncovered a slew of vulnerabilities in Siemens industrial control systems, including a hard-coded password, that would let attackers...

Mapping the Most Complex Object in the Known ­niverse
From ACM News

Mapping the Most Complex Object in the Known ­niverse

It's paint-by-numbers for neuroscientists. At the Max-Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg, Germany, researchers have devised a faster way of computing...

Why Are China's Universities Losing Their Star Students?
From ACM News

Why Are China's Universities Losing Their Star Students?

It happens every summer. In the weeks after the annual National College Entrance Examination, new high school graduates wait for the list. For years, who gets...
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