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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Software Brings Science to Life For Young People
From ACM TechNews

New Software Brings Science to Life For Young People

Researchers at the Economic and Social Research Council and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council have developed nQuire, a software toolkit that...

National Convocation Highlights Best Practices for Improving STEM Education
From ACM TechNews

National Convocation Highlights Best Practices for Improving STEM Education

Advances in science and engineering will be largely responsible for future economic growth and job creation, according to a new report issued by the U.S. National...

Women in Science? Universities Don't Make the Grade
From ACM TechNews

Women in Science? Universities Don't Make the Grade

Efforts to close the gap between men and women in STEM fields often focus on students instead of faculty and institutional structures, according to  a study that...

From ACM TechNews

Making Research Careers More Family-Friendly: White House and Nsf Announce New Policies

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) announced the Career-Life Balance Initiative, which gives researchers more flexibility in the workplace and helps remove...

'big Data' Means Business Needs Mathematicians
From ACM Careers

'big Data' Means Business Needs Mathematicians

The proliferation of ways to measure things—point-of-service terminals, Web analytics, geographic and temporal records, even semantic information—means businesses...

From ACM TechNews

Technically, Science Will Be Less Lonely For Women When Girls Are Spurred Early

Girls are being sent a message at a young age that careers in math and science are marked by social isolation and will make them seem less attractive. However,...

Success at 16
From Communications of the ACM

Success at 16

A high school student wins first prize from ACM for developing a faster keyboard layout.

Living in a Digital World
From Communications of the ACM

Living in a Digital World

Technology has created new opportunities to connect and interact. Yet, researchers are increasingly concerned that heavy technology usage is changing people's behavior...

Improving Brain-Computer Interfaces
From Communications of the ACM

Improving Brain-Computer Interfaces

Researchers are demonstrating advances in restorative BCI systems that are giving paralyzed individuals more effective ways to communicate, move, and interact with...

White House Targets Innovative Education Technologies
From ACM TechNews

White House Targets Innovative Education Technologies

The White House has formed a nonprofit organization, Digital Promise, to create new learning technologies that will help improve the performance of U.S. students...

Shwetak Patel: 2011 Macarthur Fellow
From ACM News

Shwetak Patel: 2011 Macarthur Fellow

Shwetak Patel is a computer scientist who has invented a series of sensor technology systems for home environments with the goal of saving energy and improving...

From ACM TechNews

Schoolchildren to Be Taught How to Write Software

The British government has decided to start teaching pre-General Certificate of Secondary Education students how to write software as part of its effort to transform...

Ursi Project Pushes Bounds of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

Ursi Project Pushes Bounds of Artificial Intelligence

Professor Ken Livingston and his team at Vassar College's Undergraduate Research Summer Institute explored ways to optimize a robot's processing speed and allow...

Students Create Virtual Realities in Campus Lab
From ACM TechNews

Students Create Virtual Realities in Campus Lab

The University of Maine's Virtual Environment and Multimodal Integration Lab has given undergraduate students the opportunity to explore their interests in human...

Chinese Students Are Storming ­.s. Grad Schools: They Have the Money and the Brains
From ACM News

Chinese Students Are Storming ­.s. Grad Schools: They Have the Money and the Brains

If you build it, they will come. No, I'm not talking about a baseball field amidst stalks of corn but the educational institutions dotting the U.S. landscape...

In Classroom of Future, Stagnant Scores
From ACM Careers

In Classroom of Future, Stagnant Scores

Amy Furman, a seventh-grade English teacher here, roams among 31 students sitting at their desks or in clumps on the floor. They're studying Shakespeare's "As...

Why They Chose STEM
From ACM TechNews

Why They Chose STEM

Although most U.S. college students pursuing STEM degrees decided to do so in high school, just 20 percent said that their pre-college education prepared them "extremely...

Nasa Gives Public New Internet Tool to Explore the Solar System
From ACM News

Nasa Gives Public New Internet Tool to Explore the Solar System

NASA is giving the public the power to journey through the solar system using a new interactive Web-based tool.

Robot Teaches English as Second Language
From ACM TechNews

Robot Teaches English as Second Language

Pasadena City College professor Ron Chang Lee has developed interactive robots that help students learn English as a second language.

Six Computer Labs that Gave Birth to the Digital World
From ACM News

Six Computer Labs that Gave Birth to the Digital World

Throughout history there is a recurring theme of like-minded individuals coming together to create a shared "hive mind" intelligence that is greater than its...
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