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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Stuxnet Could Hijack Power Plants, Refineries
From ACM News

Stuxnet Could Hijack Power Plants, Refineries

A worm that targets critical infrastructure companies doesn't just steal data, it leaves a back door that could be used to remotely and secretly control plant...

Gesture-Based Computing Takes a Serious Turn
From ACM News

Gesture-Based Computing Takes a Serious Turn

Call me a creature of habit, but I approach any new computer interface with a sense of apprehension.

Deolalikar Responds To Issues About His P?np Proof
From ACM News

Deolalikar Responds To Issues About His P?np Proof

Vinay Deolalikar is standing by his P≠NP claim and proof. He has updated his paper several times in an effort to answer some questions that have been raised about...

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop Motion Tracking Technology to Reduce Injuries For Older Adults

Researchers at the University of Missouri have developed technology to help older adults recover from an injury, illness, or surgery by tracking their motions as...

From ACM TechNews

Push-Button Logic on the Nanoscale

Scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology have used zinc oxide in the form of a nanowire to create smaller and simpler logic circuits. Zinc oxide was used...

CAVE Home to Cutting-Edge Experiments
From ACM TechNews

CAVE Home to Cutting-Edge Experiments

Several projects are being conducted at the University of Illinois' simulation laboratory, which can test human perception and cognitive abilities, and can create...

Research Aims to Improve Speech Recognition Software
From ACM News

Research Aims to Improve Speech Recognition Software

Research conducted by Binghamton University's Stephen Zahorian aims to improve the accuracy of today's automatic speech recognition technology.

From ACM News

Nasa's Chief Technologist Seeks to Develop Transformative Programs

When Bobby Braun was a Ph.D. student in aeronautics and astronautics at Stanford, he couldn't imagine holding the "dream job" he's doing now—NASA's chief technologist...

How Spies (and Counter Spies) Are Using The Cloud
From ACM News

How Spies (and Counter Spies) Are Using The Cloud

Secret agents have long been at the cutting edge of technological developments. By studying how different spy agencies use technology, it’s often been possible...

Award-Winning Supercomputer Application Solves Superconductor Puzzle
From ACM News

Award-Winning Supercomputer Application Solves Superconductor Puzzle

Superconducting materials, which transmit power resistance-free, are found to perform optimally when high- and low-charge density varies on the nanoscale level...

Dual Antennas Would Boost Cell-Phone Signals
From ACM News

Dual Antennas Would Boost Cell-Phone Signals

New design would mean fewer dropped calls, longer battery life.

Web Plan Is Dividing Companies
From ACM News

Web Plan Is Dividing Companies

In an emerging battle over regulating Internet access, companies are taking sides.

'god Couldn't Do Faster': Rubik's Cube Mystery Solved
From ACM News

'god Couldn't Do Faster': Rubik's Cube Mystery Solved

It has taken 15 years to get to this point, but it is now clear that every possible scrambled arrangement of the Rubik's cube can be solved in a maximum of 20...

From ACM TechNews

Multi-Core With Virtualization, a Solution For Future Smart Phones

The Embedded Multi-Core Processing for Mobile Communications project has released an open source software platform designed to enable the efficient use of multi...

Tire Tags Reveal Driver Whereabouts
From ACM TechNews

Tire Tags Reveal Driver Whereabouts

Researchers at Rutgers University and the University of South Carolina have found that wireless signals between new cars and their tires can be intercepted or forged...

Issues In the Proof That P?np
From ACM News

Issues In the Proof That P?np

The mathematics community is working on deciding whether or not to accept Vinay Deolalikar's claimed proof that P≠NP. Two computer science professors summarize...

From ACM TechNews

Micromachines For a Safer World

Tel Aviv University researchers are working to make microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) even smaller, less expensive, and more sensitive by combining old-school...

Teraflop Troubles: Powerful Gpus May Threaten the World's Password Security System
From ACM TechNews

Teraflop Troubles: Powerful Gpus May Threaten the World's Password Security System

Georgia Tech Research Institute computer scientists are studying whether desktop computers with graphics processing units are so powerful that they compromise password...

From ACM TechNews

Web Plan From Google and Verizon Is Criticized

Google and Verizon's proposal for how Internet service should be regulated was criticized by groups in favor of keeping the Web as open as possible.

Speech Recognition Systems Must Get Smarter, Professor Says
From ACM TechNews

Speech Recognition Systems Must Get Smarter, Professor Says

University of Rochester professor James Allen says the key to making speech-recognition systems less frustrating to use is giving them a deeper understanding of...
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