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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Web Attack Knows Where You Live
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Web Attack Knows Where You Live

One visit to a booby-trapped Web site could direct attackers to a person's home, a security expert has shown.

From ACM News

Google, Twitter, and Facebook Build the Semantic Web

A truly meaningful way of interacting with the web may finally be here, and it is called the semantic web. The idea was proposed over a decade ago by Tim Berners...

Hacking the Smart Grid
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Hacking the Smart Grid

The hurried deployment of smart-grid technology could leave critical infrastructure and private homes vulnerable to hackers. Security experts at the Black Hat...

From ACM News

Online Dating Sites Are a Treasure Trove For Scientists

Appearances count. Meet someone before you make up your mind. And on that first date, don't give away too much.

For E-Data, Tug Grows Over Privacy vs. Security
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For E-Data, Tug Grows Over Privacy vs. Security

 The threat by the United Arab Emirates to shut down mobile services on BlackBerrys like email and text messaging underscores a growing tension between communications...

From ACM News

WikiLeaks Posts Mysterious 'Insurance' File

In the wake of strong U.S. government statements condemning WikiLeaks' recent publishing of 77,000 Afghan War documents, the secret-spilling site has posted a mysterious...

The Web's New Gold Mine: Your Secrets
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The Web's New Gold Mine: Your Secrets

Hidden inside Ashley Hayes-Beaty's computer, a tiny file helps gather personal details about her, all to be put up for sale for a tenth of a penny.

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Is This the 'Safest Bridge in America?'

Just about everyone who worked to build the new Interstate Highway 35W bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, knew that their project would never be "just a bridge."

From ACM News

Plagiarism Lines Blur For Students in Digital Age

At Rhode Island College, a freshman copied and pasted from a Web site’s frequently asked questions page about homelessness—and did not think he needed to credit...

Adding Temperature to Human-Computer Interaction
From ACM News

Adding Temperature to Human-Computer Interaction

An experimental new game controller adds the sensation of hot and cold to users' experience of a simulated environment.

In Silicon Valley, Forget Your Wallet
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In Silicon Valley, Forget Your Wallet

Two pilot programs by start-ups in Silicon Valley are testing ways to bring to market a long-promised innovation of the Internet era: the digital wallet.

Google: The Search Party Is Over
From ACM News

Google: The Search Party Is Over

Yes, the company is still growing at rates that would be the envy of the rest of the Fortune 500. But its core business is slowing, its stock is down, its Android...

Robot Pills
From ACM TechNews

Robot Pills

Pill-sized robotic capsules are under development for screening, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures. 

Are Female It Graduates Still ­nderrepresented?
From ACM TechNews

Are Female It Graduates Still ­nderrepresented?

The U.K.'s Higher Education Statistics Agency reports that the number of women studying computer science has fallen over the past five years, from 24 percent to...

Can't Place That Face?
From ACM TechNews

Can't Place That Face?

Tel Aviv University researcher Galit Yovel is combing cognitive psychology with brain imaging and electrophysiology to study how the brain processes information...

From ACM TechNews

H-1b Visa ­sage Declines Sharply Due to Economy, Bureaucracy

The United States' struggling economy is a major reason why almost 40,000 H-1B visa application slots are currently unused, in addition to 9,000 slots in the Masters...

­nraveling the Matrix
From ACM TechNews

­nraveling the Matrix

Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Gilbert Strang has developed a way to split certain types of matrices into simpler ones, which could help produce...

Wireless Technology Hits the Road
From ACM News

Wireless Technology Hits the Road

The recently approved IEEE 802.11p wireless communication standard for vehicles could improve traffic safety by supporting the delivery of information that helps...

Team-Working Robots Huddle Together to Boost Comms
From ACM News

Team-Working Robots Huddle Together to Boost Comms

When you are in hostile territory, it pays to stick together—especially if you are a robot. Falling into line will be easier with an innovative communication system...

Silk Moves from Textiles to Technology
From ACM News

Silk Moves from Textiles to Technology

Synonymous with beauty, silk is a masterpiece of nature with amazing mechanical properties that support its use in a growing number of high-tech applications ranging...
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