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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Stanford 'frankencamera' Platform Available on Nokia N900 Smartphone
From ACM TechNews

Stanford 'frankencamera' Platform Available on Nokia N900 Smartphone

Stanford University has released Frankencamera, an open source digital photography software platform that enables users to create imaging applications for use on...

From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Made Faster

University of Utah researchers have developed a new multidimensional scaling method that they say enables simpler, faster data mining. 

From ACM News

We're Running Out of Internet Addresses

Don't panic, but we're running out of internet addresses. Not domain names—those Website names that you see at the top of this page and which always start with...

Neurons to Power Future Computers
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Neurons to Power Future Computers

Researchers are developing novel computers by mimicking the way that neurons are built and how they talk to each other.

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Study Finds Strong Negative Reaction to Paying For Online Services

An annual study of the impact of the Internet on Americans by the Center for the Digital Future found that 49 percent of Internet users said they have used free...

Ads that Match a Web Page's Images
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Ads that Match a Web Page's Images

Using the contents of images or videos to target Web ads could improve click-through.

Wal-Mart Radio Tags to Track Clothing
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Wal-Mart Radio Tags to Track Clothing

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to roll out sophisticated electronic ID tags to track individual pairs of jeans and underwear, the first step in a system that advocates...

From ACM News

India ­nveils Prototype of $35 Tablet Computer

It looks like an iPad, only it's 1/14th the cost: India on Thursday (July 22) unveiled the prototype of a $35 basic touchscreen tablet aimed at students, which...

Wireless Companies Could ­se Your Friends
From ACM News

Wireless Companies Could ­se Your Friends

Each time you make a cellphone call, your network provider knows whom you're calling, for how long, and what device you're using. Now researchers at one of the...

From ACM News

Facebook Milestone: 500 Million Members; On to 1 Billion?

Facebook on Wednesday announced a remarkable milestone: 500 million active monthly users. And the velocity of its growth raises a mind-boggling possibility: Could...

The Web Means the End of Forgetting
From ACM News

The Web Means the End of Forgetting

Four years ago, Stacy Snyder, then a 25-year-old teacher in training at Conestoga Valley High School in Lancaster, Pa., posted a photo on her MySpace page that...

From ACM News

IBM ­nveils a New Generation of Mainframes

The mainframe business is to IBM what manufacturing is to the American economy, a shrinking but strategically vital part of the franchise. With the introduction...

Crash Spurs Interest in Real-Time Flight Data
From ACM News

Crash Spurs Interest in Real-Time Flight Data

In the year since the fatal, still-unexplained crash of a French airliner over the mid-Atlantic, interest has intensified in technologies to enhance the tracking...

From ACM News

Where Will All This Oil Be in August?

As government officials continue to nervously monitor the cap on the Deepwater Horizon well, there are still millions of barrels of oil oozing around in the Gulf...

Twitter Mood Maps Reveal Emotional States of America
From ACM News

Twitter Mood Maps Reveal Emotional States of America

America, are you happy? The emotional words contained in hundreds of millions of messages posted to the Twitter website may hold the answer.

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Working to Make Combat Soldiers' Lives Easier

In combat, things can be so chaotic and loud that soldiers sometimes aren't even aware they're being shot at.

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Fewer Ads, More Clicks

Search engines get smarter at predicting when we'll respond to a pitch.

From ACM News

New Cybersecurity Degree Program Designed to Fill Workforce Needs

The University of Maryland University College is reporting robust response to a first-of-its kind cybersecurity degree program scheduled to commence this fall.

From ACM News

Official: Google's China Changes in Line with Law

China renewed Google's Internet license after it pledged to obey censorship laws and stop automatically switching mainland users to its unfiltered Hong Kong site...

A Trip Beyond the Edge of the Observable Universe
From ACM News

A Trip Beyond the Edge of the Observable Universe

If you want to see what outer space looks like, there may be no better way to do so than to have Carter Emmart take you on a ride there.
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