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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Techmeme Offers Tech News at Internet Speed
From ACM News

Techmeme Offers Tech News at Internet Speed

One of the first Web sites loaded on Silicon Valley’s laptops and iPhones each morning—and then again and again throughout the day—is Techmeme.

Microsoft and Nasa Bring Mars Down to Earth Through the Worldwide Telescope
From ACM News

Microsoft and Nasa Bring Mars Down to Earth Through the Worldwide Telescope

Today, Microsoft Research and NASA are providing an entirely new experience to users of the WorldWide Telescope, which will allow visitors to interact with and...

A Turning Point For Genetic Testing
From ACM News

A Turning Point For Genetic Testing

In a prelude to overhauling its regulatory oversight of genetic diagnostic testing, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will convene a public meeting next week...

Crunching Cancer With Numbers
From ACM News

Crunching Cancer With Numbers

When Danny Hillis spent a day watching a top surgeon perform keyhole cancer surgery, he was left both exhilarated and depressed. The clinical precision with which...

The Speech That Inspired the Studsat Satellite Project
From ACM News

The Speech That Inspired the Studsat Satellite Project

Studsat, a tiny satellite that was built by 35 students belonging to four engineering colleges in Bangalore and three in Hyderabad, was put in orbit on Monday...

Computer Science Professor Receives Hp Labs Innovation Research Award
From ACM News

Computer Science Professor Receives Hp Labs Innovation Research Award

Elke Rundensteiner, professor of computer science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, has been selected to participate in the HP Labs Innovation Research Program...

Autonomous Cars Could Let Drivers Check Email
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Cars Could Let Drivers Check Email

Oxford University researchers are developing autonomous vehicle technology that enables drivers to check their email while the car drives itself. 

From ACM TechNews

­.s. R&d Companies Employed 27 Million Workers Worldwide in 2008

U.S. research & development companies employed 27.1 million workers worldwide in 2008, including 18.5 million domestically, according to a new report from the U...

Woven Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Woven Electronics

ETH Zurich researchers have developed intelligent textiles that have electronic components such as sensors and conductive filaments woven into the fabric. 

Artificial Intelligence For Improving Team Sports
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence For Improving Team Sports

Carlos III University of Madrid researchers are developing a system for evaluating sport performance by using artificial intelligence to automatically analyze a...

From ACM TechNews

Google's Do-It-Yourself App Creation Software

Google is offering software designed to make it simple for users to create their own applications for Android smartphones. The free software has been under development...

From ACM News

7887 Khz, Your Home For Classic Cuban Espionage Radio

The FBI documents that accompanied last week's arrest of 10 alleged Russian spies are alternately creepy—who knew the Tribeca Barnes & Noble was a hotbed of espionage...

Solving the Crisis of Choice Online
From ICT Results

Solving the Crisis of Choice Online

In an age of information overload, a team of European researchers are developing technology to solve the "crisis of choice" people face when surfing the Web, shopping...

DARPA Plots Death-From-Above, On Demand
From ACM News

DARPA Plots Death-From-Above, On Demand

Before a bomb gets dropped in Afghanistan, dozens of people weigh in: air controllers bark coordinates over a radio; officers double-check the target’s location...

Computers at Home: Educational Hope vs. Teenage Reality
From ACM News

Computers at Home: Educational Hope vs. Teenage Reality

Middleshcool students are champion time-wasters. And the personal computer may be the ultimate time-wasting appliance. Put the two together at home, without hovering...

You Can't Hide Your Lyin' Eyes
From ACM News

You Can't Hide Your Lyin' Eyes

University of Utah researchers are using eye-tracking technology to pioneer a promising alternative to the polygraph for lie detection.

From ACM News

Chinese Think Tank Accuses ­.S., Other Western Countries of ­sing Facebook to Sow ­nrest

A Chinese government-backed think tank has accused the U.S. and other Western governments of using social-networking sites such as Facebook to spur political unrest...

Computer Technology Helps Doctors Target Underserved Patients
From ACM News

Computer Technology Helps Doctors Target Underserved Patients

Multimedia talking touchscreens, housed in computer kiosks at clinics and hospitals, are helping researchers at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine...

Students, Meet Your New Teacher, Mr. Robot
From ACM News

Students, Meet Your New Teacher, Mr. Robot

The boy, a dark-haired 6-year-old, is playing with a new companion. The two hit it off quickly—unusual for the 6-year-old, who has autism—and the boy is imitating...

From ACM News

Indian Students Head For Canada to Join Research Internships

As part of MITACS Globalink internship program, 105 undergraduate Indian students are working on a number of research projects alongside undergraduate and graduate...
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