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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Taiwanese Companies Join on Cloud Computing For Asia

Taiwan's biggest telecommunications company, Chunghwa Telecom, has signed an agreement with Quanta Computer, the world's largest contract laptop maker, to jointly...

The Challenge of Molecular Communication
From ACM TechNews

The Challenge of Molecular Communication

Research led by Ph.D. student Sachin Kadloor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are investigating how much information can be exchanged via molecular...

From ACM TechNews

Share Information to Boost Cellphone Performance

Dartmouth College researchers led by Emiliano Miluzzo say that sharing data gathered by cell phone sensors could improve the accuracy of the data and the applications...

Roll-­p Computers and Their Kin
From ACM TechNews

Roll-­p Computers and Their Kin

Digital reading technology has evolved from the original Amazon Kindle, which cost $400 and displayed four shades of gray, to devices that are much less expensive...

Quantifying Human Behavior With Motion-Capture Technology
From ACM TechNews

Quantifying Human Behavior With Motion-Capture Technology

The University of Southern California is using improvisation and motion-capture technology to study expressive human behavior "to be able to build technologies...

Steming the Tide
From ACM TechNews

Steming the Tide

Many recent studies have shown that cultural attitudes are a problem for women in STEM fields.

Program Finds Patterns in Social Networks
From ACM TechNews

Program Finds Patterns in Social Networks

University of Maryland researchers have developed the COSI program, an algorithm that supports subgraph pattern matching in very large social networks containing...

Virtual Reality You Can Reach Out and Touch
From ICT Results

Virtual Reality You Can Reach Out and Touch

A team of European researchers has "virtually" teleported real objects through cyberspace, touched things in virtual reality and even felt the movements of a virtual...

IBM Names Firefox Its Default Browser
From ACM News

IBM Names Firefox Its Default Browser

Firefox has become the default browser for nearly 400,000 IBM employees, a big coup for the open-source project during a time of increasing browser competition.

Arrests of Alleged Spies Draws Attention to Steganography
From ACM News

Arrests of Alleged Spies Draws Attention to Steganography

A year ago in April, the government says, the accused operative known as Richard Murphy and his supposed wife, "Cynthia Murphy," booted up a computer in their comfy...

Computer Automatically Deciphers Ancient Language
From ACM News

Computer Automatically Deciphers Ancient Language

A new system that took a couple hours to decipher much of the ancient language Ugaritic could help improve online translation software.

With World Watching, Wikileaks Falls Into Disrepair
From ACM News

With World Watching, Wikileaks Falls Into Disrepair

Would-be whistle-blowers hoping to leak documents to Wikileaks face a potentially frustrating surprise. Wikileaks’ submission process, which had been degraded for...

Making Optical Switching More Practical For Telecom
From ACM News

Making Optical Switching More Practical For Telecom

Using all-optical controls could speed the transmission of telecommunications data, but optical switches that can work at high bandwidths need a lot of energy to...

Computing Careers: The Future Is Bright
From ACM TechNews

Computing Careers: The Future Is Bright

"The Market for Computing Careers," a new report from Calvin College professor Joel Adams, suggests a bright future for people pursuing computing careers. 

From ACM TechNews

The Idea Incubator Goes to Campus

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is one of a handful of universities that work closely with investors to make sure promising ideas are nurtured into successful...

Synthetic Dna Could Revolutionize Information Processing
From ACM TechNews

Synthetic Dna Could Revolutionize Information Processing

A synthetic form of DNA developed by University of Reading chemists has the potential to revolutionize the way digital information is processed and stored. 

From ACM TechNews

Flash! Supercomputing Goes Solid-State

A prototype system at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Hyperion Data Intensive Testbed uses more than 100 terabytes of flash memory to demonstrate how flash...

Nanoscale Random Number Circuit to Secure Future Chips
From ACM TechNews

Nanoscale Random Number Circuit to Secure Future Chips

Intel engineers have created computer processors with circuits capable of random behavior, a development that could lead to secure cryptography keys.

How Microsoft Crowdsourced the Making of Office 2010
From ACM News

How Microsoft Crowdsourced the Making of Office 2010

For several years, Denise Carlevato has studied millions of mouse clicks and keystrokes made by anonymous computer users from all over the world. Her objective:...

A Marriage of Origami and Robotics
From ACM News

A Marriage of Origami and Robotics

Researchers at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are learning to reshape the landscape of programmable matter by devising self-folding sheets...
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