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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Talent Scarcity Crimps IT's Growth, Says Narayana Murthy
From ACM News

Talent Scarcity Crimps IT's Growth, Says Narayana Murthy

The scarcity of computer science engineers in India has led to the booming information technology sector poaching talent from other engineering disciplines, according...

Japanese Supercomputer Ranked 1st in Little Green500 List
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Supercomputer Ranked 1st in Little Green500 List

Japan's Grape-DR supercomputer tops the June 2010 edition of's Little Green500 list, which ranks the performance per unit power consumption of smaller...

From ACM TechNews

Meeting Consumers' Hd Demands With a Faster Algorithm

Lehigh University researchers have developed signal-processing algorithms that enable handheld devices to display high-definition images. 

Flexible Organic Transistor Memory Looks Promising For Future Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Flexible Organic Transistor Memory Looks Promising For Future Electronics

South Korean engineers have developed a flexible memory based on an organic transistor, which they say could be integrated, along with transistors and logic circuits...

From ACM TechNews

Government Auditors Urge Clearer Cybersecurity R&D Strategy

The U.S. Government Accountability Office has released a report that criticizes the way in which the federal government funds and carries out cybersecurity research...

War in the Fifth Domain
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War in the Fifth Domain

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Estonia-based "center of excellence" for cyberdefense is the hub of brainstorming efforts covering the tactical and legal...

From ACM TechNews

International Conference Confronts Data Deluge

At the recent International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, scientific domain experts, database researchers, practitioners, and developers...

From ACM News

Over 5 Billion Mobile Phone Connections Worldwide

More than a billion mobile phone connections have been added to the global tally in just 18 months, according to Wireless Intelligence.

From ACM News

Intel's Cure For Home Energy Management: Answering Machines

Intel may have come up with a way to solve one of the most pressing problems with home energy management consoles, and the solution harks back to the early '80s...

Inventor of Cell Phone: We Knew Someday Everybody Would Have One
From ACM News

Inventor of Cell Phone: We Knew Someday Everybody Would Have One

In 1973, Martin Cooper changed the world, although he didn't know it yet.

Why Face Recognition Isn't Scary
From ACM News

Why Face Recognition Isn't Scary

Most of the time, Stacey Schlittenhard finds facial recognition technology to be extremely useful. When she uploads her family photos to the Website Picasa, for...

Algorithm Predicts Manhole Explosions in New York City
From ACM News

Algorithm Predicts Manhole Explosions in New York City

A team of Columbia University researchers have developed an algorithm that helps predict which of New York City's manholes might be the next to blow.

From ACM News

Consumers, Marketers Differ on Electronic Privacy Rules

The the first study to directly compare consumer and marketer expectations for privacy limits, researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst report that...

Loophole May Have Aided Theft of Classified Data
From ACM News

Loophole May Have Aided Theft of Classified Data

The soldier accused of downloading a huge trove of secret data from military computers in Iraq appears to have exploited a loophole in Defense Department security...

From ACM News

Project to Quadruple Solar Energy Output on Furman Campus

Furman University will use a $340,000 grant for a new installation of solar panels that are expected to quadruple the solar energy output on campus.

2010 R&D 100 Awards Winners Announced
From ACM News

2010 R&D 100 Awards Winners Announced

The editors of R&D Magazine have announced the winners of the 48th Annual R&D 100 Awards, which salute the 100 most technologically significant products introduced...

Companies Brace For End of Cheap Made-in-China Era
From ACM News

Companies Brace For End of Cheap Made-in-China Era

Factory workers demanding better wages and working conditions are hastening the eventual end of an era of cheap costs that helped make southern coastal China...

Stanford ­shers In The Age Of Bookless Libraries
From ACM News

Stanford ­shers In The Age Of Bookless Libraries

The periodical shelves at Stanford University’s Engineering Library are nearly bare. Library chief Helen Josephine says that in the past five years, most engineering...

Soccer Stars Ranked ­sing Statistics
From ACM News

Soccer Stars Ranked ­sing Statistics

Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a computer program that objectively measures player performance; the research method also could be used...

From ACM News

Chinese Outsourcer Seeks ­.s. Workers with Iq of 125 and ­p

Bleum Inc. sets IQ threshold at 140 for its hires in China, however.
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