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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

A Step Closer to Perfect 3D Data Storage

 In the introduction to a paper in press in the Journal of Biotechnology, Virgile Adam of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium, along with a long list...

Search Engines Learn How to Watch and Listen to Video
From ACM News

Search Engines Learn How to Watch and Listen to Video

 Missed the winning goal in that crucial football match at the 2010 FIFA World Cup? Just get on the net and you'll find hours of user-generated video content of...

From ACM News

'world's Thinnest' Metal Lines to Spur Device Miniaturization

A group of international scientists have collaborated to create what they say is the world's thinnest and smoothest metallic lines used in electronic components...

Submarine Robots Learn Teamwork
From ICT Results

Submarine Robots Learn Teamwork

New technology developed by European researchers will allow autonomous underwater vehicles to work together as a team. It increases the scope of submarine applications...

Researchers Using Robot to Determine How Human Strangers Develop Trust
From ACM News

Researchers Using Robot to Determine How Human Strangers Develop Trust

Researchers from Northeastern, MIT and Cornell are using a robot to determine how human strangers develop trust.

Cellphone Serves as Learning Platform For the Developing World
From ACM News

Cellphone Serves as Learning Platform For the Developing World

The cellphone, the fastest growing technology platform in the developing world, is delivering educational content to children in out-of-school settings in rural...

Planck Takes It All In
From ACM News

Planck Takes It All In

A new image from the Planck mission shows what it's been up to for the past year--surveying the entire sky for clues to our universal origins.

To Stop Cheats, Colleges Learn Their Trickery
From ACM News

To Stop Cheats, Colleges Learn Their Trickery

The frontier in the battle to defeat student cheating may be here at the testing center of the University of Central Florida.

Intel to Focus on How Computers Will Be ­sed in the Future
From ACM TechNews

Intel to Focus on How Computers Will Be ­sed in the Future

Intel has created Interaction and Experience Research, a new research lab led by Intel fellow Genevieve Bell that will enable scientists to explore how people will...

Russian Mathematician Wins $1 Million Brize But Appears to Be Happy with $0
From ACM News

Russian Mathematician Wins $1 Million Brize But Appears to Be Happy with $0

Who would turn down a $1 million prize for solving a math problem? Perhaps the smartest man in the world.

From ACM News

The Achilles' Heel of Your Computer

Device drivers account for most crashes and even introduce security problems; a new testing tool could provide an early warning.

Biometric Atm Gives Cash Via 'finger Vein' Scan
From ACM News

Biometric Atm Gives Cash Via 'finger Vein' Scan

Poland's cooperative BPS bank says it's the first in Europe to install a biometric ATM--allowing customers to withdraw cash simply with the touch of a fingertip...

'paperless Ticketing' Aims to Thwart Scalping at Concerts, Sports Events
From ACM News

'paperless Ticketing' Aims to Thwart Scalping at Concerts, Sports Events

Anyone who's ever chased a hot ticket for a concert or sports event knows the agony of the drill. Wait--online or in line--until the box office opens and then compete...

Turning Remote Control Into Intimate Support
From ICT Results

Turning Remote Control Into Intimate Support

All the remote controls lying around our houses or fixed to our walls can be combined via new standardised middleware. Combined control enables new levels of home...

From ACM News

The Tech Refresher Russia's Spies Needed

From James Bond to Johnny English, the movies give us the impression that spies are top of the tree when it comes to money-no-object espionage technology. But that...

From ACM News

Insect-Like Robot Crawls Into Microrobot Contenders' Ring

University of Washington engineers have built an insect-like robot with hundreds of tiny legs. The UW model can carry more than seven times its own weight and move...

Study Explains the Aerodynamics of Soccer
From ACM News

Study Explains the Aerodynamics of Soccer

With the attention of sports fans worldwide focused on South Africa and the 2010 FIFA World Cup, U.S. scientist John Eric Goff has made the aerodynamics of the...

From ACM News

Patented Electronic Braking System Prevents Slips on Walkers

Rolling walkers—which help senior citizens maintain mobility and an active lifestyle—have just become safer and easier to use.

IBM Research Grant Awarded For Database Enhancement Application Development
From ACM News

IBM Research Grant Awarded For Database Enhancement Application Development

The University of Haifa's Ami and Teddy Sagy Center for the Study of the Internet has been awarded IBM's $40,000 Open Collaborative Research grant for their proposal...

Haptics Brings a Personal Touch to Technology
From ACM News

Haptics Brings a Personal Touch to Technology

Of all the senses, touch as been somewhat neglected as a human means of interacting with machines. Labs around the world are now racing to close the gap while...
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