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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Lizard-Like Robot Can 'swim' Through Sand
From ACM TechNews

Lizard-Like Robot Can 'swim' Through Sand

Inspired by the sandfish lizard, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are collaborating with Northwestern University's Paul Umbanhowar to develop...

From ACM TechNews

Broadband Availability to Expand

U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday (June 28) will sign a memorandum that makes 500 megahertz of wireless spectrum, currently controlled by the federal government...

Researchers Collaborate on Project to Integrate 'Cloud Computing' With 'Grid' Technologies
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Collaborate on Project to Integrate 'Cloud Computing' With 'Grid' Technologies

European researchers working on the StratusLab project are developing software designed to improve distributed computing infrastructures in an effort to enable...

World First For Quantum Memory Storage
From ACM TechNews

World First For Quantum Memory Storage

A new system developed by researchers at Australian National University uses quantum memory for light more efficiently than similar storage devices. 

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Analyze the Future of Transistor-Less Magnonic Logic Circuits

The emerging field of magnonics is attracting researchers because of its possible role in the development of transistorless logic circuits, and researchers are...

An Internet 100 Times As Fast
From ACM News

An Internet 100 Times As Fast

A new network design that avoids the need to convert optical signals into electrical ones could boost capacity while reducing power consumption.

3-D Virtual Learning Platforms
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3-D Virtual Learning Platforms

Carlos III University of Madrid researchers working on the eMadrid project are studying how to use three-dimensional virtual worlds for teaching. 

­ncovering Results in the Magellan Testbed
From ACM TechNews

­ncovering Results in the Magellan Testbed

The Magellan cloud computing testbed funded by the U.S. Department of Energy is dedicated to studying the advantages and disadvantages of the cloud computing model...

From ACM News

Police Push to Continue Warrantless Cell Tracking

A law requiring police to obtain a search warrant before tracking Americans' cell phones may imperil criminal investigations and endanger children's lives, a law...

From ACM News

The Challenge of Molecular Communication

Bacteria communicate with molecules, and now computer scientists want to copy them. Their first task: to derive a mathematical theory of molecular communication...

China's Young College Grads Toil in 'ant Tribes'
From ACM News

China's Young College Grads Toil in 'ant Tribes'

Liu Jun sleeps in a room so small, he shares a bed with two other men. It's all the  computer engineering graduate can afford in Beijing, a city where the dreams...

China Pushing the Envelope on Science, and Sometimes Ethics
From ACM News

China Pushing the Envelope on Science, and Sometimes Ethics

Last year, Zhao Bowen was part of a team that cracked the genetic code of the cucumber. These days, he's probing the genetic basis for human IQ.

Smart Computer Learns From Video
From ACM TechNews

Smart Computer Learns From Video

ETH Zurich researchers have developed a learning program that can analyze street scenes from video, map the patterns that characterize the various road users, and...

From ACM TechNews

Algorithms Aid Prosthetics Development

Advanced algorithms could help make the speed and accuracy of clinically viable prosthetic devices more comparable to a healthy human arm. 

Hop, Jump and Stick
From ACM TechNews

Hop, Jump and Stick

The behavioral laws of insects have the potential to give robots a greater complexity of movement without the need for high computational power, says the Ecole...

From ACM TechNews

U.K. Researchers Building 'Fat-Free' Cloud Programming Framework

Researchers at Citrix and the universities of Cambridge and Nottingham have developed Mirage, a programming framework aimed at supporting applications that run...

How a Computer Program Became Classical Music's Hot, New Composer
From ACM TechNews

How a Computer Program Became Classical Music's Hot, New Composer

University of California, Santa Cruz professor David Cope has developed Emily Howell, a music-composing program that generates its own compositions by following...

'augmented Reality' on Smartphones Brings Teaching Down to Earth
From ACM TechNews

'augmented Reality' on Smartphones Brings Teaching Down to Earth

University of Wisconsin at Madison researchers are developing an open source tool that lets designers link text, images, video, and audio into a physical location...

From ACM News

How Wi-Fi Drains Your Cell Phone

A study finds problems, but also offers software fixes that could help cell phones last significantly longer between charges. 

From ACM News

Working Toward a Smarter, Faster Cloud

A proposed system would let cloud developers control the way their data travels across different machines.
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