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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Committed to Success
From Communications of the ACM

Committed to Success

Charles P. Thacker talks about the importance of simplicity, reusable tools, thinking broadly, and his practice of Tom Sawyering.

Mainstreaming Augmented Reality
From Communications of the ACM

Mainstreaming Augmented Reality

Advancements in computer vision, object recognition, and related technologies are leading to new levels of sophistication in augmented-reality applications and...

From Communications of the ACM


Countries use Internet censorship to dominate the political dialogue, but also to create favorable conditions for government-controlled businesses.

Sharing Computational Perspectives
From Communications of the ACM

Sharing Computational Perspectives

Computer scientists are now making intellectual contributions to a wide range of other disciplines, including evolutionary theory, physics, and economics.

From ACM News

Hackers Aren't Only Threat to Privacy

Sophisticated hackers aren't the only ones gaining access to sensitive data on the Internet. A large amount of personal information is being left exposed or poorly...

Researchers Develop New Method For Mass-Producing Graphene
From ACM News

Researchers Develop New Method For Mass-Producing Graphene

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed a simple new method for producing large quantities of the promising nanomaterial graphene. The new...

From ACM News

Liquid Crystals Light Way to Better Data Storage

As cell phones and computers continue to shrink, many companies are seeking better ways to store hundreds of gigabytes of data in small, low-power devices. A...

Flexible Touch Screen Made With Printed Graphene
From ACM TechNews

Flexible Touch Screen Made With Printed Graphene

Researchers at Samsung and Sungkyunkwan University have developed a graphene-based flexible touch screen that eventually could lead to transparent electronics. 

Marines to Use Autonomous Vehicles Built By Virginia Tech Students
From ACM News

Marines to Use Autonomous Vehicles Built By Virginia Tech Students

Four unmanned autonomous vehicles designed and built by a team of engineering students at Virginia Tech are headed to Hawaii to participate in the 2010 Rim of...

From ACM News

Diamond-Like Material Shows Superhard, Superconducting Potential

BC5, a diamond-like material with an extremely high boron content, offers exceptional hardness and resistance to fracture, but unlike diamond, it is a superconductor...

Clouds Add Depth to Computer Landscapes
From ACM TechNews

Clouds Add Depth to Computer Landscapes

Nathan Jacobs and colleagues at Washington University in St. Louis have used a single camera to create a depth map, which records the geography of a three-dimensional...

From ACM News

Microsoft's Kinect Isn't Just For Games

Microsoft's long-awaited body-sensing technology, Project Natal, got a new name last week at the E3 expo in Los Angeles. Kinect, as it is now called, is a set-top...

Inside the Military-Robotics Complex
From ACM News

Inside the Military-Robotics Complex

Robots are already in use by U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and their variety and use is only growing.

Why Mobile Innovation Is Blowing Away Pcs
From ACM News

Why Mobile Innovation Is Blowing Away Pcs

It seems like mobile devices and platforms are innovating at about five times the pace of personal computers. There are deeper fundamentals driving the breathtaking...

Fears Over Dearth of Engineers in Europe
From ACM TechNews

Fears Over Dearth of Engineers in Europe

The European Roundtable of Industrialists says that Europe needs to take action to encourage people to become engineers or risk losing out to India and China. 

From ACM News

Wanted: Young Cyberexperts to Defend Internet

The federal government, education officials and giant military contractors are collaborating to recruit a new class of tech professional specifically trained...

Group Demonstrates Self-Healing For Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Group Demonstrates Self-Healing For Electronics

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have applied the concept of self-healing materials to small-scale electronics. 

From ACM TechNews

The A-Z of Programming Languages: Objective-C

Brad Cox, creator of the Objective-C programming language, says he co-developed the language with partner Tom Love as a reaction to the C language and its limitations...

How to Prevent Language Extinction
From ACM TechNews

How to Prevent Language Extinction

Two-thirds of the world's languages are being nudged toward oblivion and are in danger of extinction. A new mathematical model of language competition indicates...

From ACM TechNews

Why Can't Johnny Develop Secure Software?

Despite a wealth of security knowledge and developers' access to advanced tools, many software security risks remain. Analysts say that many software developers...
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