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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Programming 'boot Camp' Offers Basic Training
From ACM News

Programming 'boot Camp' Offers Basic Training

John Stamey is a drill-sergeant to computer science students at Coastal Carolina University. Everyone in first-semester programming must write 370  programs. Student...

From ACM News

Technology Milestone Heralds a More Secure Internet

Moves to make the web's address system more secure will take a major step forward next month. In the planning for a decade, the Domain Name System Security Extentions...

Nanospheres Stretch Limits of Hard Disk Storage
From ICT Results

Nanospheres Stretch Limits of Hard Disk Storage

A new magnetic recording medium made up of tiny nanospheres has been devised by European researchers. The technology may lead to hard disks able to store more than...

From ACM News

Singapore Gets Wired For Speed

This island city-state, thanks to its small size and a big public investment, could soon be the first country blanketed with a fiber optic infrastructure so fast...

From ACM News

Sandia to Play Major Role in Creation of 'virtual' Nuclear Reactor

Sandia National Laboratories computational scientists will lead two of five technical areas in a U.S. Department of Energy effort to create a "virtual" nuclear...

Japanese Baby-Bot to Shed Light on Human Learning
From ACM News

Japanese Baby-Bot to Shed Light on Human Learning

Japanese researchers have created a baby robot designed to simulate the behavior and development of a real infant in an effort to better understand how humans grow...

Studying Engineering Before They Can Spell It
From ACM TechNews

Studying Engineering Before They Can Spell It

Children in kindergarten are being introduced to engineering as school districts across the U.S. embark on an aggressive pursuit of the discipline amid growing...

From ACM TechNews

Imec Ramps Resistive Ram Research

Increasingly diverse applications that influence specifications and device requirements will prevent resistive RAMs from leading to a single "universal" memory,...

New Musical Resonance, Via Your Cell Phone
From ACM TechNews

New Musical Resonance, Via Your Cell Phone

Drexel University researchers have developed software that listens to a live orchestral performance and then displays real-time information describing the relevant...

19th-Century Tech Makes a Smarter iPhone
From ACM News

19th-Century Tech Makes a Smarter iPhone

Rarely has 19th-century technology stirred an audience of 21st-century technophiles as it did last week when Apple co-founder Steve Jobs revealed that the next-generation...

From ACM TechNews

3-D Without the Glasses

Microsoft's Applied Sciences Group has designed a lens that presents different images to a viewer's left and right eye, which could make it possible to watch three...

Nanowires Could Lead to Foldable Tablets, Say Researchers
From ACM TechNews

Nanowires Could Lead to Foldable Tablets, Say Researchers

Duke University scientists have developed a method to make large quantities of copper nanowires, which could be used to create bendable, foldable tablet computers...

From ACM TechNews

Python Language Upgrade Slithers Toward Final Release

Developers of Python 2.7 offered a release candidate for the last upgrade in the legacy 2.x dynamic language line earlier in June, and plan to make a finished version...

Microsoft's Xbox Motion Control System Is Kinect
From ACM News

Microsoft's Xbox Motion Control System Is Kinect

After more than a year of speculation, we finally know what Microsoft's new motion-control system is called. For those that have referred to it for a year as Project...

Merely Human? That
From ACM News

Merely Human? That

On a Tuesday evening this spring, Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google, became part man and part machine. About 40 people, all gathered here at a NASA campus for...

From ACM News

A Decade Later, Genetic Map Yields Few New Cures

Ten years after President Bill Clinton announced that the first draft of the human genome was complete, medicine has yet to see any large part of the promised benefits...

Boldly Going Nowhere: Nasa Ends Plan to Put Man Back on Moon
From ACM News

Boldly Going Nowhere: Nasa Ends Plan to Put Man Back on Moon

NASA has begun to wind down construction of the rockets and spacecraft that were to have taken astronauts back to the Moon, effectively dismantling what was arguably...

From ACM News

Computing with Secrets, but Keeping them Safe

A novel technique could see future Web services work with sensitive data without ever being able to read it. Several implementations of a mathematical proof unveiled...

Pentagon Manhunt
From ACM News

Pentagon Manhunt

Pentagon investigators are trying to determine the whereabouts of the Australian-born founder of the secretive website Wikileaks for fear that he may be about to...

Programming Visually With Sikuli
From ACM TechNews

Programming Visually With Sikuli

Researchers at MIT and the University of Maryland have created Sikuli, software that could eventually make programming easy enough for everyday computer users. 
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