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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Missouri S&T Taps Royalty Income to Commercialize Technologies

In an effort to move more technology out of the laboratories and into the marketplace, Missouri University of Science and Technology is reinvesting its earnings...

Nanotubes Give Batteries a Jolt
From ACM News

Nanotubes Give Batteries a Jolt

Lithium-ion batteries with nanotube electrodes could go longer between charges.

Insects Inspire Robot Design
From ACM News

Insects Inspire Robot Design

Oregon State University professor John Schmitt and his colleagues look to cockroaches and guinea hens as locomotion models for future robots that can easily run...

18th-Century Painters Give Photography New Perspective
From ACM TechNews

18th-Century Painters Give Photography New Perspective

Software engineer Thomas Sharpless and colleagues have developed Panini, software that can make wide-angled digital photos with perfect perspective using a technique...

From ACM TechNews

White House Seeks Input on It, Science

The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology is seeking public input on how the U.S. government can best use information technology, biotechnology...

FCC Moves to Expand Role in Broadband
From ACM TechNews

FCC Moves to Expand Role in Broadband

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission wants to overturn a 2002 commission ruling that designated broadband transmission as a lightly regulated service and...

New Mental-Health Apps For Iphones Like a 'therapist in Your Pocket'
From ACM TechNews

New Mental-Health Apps For Iphones Like a 'therapist in Your Pocket'

Researchers are developing iPhone apps designed to alleviate the symptoms of mental illness. The apps provide advice on how to change negative affective states...

From ACM TechNews

In Debate, Audience Finds that the Cyberwar Threat Is Not Exaggerated

A panel of four leading security experts recently held a debate about the threat of cyberwarfare. The discussion emphasized that the threat is indeed very serious...

Study Shows Inequalities in 'White-Spaces' Wireless
From ACM TechNews

Study Shows Inequalities in 'White-Spaces' Wireless

University of California, Berkeley researchers recently published a detailed analysis of the potential for long-distance wireless Internet connectivity using white...

From ACM News

Kaminsky Issues Developer Tool To Kill Injection Bugs

Renowned security researcher Dan Kaminsky today went public with the launch of a new venture as well as its first deliverable--a tool for application developers...

From ACM News

New Tech Moves Beyond the Mouse, Keyboard and Screen

Goodbye computer mouse, keyboard and monitor. Say hello to a new, simpler era of human-computer interaction--this time, with no clunky hardware standing between...

Oil Spill on Track to Reach Atlantic No Later Than October
From ACM News

Oil Spill on Track to Reach Atlantic No Later Than October

 Oil gushing from the Deepwater Horizon site in the Gulf of Mexico will reach the Atlantic Ocean within six months, says oceanographer Synte Peacock. Exactly when...

$2.9 Million Grant To Support Innovative Approach to STEM Disciplines
From ACM News

$2.9 Million Grant To Support Innovative Approach to STEM Disciplines

Professor Ron Eglash of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has received a five-year, $2.9 million National Science Foundation research grant to support the development...

Tasty New Standards For Systems-on-Chips
From ICT Results

Tasty New Standards For Systems-on-Chips

European researchers have developed breakthrough standards that will let microchip designers integrate more complex circuits more easily. It will mean a faster...

Algorithm Ranks World's Top Soccer Talent
From ACM News

Algorithm Ranks World's Top Soccer Talent

These days, in pretty much every sport, there is no hiding from statistics. Coaches, team owners, fantasy leaguers, and fans are tracking and analyzing a player's...

From ACM TechNews

'email Triage' Technology Helps Manage ­rgent Issues on Mobiles

IBM has unveiled research on how people handle email differently when using mobile devices.  

Japan's Creepy Kid Robots Perfect Pals For Chucky
From ACM TechNews

Japan's Creepy Kid Robots Perfect Pals For Chucky

Japanese engineers have created two robots designed to interact with children and mimic human growth. Researchers say the robots could inform cognitive development...

Computer Intelligence Assists Study of Human Visual Attention
From ACM News

Computer Intelligence Assists Study of Human Visual Attention

A computer-based model has advanced the study of change blindness, the failure of humans to detect seemingly obvious changes to scenes around them. 

Resilient Electric Grid Project Develops the ­ltimate Surge Protector
From ACM News

Resilient Electric Grid Project Develops the ­ltimate Surge Protector

The Resilient Electric Grid project is developing a current limiting high-temperature superconductor cable that could be used to link substations and help ensure...

From ACM News

Researchers Develop Ultra-Simple Method for Creating Nanoscale Gold Coatings

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed an ultra-simple method for making layers of gold that measure only billionths of a meter thick,...
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