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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computers Make Strides in Recognizing Speech
From ACM News

Computers Make Strides in Recognizing Speech

"Hi, thanks for coming," the medical assistant says, greeting a mother with her 5-year-old son. "Are you here for your child or yourself?" The boy, the mother replies...

From ACM News

Beyond the Petaflop: DARPA Wants Quintillion-Speed Computers

Not known for taking the demure route, researchers at DARPA this week announced a program aimed at building computers that exceed current peta-scale computers to...

Toward the Semantic Web
From ACM TechNews

Toward the Semantic Web

The World Wide Web Consortium recently published the Rule Interchange Format, a new standard that should help bring the idea of the Semantic Web closer to reality...

From ACM TechNews

How Html5 Will Change the Web

The implementation of HTML5 will remake the Internet and enable basic Web sites to do much more, from tracking a user's location to storing more data in the cloud...

Sleepserver Software Lets Enterprise Pcs Work While They Sleep
From ACM News

Sleepserver Software Lets Enterprise Pcs Work While They Sleep

Personal computers in enterprise environments save energy and money by "sleep-working," thanks to new software called SleepServer created by computer scientists...

Pioneering Seac Computer Remembered on 60th Anniversary
From ACM News

Pioneering Seac Computer Remembered on 60th Anniversary

Sixty years ago this week, the National Bureau of Standards dedicated the first programmable computer in U.S. history.

Judge Sides With Google in Viacom Video Suit
From ACM News

Judge Sides With Google in Viacom Video Suit

In a major victory for Google in its battle with media companies, a federal judge in New York on Wednesday threw out Viacom’s $1 billion copyright infringement...

From ACM News

Nist to Lead Nice Cybersecurity Program

NIST has been tapped to coordinate the new interagency program, which aims to promote cybersecurity awareness and know-how across the country and among citizens...

From ACM News

Nsa Gets Geeky After Dark, New Docs Show

It's an agency staffed by some of the government's top hackers, brainiest cryptographers, and most sophisticated network defenders. But when employees at the NSA...

From ACM News

Sending Data 160 Characters at a Time

In the absence of a good Internet connection, why not use text messages to transmit data?

Silicon Chips to Enter World of High Speed Optical Processing
From ACM TechNews

Silicon Chips to Enter World of High Speed Optical Processing

University of Sydney physicists have developed an on-chip, all-optical temporal integrator on a complementary metal oxide semiconductor, a development that eventually...

­sing Science Against Suicide Bombs
From ACM TechNews

­sing Science Against Suicide Bombs

Software that models the effects of suicide bombings has been developed by computer scientist Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani, whose expertise could help inform the construction...

Blogs and Tweets Could Predict the Future
From ACM TechNews

Blogs and Tweets Could Predict the Future

Forecasts about social and economic trends could be generated through the analysis of blogs and tweets, building on earlier research by Google and others to mine...

­sing the Wisdom of Crowds to Translate Language
From ACM TechNews

­sing the Wisdom of Crowds to Translate Language

Linguists are attempting to harness the power of crowdsourcing to help machines achieve perfect translations. 

From ACM TechNews

Presidential Committee on Innovation Hosts First Meeting to Boost Promising Tech, Jobs

New products and jobs could be created through government support for the synthesis of IT, nanotechnology, and biotechnology, according to experts gathered at the...

Trumping the Trumpets: How Audio Engineering Helps Tone Down Vuvuzela Disruption
From ACM TechNews

Trumping the Trumpets: How Audio Engineering Helps Tone Down Vuvuzela Disruption

A new filter will enable soccer fans watching the 2010 World Cup online to remove the sounds of vuvuzelas playing in South Africa's stadiums. 

From ACM TechNews

Is Cloud Computing Fast Enough For Science?

The U.S. Department of Energy's Magellan cloud computing testbed has shown that commercially available clouds suffer in performance when operating message passing...

Robocup 2010: Could Robot Versus Human Be Far Behind?
From ACM TechNews

Robocup 2010: Could Robot Versus Human Be Far Behind?

The goal of the RoboCup 2010 competition in Singapore is to advance the real-world applications of robotics and eventually to build a robot team that can beat the...

Visions of the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Visions of the Future

ACM joined forces with the British Computer Society to deliver its first academic research conference in Europe.

Eric Brewer: Change Agent
From Communications of the ACM

Eric Brewer: Change Agent

Eric Brewer's latest project involves designing and deploying low-cost wireless infrastructure in developing regions.
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