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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google's Fight to Keep Search a Secret
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Google's Fight to Keep Search a Secret

Can Google keep a secret?

From ACM News

'broken Symmetry' Discovery Opens Path to Room-Temperature Superconductors

In a major step toward understanding the mysterious "pseudogap" state in high-temperature cuprate superconductors, a team of scientists have found a "broken symmetry...

Human Trials Next For Darpa's Mind-Controlled Artificial Arm
From ACM News

Human Trials Next For Darpa's Mind-Controlled Artificial Arm

Pentagon-backed scientists are getting ready to test thought-controlled prosthetic arms on human subjects, by rewiring their brains to fully integrate the artificial...

Cutting-Edge Medical Imaging System Will Employ Night Vision Technology
From ACM News

Cutting-Edge Medical Imaging System Will Employ Night Vision Technology

UTHealth has reached an agreement with other institutions that will allow it to take the next step in commercially developing an innovative medical imaging system...

From ACM TechNews

Researchers ­nsheathe New Tool to Battle Botnets

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign researchers have developed a method to use a botnet's own technology to defeat it. 

Geo-Tags Reveal Celeb Secrets
From ACM TechNews

Geo-Tags Reveal Celeb Secrets

U.S. computer scientists have demonstrated that by using information from Internet images and videos it is possible to determine the addresses and locations of...

From ACM News

How Twitter Could Better Predict Disease Outbreaks

Social media is particularly useful for anyone who wants to track the present—or predict the future.

Virtual Reality System Puts Researchers Inside Protein Structures
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Virtual Reality System Puts Researchers Inside Protein Structures

To understand a protein, it helps to get inside of it, and a University of Arkansas professor James F. Hinton has developed a virtual reality system that does...

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Darpa’s leading advocate for crowdsourcing and other ways of tapping new talent is leaving to join Microsoft—after only a year at the Defense Department’s top R&D...

From ACM TechNews

Taking Computer Games Into the Future

Computing experts from the University of Essex, Imperial College, and the University of Bradford are working to make artificial intelligence smarter, which will...

From ACM News

Pnnl, Chinese Researchers Begin Cooperative Clean Energy Work

Researchers from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, the National Energy Technology Laboratory and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have formed a partnership...

Video Game Processors Help Lower Ct Scan Radiation
From ACM News

Video Game Processors Help Lower Ct Scan Radiation

A new approach to processing X-ray data could lower by a factor of ten or more the amount of radiation patients receive during cone beam CT scans, report researchers...

From ACM TechNews

New Research Can Spot Cloud Computing Problems Before They Start

North Carolina State University researchers have developed a system that will enable large-scale, computer-hosting infrastructure providers to more accurately predict...

Superconductor Research May Solve 'pseudogap' Problem in Physics
From ACM News

Superconductor Research May Solve 'pseudogap' Problem in Physics

Binghamton University physicist Michael Lawler and his colleagues have made a breakthrough that could lead to advances in superconductors.

From ACM News

Entering the Secret World of Wikileaks

The Website Wikileaks publishes secret documents submitted by anonymous sources and makes them available to the public. The site, which went public in January 2007...

At Irobot, Moving Way Beyond the Roomba
From ACM News

At Irobot, Moving Way Beyond the Roomba

I have seen the future of military robotics, and it is autonomy.

Europe Overtakes Asia as Top Producer of Email Spam
From ACM News

Europe Overtakes Asia as Top Producer of Email Spam

Europe has overtaken Asia as the biggest source of email spam worldwide with Britain a major culprit, according to a new report by information technology security...

China's Green Dam May Be Ready to Collapse
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China's Green Dam May Be Ready to Collapse

China's Green Dam software-filtering project has been staying afloat without government funds for the past year, but the project may now be in danger of collapse...

From ACM News

The Challenge of China's Green Technology Policy

To remain competitive in the growing clean energy race, the United States  must implement a new public investment strategy with the overarching goal of making...

From ACM News

Letting the Machines Decide

Wall Street is notorious for not learning from its mistakes. Maybe machines can do better.
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