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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Who Gives a Tweet? Nuanced Feedback For Microbloggers
From ACM TechNews

Who Gives a Tweet? Nuanced Feedback For Microbloggers

The University of Southampton's Paul Andre is collaborating with researchers from MIT and the Georgia Institute of Technology on a website—Who Gives A Tweet (WGATweet...

From ACM TechNews

Machine Science

Manually tracking all the published science relevant to a scientist's research is an impossible task, but it is predicted that computers capable of generating many...

A Smoother Street View
From ACM TechNews

A Smoother Street View

Microsoft researchers have developed Street Slide, street-level imaging software that could help people find locations more quickly on the Web, as well as leave...

Defcon Ninja Party Badge
From ACM News

Defcon Ninja Party Badge

A hacker group known as the Ninjas has created what may be the best DefCon badge ever. The badge allows wireless ninja battle between badge holders. Unlike the...

From ACM News

Snapshot of Global Internet Speeds Revealed

A report based on analysis of huge amounts of net traffic has revealed the state of the Internet around the globe.

A Smoother Street View
From ACM News

A Smoother Street View

Microsoft's new toy allows for a more seamless walk down an online avenue.

Device Lets Disabled Steer Wheelchair, Communicate By Sniffing
From ACM News

Device Lets Disabled Steer Wheelchair, Communicate By Sniffing

Weizmann Institute scientists have invented a unique device, based on sniffing, that permits disabled persons to navigate wheelchairs and communicate. Sniffing...

Researcher Develops ­nderground Wireless Communication For Mines
From ACM News

Researcher Develops ­nderground Wireless Communication For Mines

Thanks to the work of Ryerson University researcher Xavier Fernando, countless miners' lives could be saved in the future with state-of-the-art technology that...

From ACM News

Cheaper Substrates Made of Oxide Materials

Researchers at Taiwan's National Chiao Tung University have made a discovery that opens the door to building cheaper electronic components like diodes on a variety...

High-Speed Laser Chips Move Data at 50 Gbps
From ACM News

High-Speed Laser Chips Move Data at 50 Gbps

A new research breakthrough from Intel combines silicon chips and lasers to transmit data at 50 gigabits per second—and someday, maybe as fast as a terabit per...

Acrobatic Robots
From ACM News

Acrobatic Robots

Dennis Hong is living his dream, in a lab filled with wacky robots. He is director of Virginia Tech's Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory, which is filled with...

Polymer Synthesis Could Aid Future Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Polymer Synthesis Could Aid Future Electronics

Canadian and Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have developed a process that could lead to the development of brighter, clearer, and more energy-efficient...

From ACM News

How Will the Smart Grid Handle Heat Waves?

Pretty well, once the technology to automatically respond to peak demand and store renewable energy matures.

From ACM News

So Many Bugs, So Little Time

Tools that find serious bugs automatically could lead to safer, more stable software.

Technology Not a Key Differentiator in Modern War, Historian Says
From ACM News

Technology Not a Key Differentiator in Modern War, Historian Says

Despite the U.S. military's increasing reliance on technologies like aerial drones and global positioning systems, technology is not a decisive factor in modern...

In Ruling on Iphones, Apple Loses a Bit of Its Grip
From ACM News

In Ruling on Iphones, Apple Loses a Bit of Its Grip

Apple likes to maintain tight control over what programs can appear on the iPhone—a task that just became a little bit harder.

Perfecting Synthetic Sounds For Animated Worlds
From ACM News

Perfecting Synthetic Sounds For Animated Worlds

If computers can generate the imagery in animated movies like Toy Story 3 and Despicable Me, why can't they also generate the sound effects to go with them?

Cut-and-Paste Simplicity For Computer Animation
From ICT Results

Cut-and-Paste Simplicity For Computer Animation

Tools developed by European researchers bring cut-and-paste simplicity to gaming and animation. Users will be able to cut-and-paste complex elements like emotion...

From ACM News

Bringing Data Mining into the Mainstream

Plumbing the world’s ever-growing pools of digitized information—on the Web, in corporate databases, generated by scientific research—for wisdom and profit is a...

From ACM TechNews

Nanowick at Heart of New System to Cool 'power Electronics'

Purdue University researchers have developed an advanced cooling technology that can handle about 10 times the heat generated by conventional computer chips. 
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