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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Censoring Sensors
From Communications of the ACM

Censoring Sensors

Amid growing outcry over controversial online videos, tech firms grapple with how best to police online advertising.

Overcoming Disabilities
From Communications of the ACM

Overcoming Disabilities

Brain-computer interfaces hold the promise of fully featured replacements for body parts that don't work or are missing.

Why Blockchain Is Taking Over the World
From ACM News

Why Blockchain Is Taking Over the World

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other blockchain-based cryptocurrencies are booming—and for good reason.

This Company's Robots Are Making Everything, and Reshaping the World
From ACM Careers

This Company's Robots Are Making Everything, and Reshaping the World

The headquarters of Fanuc sit in the shadow of Mt. Fuji, on a sprawling, secluded campus of 22 windowless factories and dozens of office buildings.

Fbi Couldn't Access Nearly 7k Devices Because of Encryption  
From ACM News

Fbi Couldn't Access Nearly 7k Devices Because of Encryption  

The FBI hasn't been able to retrieve data from more than half of the mobile devices it tried to access in less than a year, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Sunday...

For $1,000, Anyone Can Purchase Online Ads to Track Your Location and App ­se
From ACM TechNews

For $1,000, Anyone Can Purchase Online Ads to Track Your Location and App ­se

Researchers suggest it could cost only about $1,000 for someone to buy and target online ads in order to monitor the location of others, as well as their application...

The Shape of Work to Come 
From ACM News

The Shape of Work to Come 

Last year, entrepreneur Sebastian Thrun set out to augment his sales force with artificial intelligence.

It Takes Just $1,000 to Track Someone's Location with Mobile Ads
From ACM News

It Takes Just $1,000 to Track Someone's Location with Mobile Ads

When you consider the nagging privacy risks of online advertising, you may find comfort in the thought of a vast, abstract company like Pepsi or Nike viewing you...

Serious Flaw in Wpa2 Protocol Lets Attackers Intercept Passwords and Much More
From ACM TechNews

Serious Flaw in Wpa2 Protocol Lets Attackers Intercept Passwords and Much More

Researchers have discovered a severe flaw in the WPA2 protocol that enables hackers within range of a vulnerable device or access point to intercept passwords and...

China's Xi Calls For More Technology Development
From ACM Careers

China's Xi Calls For More Technology Development

President Xi Jinping called Wednesday for the ruling Communist Party to lead development of Chinese technology industries, an area fraught with trade tensions and...

Welcoming Our New Robot Overlords
From ACM Careers

Welcoming Our New Robot Overlords

When David Stinson finished high school, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1977, the first thing he did was get a job building houses.

Justices to Decide on Forcing Technology Firms to Provide Data Held Abroad
From ACM News

Justices to Decide on Forcing Technology Firms to Provide Data Held Abroad

The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to decide whether federal prosecutors can force technology companies to turn over data stored outside the United States. 

Could AI Be the Future of Fake News and Product Reviews?
From ACM TechNews

Could AI Be the Future of Fake News and Product Reviews?

Researchers are experimenting with artificial intelligence-based techniques for automatically generating convincing online reviews, such as bogus restaurant critiques...

Addressing National Priorities and Societal Needs Symposium
From ACM TechNews

Addressing National Priorities and Societal Needs Symposium

The Computing Community Consortium on October 23-24 will host the "Computing Research: Addressing National Priorities and Societal Needs Symposium."

Internet Researchers Harnessed the Power of Algorithm to Find Hate Speech
From ACM TechNews

Internet Researchers Harnessed the Power of Algorithm to Find Hate Speech

Researchers have trained an algorithm to identify hate speech by comparing what differentiates text that includes hate speech from text that does not contain hate...

Driverless Cars Could Let You Choose Who Survives in a Crash
From ACM TechNews

Driverless Cars Could Let You Choose Who Survives in a Crash

Researchers have developed a dial that will switch a smart car's setting from "full altruist" to "full egoist," with the middle setting being impartial.

The World Once Laughed at North Korean Cyberpower. No More.
From ACM News

The World Once Laughed at North Korean Cyberpower. No More.

When North Korean hackers tried to steal $1 billion from the New York Federal Reserve last year, only a spelling error stopped them.

Driverless Cars Learn From Humans in Greenwich Project
From ACM TechNews

Driverless Cars Learn From Humans in Greenwich Project

Tests are underway in the London borough of Greenwich in the U.K. that could expedite the development of safer driverless vehicles under the government-funded Move_UK...

The Female Code Breakers Who Helped Defeat the Nazis
From ACM TechNews

The Female Code Breakers Who Helped Defeat the Nazis

More than 10,000 female "cryptoanalysts" were enlisted by the U.S. Army and Navy to help crack Nazi codes and ensure the Allies' victory in World War II.

This AI Can Tell True Hate Speech From Harmless Banter
From ACM TechNews

This AI Can Tell True Hate Speech From Harmless Banter

Researchers at McGill University have taught machine-learning software to identify hate speech by acquiring knowledge on how members of hateful communities speak...
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