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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Race to Secure Voting Tech Gets an ­rgent Jumpstart
From ACM TechNews

The Race to Secure Voting Tech Gets an ­rgent Jumpstart

There is an urgent need to secure U.S. voting systems ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, according to a report by the Atlantic Council think tank and hacking...

7 Ways to Get More Girls and Women Into STEM (and Encourage Them to Stay)
From ACM TechNews

7 Ways to Get More Girls and Women Into STEM (and Encourage Them to Stay)

A recent forum of industry and academic experts offered proposals for encouraging girls and women to pursue science, technology, engineering, and math careers. ...

Careers For Women in Technology Companies Are a Global Challenge
From ACM TechNews

Careers For Women in Technology Companies Are a Global Challenge

Gender bias in technology is a problem for women on both sides of the Atlantic, although the challenges and opportunities they face can differ due to political...

How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World For ­.s. Secrets
From ACM News

How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World For ­.s. Secrets

It was a case of spies watching spies watching spies: Israeli intelligence officers looked on in real time as Russian government hackers searched computers around...

Google, Facebook and Twitter scramble to Hold Washington at Bay
From ACM Careers

Google, Facebook and Twitter scramble to Hold Washington at Bay

Google summoned about 200 policy staff from around the world last month for a debate on whether the company's size has made it too attractive as a target for government...

How Computers Turned Gerrymandering Into a Science
From ACM News

How Computers Turned Gerrymandering Into a Science

About as many Democrats live in Wisconsin as Republicans do.

Russians Took a Page from Corporate America By ­sing Facebook Tool to Id and Influence Voters
From ACM News

Russians Took a Page from Corporate America By ­sing Facebook Tool to Id and Influence Voters

Russian operatives set up an array of misleading Web sites and social media pages to identify American voters susceptible to propaganda, then used a powerful Facebook...

'mind-Boggling' Math Could Make Blockchain Work For Wall Street
From ACM Careers

'mind-Boggling' Math Could Make Blockchain Work For Wall Street

A major breakthrough in cryptography may have solved one of the biggest obstacles to using blockchain technology on Wall Street: keeping transaction data private...

Two Intelligent Vehicles Are Better Than One
From ACM TechNews

Two Intelligent Vehicles Are Better Than One

Researchers are working to improve intelligent vehicle systems by combining the data collected by such a vehicle with that collected from other intelligent vehicles...

Collaborative Software Development Made Easy
From ACM News

Collaborative Software Development Made Easy

Sebastian Neubert, a particle physicist at Heidelberg University in Germany, leads a group studying subatomic particles called pentaquarks. The six team members...

Umd-Led Project Awarded Nsf Grant to Study Big Data Ethics
From ACM TechNews

Umd-Led Project Awarded Nsf Grant to Study Big Data Ethics

The Pervasive Data Ethics for Computational Research project is using a U.S. National Science Foundation grant to study ethical issues related to user consent,...

Russian Facebook Ads Showed a Black Woman Firing a Rifle, Amid Efforts to Stoke Racial Strife
From ACM News

Russian Facebook Ads Showed a Black Woman Firing a Rifle, Amid Efforts to Stoke Racial Strife

One of the Russian-bought advertisements that Facebook shared with congressional investigators on Monday featured photographs of an armed black woman "dry firing"...

­Understanding Ethereum, Bitcoin's Virtual Cousin
From ACM Careers

­Understanding Ethereum, Bitcoin's Virtual Cousin

Bitcoin has many cousins and competitors. None have grown more popular than Ethereum, a global computer network with its own virtual currency, called Ether.

The Ridiculous Amount of Energy It Takes to Run Bitcoin
From ACM TechNews

The Ridiculous Amount of Energy It Takes to Run Bitcoin

Keeping bitcoin running via the process of "mining" consumes a staggering amount of electricity, and experts are investigating energy-saving solutions.

The State of Women in Computer Science
From ACM TechNews

The State of Women in Computer Science

Several factors are preventing women from pursuing and persisting in computer science majors.

As Scrutiny Of Social Networks Grows, Influence Attacks Continue In Real Time
From ACM News

As Scrutiny Of Social Networks Grows, Influence Attacks Continue In Real Time

The presidential election is long past, but online attacks aimed at shaping the U.S. information environment have kept right on coming.

Lehigh University Engineers Create Computer Program That Is Saving the State Prison System Millions of Dollars
From ACM TechNews

Lehigh University Engineers Create Computer Program That Is Saving the State Prison System Millions of Dollars

Researchers have developed an algorithm expected to save Pennsylvania's prison system $2.9 million annually by accelerating the process of determining where prisoners...

Computer Science and Engineering Researcher Teams With Industry to Provide Facial Recognition Technology
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science and Engineering Researcher Teams With Industry to Provide Facial Recognition Technology

A University of Texas at Arlington professor is working to evaluate existing deep-learning methods for face detection and facial recognition.

Asu Team Takes Cyberbullying App Public
From ACM TechNews

Asu Team Takes Cyberbullying App Public

Researchers at Arizona State University have publicly released their BullyBlocker smartphone application.

Goodbye, Login. Hello, Heart Scan
From ACM TechNews

Goodbye, Login. Hello, Heart Scan

A new computer security system uses heart dimensions for identification.
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