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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Seven Steps to Creating a Brain Implant
From ACM News

Seven Steps to Creating a Brain Implant

The brain is one of the most delicate and complex objects in the universe, so tinkering with its activity may seem like a fool's errand.

Molecular Flash Memory Could Store Massive Amounts of Data
From ACM TechNews

Molecular Flash Memory Could Store Massive Amounts of Data

Novel molecules could help expand the storage capacity of flash memory, which is widely used in mobile devices such as smartphones. 

Automakers Aim to Drive Away Car Computer Hackers
From ACM News

Automakers Aim to Drive Away Car Computer Hackers

Against the team of hackers, the poor car stood no chance.

Researchers Announce Advance in Image-Recognition Software
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Researchers Announce Advance in Image-Recognition Software

Two groups of scientists, working independently, have created artificial intelligence software capable of recognizing and describing the content of photographs...

Researchers Advance 'quantum Teleportation'
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Researchers Advance 'quantum Teleportation'

The world at the quantum level, at the scale of particles too small for the eye to see, is very strange.

Sculptor Offers Another Clue in 24-Year-Old Mystery at C.i.a.
From ACM News

Sculptor Offers Another Clue in 24-Year-Old Mystery at C.i.a.

The artist who created the enigmatic Kryptos, a puzzle-in-a-sculpture that has driven code breakers to distraction since it was installed 24 years ago in a courtyard...

Mathematical Time Law Governs Crowd Flow
From ACM News

Mathematical Time Law Governs Crowd Flow

Walking in crowds means predicting the future.

Georgia Tech Professor Proposes Alternative to 'turing Test'
From ACM TechNews

Georgia Tech Professor Proposes Alternative to 'turing Test'

Georgia Institute of Technology professor Mark Riedl has developed a more rigorous way to evaluate the intelligence of a computer than the Turing Test. 

Cats and Athletes Teach Robots to Fall
From ACM TechNews

Cats and Athletes Teach Robots to Fall

Researchers are studying feline and human behavior during falls with the goal of applying its physics to robotic landings. 

Researchers Push Supercomputing's Bleeding Edge With Diverse Applications
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Push Supercomputing's Bleeding Edge With Diverse Applications

One of five finalists will be awarded ACM's Gordon Bell Prize today at the SC14 high-performance computing conference in New Orleans. 

Evolution Software Looks Beyond the Branches
From ACM TechNews

Evolution Software Looks Beyond the Branches

PhyloNet is an open source Java-based program that accounts for both the horizontal and vertical inheritance of genetic material among genomes. 

Ntu Engineers Develop Innovative Process to Print Flexible Electronic Circuits
From ACM TechNews

Ntu Engineers Develop Innovative Process to Print Flexible Electronic Circuits

Nanyang Technological University researchers say they have developed a technique to print complex electronic circuits using a common T-shirt printer. 

Scientific Computing's Future: Can Any Coding Language Top a 1950s Behemoth?
From ACM News

Scientific Computing's Future: Can Any Coding Language Top a 1950s Behemoth?

Cutting-edge research still universally involves Fortran; a trio of challengers wants in.

Penn Engineers Efficiently 'mix' Light at the Nanoscale
From ACM TechNews

Penn Engineers Efficiently 'mix' Light at the Nanoscale

Scientists say photonic-based systems could replace electronic systems as a way to make computer components smaller, faster, and less power-hungry.

IBM Shares Plans For Supercomputing Future
From ACM TechNews

IBM Shares Plans For Supercomputing Future

IBM is developing a new supercomputing architecture to boost data processing at the storage, memory, and input/output levels. 

Researchers Test First 'smart Spaces' ­sing Light to Send Data
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Test First 'smart Spaces' ­sing Light to Send Data

Dartmouth College professor Xia Zhou and colleagues are experimenting with "smart spaces" featuring ceiling-mounted light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and light sensors...

Window Washing Skills Beyond a Robot's Reach
From ACM News

Window Washing Skills Beyond a Robot's Reach

As a pair of window washers clung to a scaffold dangling outside the 68th floor of 1 World Trade Center on Wednesday, the captivating drama left some below wondering...

Three Touchdowns For Rosetta's Lander
From ACM News

Three Touchdowns For Rosetta's Lander

After achieving touchdown on a comet for the first time in history, scientists and engineers are busy analysing this new world and the nature of the landing.

Google's Larry Page: The Most Ambitious Ceo in the ­niverse
From ACM Careers

Google's Larry Page: The Most Ambitious Ceo in the ­niverse

As Google's core business continues to thrive, Larry Page is making huge bets on new technology—ingestible nanoparticles, balloons that beam down broadband—that...

Robot That Moves Like an Inchworm Could Go Places Other Robots Can't
From ACM TechNews

Robot That Moves Like an Inchworm Could Go Places Other Robots Can't

Researchers have developed a soft, worm-like robot that moves similarly to inchworms. 
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