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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do
From ACM News

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do

What animal is in the picture above?

Google's Secretive Deepmind Start-up ­nveils A 'neural Turing Machine'
From ACM News

Google's Secretive Deepmind Start-up ­nveils A 'neural Turing Machine'

One of the great challenges of neuroscience is to understand the short-term working memory in the human brain.

Prepare For the Part-Time Self-Driving Car
From ACM News

Prepare For the Part-Time Self-Driving Car

Self-driving AI cars have been a staple in popular culture for some time—any child of the 1980s will fondly remember both the Autobots and Knight Rider's KITT—but...

The Rise of Human-Like Robots, Cars and Drones
From ACM News

The Rise of Human-Like Robots, Cars and Drones

Ginger is only a couple of feet tall, but she soon commands attention as she takes to the stage. "I would like to say it's a pleasure to be here," she tells the...

Materials Trick Might Help Move Computers Beyond Silicon
From ACM News

Materials Trick Might Help Move Computers Beyond Silicon

After decades of repeated reinvention, the silicon transistor is starting to show its age, and the industry is hunting for alternatives.

Indiana ­niversity Investing $7 Million For New Complexity Institute
From ACM TechNews

Indiana ­niversity Investing $7 Million For New Complexity Institute

Indiana University recently announced the establishment of the Indiana University Network Science Institute, a $7-million initiative to examine complex networks...

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Awards Data Science Grant to Carnegie Mellon Researcher
From ACM TechNews

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Awards Data Science Grant to Carnegie Mellon Researcher

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation has named Carnegie Mellon University professor Carl Kingsford a Moore Investigator in Data-Driven Discovery. 

From Brain To Computer: Helping 'locked-In' Patient Get His Thoughts Out
From ACM News

From Brain To Computer: Helping 'locked-In' Patient Get His Thoughts Out

In 2009, a man named Barry Beck suffered a series of strokes, which caused extensive damage to his right occipital lobe and to the brain stem.

Researchers Simplify Parallel Programming
From Communications of the ACM

Researchers Simplify Parallel Programming

Parallel computing has become increasingly important as chipmakers put more and more processor cores on individual chips.

A Quantum World Arising from Many Ordinary Ones
From ACM News

A Quantum World Arising from Many Ordinary Ones

The bizarre behaviour of the quantum world—with objects existing in two places simultaneously and light behaving as either waves or particles—could result from...

Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots For Ebola
From ACM News

Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots For Ebola

Robotics scientists nationwide are pondering an intriguing possibility: Might robotic technologies deployed in rescue and disaster situations be quickly repurposed...

Machine-Learning Maestro Michael Jordan on the Delusions of Big Data and Other Huge Engineering Efforts
From ACM Opinion

Machine-Learning Maestro Michael Jordan on the Delusions of Big Data and Other Huge Engineering Efforts

The overeager adoption of big data is likely to result in catastrophes of analysis comparable to a national epidemic of collapsing bridges.

MIT Computer Scientists Can Predict the Price of Bitcoin
From ACM TechNews

MIT Computer Scientists Can Predict the Price of Bitcoin

Researchers have developed a machine-learning algorithm that can predict the price of Bitcoin. 

Galactic Wheel of Life Shines in Infrared
From ACM News

Galactic Wheel of Life Shines in Infrared

It might look like a spoked wheel or even a "Chakram" weapon wielded by warriors like "Xena," from the fictional TV show, but this ringed galaxy is actually a vast...

Ask Watson or Siri: Artificial Intelligence Is as Elusive as Ever
From ACM TechNews

Ask Watson or Siri: Artificial Intelligence Is as Elusive as Ever

Scientists are no closer to achieving an overall general artificial intelligence, in the sense that a computer can behave like a human.

How the World Came to Be Run By Computer Code
From ACM News

How the World Came to Be Run By Computer Code

From the scythe to the steam engine, we've always used technology to control the world around us.

In Conversation Marc Andreessen
From ACM Opinion

In Conversation Marc Andreessen

It's not hard to coax an opinion out of Marc Andreessen.

To Siri, With Love
From ACM Opinion

To Siri, With Love

Just how bad a mother am I? I wondered, as I watched my 13-year-old son deep in conversation with Siri.

Cassini Caught in Hyperion's Particle Beam
From ACM News

Cassini Caught in Hyperion's Particle Beam

Static electricity is known to play an important role on Earth's airless, dusty moon, but evidence of static charge building up on other objects in the solar system...

ESA Confirms the Primary Landing Site for Rosetta
From ACM News

ESA Confirms the Primary Landing Site for Rosetta

ESA has given the green light for its Rosetta mission to deliver its lander, Philae, to the primary site on 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko on 12 November, in the first...
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