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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Visualizing 4-Dimensional Asteroids
From ACM Opinion

Visualizing 4-Dimensional Asteroids

One of the largest treasure troves of astronomical data comes from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), an ongoing scan of the firmament that began 15 years ago...

Mapping Big Data
From ACM TechNews

Mapping Big Data

Researchers are applying geographic mapping principals to large sets of unstructured data in hopes of gaining insights into the relationships between them. 

Nsa Director Rogers ­rges Cyber-Resiliency
From ACM News

Nsa Director Rogers ­rges Cyber-Resiliency

In his keynote address at the Billington Cybersecurity Summit, NSA Director and Commander of U.S. Cyber Command, Admiral Mike Rogers, explained that the Defense...

Seeking Human Cyber Consciousness
From ACM News

Seeking Human Cyber Consciousness

An American lawyer, author, and entrepreneur is using computer science to advance towards "the coming age of our own cyber consciousness and techno-immortality."...

MIT Invents a Magic Lens That Combines All Your Screens Into a Single Experience
From ACM News

MIT Invents a Magic Lens That Combines All Your Screens Into a Single Experience

When we need to send a command or a file from our smartphone to our laptop, we do it through menus.

How Network Theory Is Revealing Previously ­nknown Patterns in Sport
From ACM News

How Network Theory Is Revealing Previously ­nknown Patterns in Sport

If you've ever watched soccer, you'll know of the subtle differences in tactics and formation between different teams.

Tim Cook Interview: The Iphone 6, the Apple Watch, and Remaking a Company's Culture
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook Interview: The Iphone 6, the Apple Watch, and Remaking a Company's Culture

Steve Jobs’s office remains Steve Jobs's office.

The Internet Is Losing Interest in Computers
From ACM Opinion

The Internet Is Losing Interest in Computers

You may know Google Trends.

ACM Awards Knuth Prize to Pioneer for Advances in Algorithms and Complexity Theory
From ACM News

ACM Awards Knuth Prize to Pioneer for Advances in Algorithms and Complexity Theory

Georgia Tech's Lipton cited for introduction of new ideas and techniques

Manufacturing Advances Mean Truly Flexible Devices Are on the Way
From ACM News

Manufacturing Advances Mean Truly Flexible Devices Are on the Way

One of the innovations packed inside the Apple Watch—and highlighted by designer Jony Ive at the company’s grand unveiling this week—is a flexible display.

Camouflage: Can We Ever Create True Invisibility?
From ACM News

Camouflage: Can We Ever Create True Invisibility?

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we humans have been doing our best to compliment other animals for centuries.

Bound for Robotic Glory
From ACM TechNews

Bound for Robotic Glory

Massachusetts Institute of Technology  researchers have developed an algorithm for bounding, and successfully implemented it in a robotic cheetah. 

'j' Marks the Spot For Rosetta's Lander
From ACM News

'j' Marks the Spot For Rosetta's Lander

Rosetta's lander Philae will target Site J, an intriguing region on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko that offers unique scientific potential, with hints of activity...

Cars that Drive Themselves Starting to Chat with Each Other
From ACM News

Cars that Drive Themselves Starting to Chat with Each Other

An Acura RLX sedan demonstrated an unusual way to tow another car this week: the vehicles were not physically attached.

The Challenges and Threats of Automated Lip Reading
From ACM News

The Challenges and Threats of Automated Lip Reading

Back in the 16th century, a Spanish Benedictine monk called Pietro Ponce pioneered the seemingly magical art of lip reading.

Korea ­ps Its Robots Game
From ACM Careers

Korea ­ps Its Robots Game

In 1976 an animated film called Robot Taekwon V captured Korean kids' imaginations with its tale of a superhero robot fending off giant machines bent on world domination...

Data Mining Reveals How Social Coding Succeeds (and Fails)
From ACM News

Data Mining Reveals How Social Coding Succeeds (and Fails)

The process of developing software has undergone huge transformation in the last decade or so.

Nasa to Send Sample-Return Mission to Earth-Bound Asteroid
From ACM News

Nasa to Send Sample-Return Mission to Earth-Bound Asteroid

NASA has long wanted to send a mission to Mars to grab some of its surface and sling it back to Earth.

Where to Grab Space Debris
From ACM News

Where to Grab Space Debris

Objects in space tend to spin—and spin in a way that's totally different from the way they spin on earth.

'smart Genes' Prove Elusive
From ACM News

'smart Genes' Prove Elusive

Scientists looking for the genes underlying intelligence are in for a slog.
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