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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Silicon Fingerprint on Chips Could Make Any Gadget Unhackable
From ACM TechNews

Silicon Fingerprint on Chips Could Make Any Gadget Unhackable

At least one U.S. bank has started supplying its customers with credit and debit cards that contain a physically unclonable function. 

On Her Microphone's Secret Service: How Spies, Anyone Can Grab Crypto Keys from the Air
From ACM News

On Her Microphone's Secret Service: How Spies, Anyone Can Grab Crypto Keys from the Air

Discerning secret crypto keys in computers and gadgets by spying on how they function isn't new, although the techniques used are often considered impractical.

Automatic Debugging of Software
From ACM TechNews

Automatic Debugging of Software

Singapore Management University researchers have developed an automated approach for debugging software that combines elements of previous solutions. 

Going Digital May Make Analog Quantum Computer Scaleable
From ACM News

Going Digital May Make Analog Quantum Computer Scaleable

There are many different schemes for making quantum computers work (most of them evil). But they pretty much all fall into two categories.

Building Morality Into Machines
From ACM News

Building Morality Into Machines

Technology ethics are a growing concern as artificial intelligence advances and autonomous technologies become reality.

A Russian Cybersleuth Battles the 'dark Ages' of the Internet
From ACM Opinion

A Russian Cybersleuth Battles the 'dark Ages' of the Internet

A sense of menace stirs right off the elevator on the fifth floor of Kaspersky Lab's Moscow headquarters, where a small television screen displays cyberthreatsa...

Self-Driving Cars Will Teach Themselves to Save Lives—but Also Take Them
From ACM News

Self-Driving Cars Will Teach Themselves to Save Lives—but Also Take Them

If you follow the ongoing creation of self-driving cars, then you probably know about the classic thought experiment called the Trolley Problem.

Why the World Hates Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Why the World Hates Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is the new Rome. As in the time of Caesar, the world is grappling with an advanced city-state dominating much of the planet, injecting its technology...

Silicon Fingerprint on Chips Could Make Any Gadget Unhackable
From ACM News

Silicon Fingerprint on Chips Could Make Any Gadget Unhackable

Has your bank recently sent you a credit or debit card with a chip in it? If so, you may now be in possession of a little piece of tech that is quietly helping...

Google's Training Its AI to Be Android's Security Guard
From ACM TechNews

Google's Training Its AI to Be Android's Security Guard

Google's Adrian Ludwig says computer security should manage risk so it can  learn to spot potential vulnerabilities on the fly using deep neural networks. 

Advanced Game Theory Goes to Work For Homeland Security
From ACM TechNews

Advanced Game Theory Goes to Work For Homeland Security

The University of Southern California's Teamcore Research Group is creating game theory applications to help agencies solve problems related to homeland security...

First Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Enigma Machine
From ACM News

First Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Enigma Machine

One of the great unsung heroes of 20th century science was a mathematician and engineer at the famous Bell Laboratories in New Jersey called Claude Shannon.

5 Things That Give Self-Driving Cars Headaches
From ACM News

5 Things That Give Self-Driving Cars Headaches

Fully automated cars don’t drink and drive, fall asleep at the wheel, text, talk on the phone or put on makeup while driving.

A Smartphone to Help Keep the Elderly Safe
From ACM TechNews

A Smartphone to Help Keep the Elderly Safe

A team of researchers at Rutgers University is developing a smartphone app that could help keep senior citizens from falling. 

Google Developing Panic Button to Kill Rogue AI
From ACM TechNews

Google Developing Panic Button to Kill Rogue AI

Researchers at Google's DeepMind and Oxford University are collaborating to create a panic button to interrupt a potentially rogue artificial intelligence agent...

Researchers ­ncover a Flaw in Europe's Tough Privacy Rules
From ACM News

Researchers ­ncover a Flaw in Europe's Tough Privacy Rules

Europe likes to think it leads the world in protecting people’s privacy, and that is particularly true for the region’s so-called right to be forgotten.

Tech Turns to Biology as Data Storage Needs Explode
From ACM TechNews

Tech Turns to Biology as Data Storage Needs Explode

Several technology companies are investigating DNA data storage.

Pc Hardware Is Physically Leaking Your Encryption Keys
From ACM News

Pc Hardware Is Physically Leaking Your Encryption Keys

Your computer has an aura. That sentence causes me actual physical pain to type, but there's not really a better way to put it—whether you're surfing really fucked...

How Ad Blockers Have Triggered an Arms Race on the Web
From ACM TechNews

How Ad Blockers Have Triggered an Arms Race on the Web

A team at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has conducted the first large-scale analysis of ad-block detection on the Internet. 

This 'demonically Clever' Backdoor Hides In a Tiny Slice of a Computer Chip
From ACM News

This 'demonically Clever' Backdoor Hides In a Tiny Slice of a Computer Chip

Security flaws in software can be tough to find. Purposefully planted ones—hidden backdoors created by spies or saboteurs—are often even stealthier.
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