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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How to Stay Anonymous Online
From ACM TechNews

How to Stay Anonymous Online

New technology for protecting anonymity online provides stronger security guarantees but uses bandwidth much more efficiently than previous anonymity networks.

Extortion Extinction: Researchers Develop a Way to Stop Ransomware
From ACM TechNews

Extortion Extinction: Researchers Develop a Way to Stop Ransomware

University of Florida researchers have developed a system they say can thwart ransomware.

Computer Hackers Don't Stand a Chance Against These Girls
From ACM TechNews

Computer Hackers Don't Stand a Chance Against These Girls

The GenCyber program consists of 119 summer camps for girls sponsored by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and the National Academy of Sciences.

How to Stay Anonymous Online
From ACM News

How to Stay Anonymous Online

Anonymity networks protect people living under repressive regimes from surveillance of their Internet use. But the recent discovery of vulnerabilities in the most...

Artificial Intelligence Is Setting ­p the Internet For a Huge Clash With Europe
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Is Setting ­p the Internet For a Huge Clash With Europe

Neural networks are changing the Internet.

­se of Police Robot to Kill Dallas Shooting Suspect Believed to Be First in ­S History
From ACM News

­se of Police Robot to Kill Dallas Shooting Suspect Believed to Be First in ­S History

For what experts are calling the first time in history, US police have used a robot in a show of lethal force.

Eu Plans $2b Investment in Cybersecurity Research
From ACM TechNews

Eu Plans $2b Investment in Cybersecurity Research

The European Union is contributing $500 million to fund research into cybersecurity, and is asking the private sector to contribute an additional $1.5 billion.

Are Face Recognition Systems Accurate? Depends on Your Race
From ACM TechNews

Are Face Recognition Systems Accurate? Depends on Your Race

The U.S. Government Accountability Office issued a report finding the Federal Bureau of Investigation has not properly tested the accuracy of its face-matching...

Makers of Self-Driving Cars Ask What to Do With Human Nature
From ACM TechNews

Makers of Self-Driving Cars Ask What to Do With Human Nature

The push by some automakers to make fully autonomous vehicles a commercial reality is being tempered by others arguing against elimination of human driver intervention...

Putin Signs New Anti-Terror Law in Russia. Edward Snowden Is ­pset.
From ACM News

Putin Signs New Anti-Terror Law in Russia. Edward Snowden Is ­pset.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed into law a controversial package of counterterrorism measures, including tougher sentences for extremism and...

Video Privacy Tool Lets You Select What Others See
From ACM TechNews

Video Privacy Tool Lets You Select What Others See

Researchers at Duke University have developed software that enables users to specify what others can see when sharing images captured by camera-equipped devices...

College Students Demonstrate Integrity in Learning and Ignore Cheating Opportunities
From ACM TechNews

College Students Demonstrate Integrity in Learning and Ignore Cheating Opportunities

A University of California, Riverside study found most college students make a legitimate attempt to answer questions in homework assignments.

Google Tests New Crypto in Chrome to Fend Off Quantum Attacks
From ACM News

Google Tests New Crypto in Chrome to Fend Off Quantum Attacks

For anyone who cares about Internet security and encryption, the advent of practical quantum computing looms like the Y2K bug in the 1990s: a countdown to an unpredictable...

New Framework ­ses Patterns to Predict Terrorist Behavior
From ACM TechNews

New Framework ­ses Patterns to Predict Terrorist Behavior

Binghamton University researchers have developed a framework that can predict future terrorist attacks by recognizing patterns in past attacks.

A Bug in Fmri Software Could Invalidate 15 Years of Brain Research
From ACM TechNews

A Bug in Fmri Software Could Invalidate 15 Years of Brain Research

The past 15 years of human brain research could be invalidated by a recently discovered bug in functional magnetic resonance imaging software.

­se Your Eyes, Voice—and Thoughts—to Replace Passwords
From ACM News

­se Your Eyes, Voice—and Thoughts—to Replace Passwords

I'm sitting in an office at the University of California, Berkeley with an electrode strapped to my head. A black headband holds a connector to my forehead and...

Engineers to ­se Cyborg Insects as Biorobotic Sensing Machines
From ACM TechNews

Engineers to ­se Cyborg Insects as Biorobotic Sensing Machines

Scientists at Washington University in St. Louis are developing a method to detect the smell of chemicals used in explosives.

How China Took Center Stage in Bitcoin's Civil War
From ACM News

How China Took Center Stage in Bitcoin's Civil War

A delegation of American executives flew to Beijing in April for a secret meeting just blocks from Tiananmen Square.

Quantum Cryptographers Set 400k Distance Record
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Cryptographers Set 400k Distance Record

Researchers in China say they have demonstrated a form of device-independent quantum cryptography, sending a key over a distance of more than 100 kilometers at...

This New Device Can Visualize Your Thoughts (sort Of)
From ACM News

This New Device Can Visualize Your Thoughts (sort Of)

The idea of a device that can materialize one's memories out of thin air seems like it could only exist in science fiction. But in a new study, researchers were...
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