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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Can Amazon Echo Help Solve a Murder? Police Will Soon Find Out.
From ACM News

Can Amazon Echo Help Solve a Murder? Police Will Soon Find Out.

A 2015 Arkansas murder case that had raised privacy questions surrounding "always-on" electronic home devices took a step forward last week after Amazon agreed...

Predicting Lawsuits
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Predicting Lawsuits

Deep learning yields the ability to forecast the potential for litigation.

Language Learning Robot Could Advance Autonomous Vehicles, Help Emergency Responders in the Future
From ACM TechNews

Language Learning Robot Could Advance Autonomous Vehicles, Help Emergency Responders in the Future

Researchers have developed algorithms that enable a wheeled robot to learn the meanings of words from sentences that describe example paths taken by the robot,...

Google Computers Trained to Detect Cancer
From ACM TechNews

Google Computers Trained to Detect Cancer

Google has developed a new breast cancer detection technique that utilizes machine learning, predictive analytics, and pattern recognition to train a computer to...

Baxter the Robot Fixes Its Mistakes By Reading Your Mind
From ACM News

Baxter the Robot Fixes Its Mistakes By Reading Your Mind

Baxter is but a child, with bright eyes and a subtle grin.

How Rival Bots Battled Their Way to Poker Supremacy
From ACM News

How Rival Bots Battled Their Way to Poker Supremacy

Artificial-intelligence programs harness game-theory strategies and deep learning to defeat human professionals in two-player hold'em.

How Rival Bots Battled Their Way to Poker Supremacy
From ACM News

How Rival Bots Battled Their Way to Poker Supremacy

A complex variant of poker is the latest game to be mastered by artificial intelligence (AI). And it has been conquered not once, but twice, by two rival bots developed...

Microsoft's AI Is Learning to Write Code By Itself, Not Steal It
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft's AI Is Learning to Write Code By Itself, Not Steal It

Researchers at Microsoft and the University of Cambridge in the U.K. have developed an algorithm that can create code to solve simple math problems.

Machine Learning Is Bringing the Cosmos Into Focus
From ACM News

Machine Learning Is Bringing the Cosmos Into Focus

The telescope offers one of the most seductive suggestions a technological object can carry: the idea that humans might pick up a thing, peer into it, and finally...

Government Sets Sights on AI as Economic Opportunity
From ACM TechNews

Government Sets Sights on AI as Economic Opportunity

The U.K. government has launched its Digital Strategy, which includes significant funding for artificial intelligence research so the technology will play a larger...

AI Beats Professional Players at Super Smash Bros. Video Game
From ACM TechNews

AI Beats Professional Players at Super Smash Bros. Video Game

Researchers trained an artificial intelligence system to play Nintendo's "Super Smash Bros. Melee" using deep-learning algorithms, and then challenged and defeated...

AI Learns to Write Its Own Code By Stealing from Other Programs
From ACM News

AI Learns to Write Its Own Code By Stealing from Other Programs

Out of the way, human, I've got this covered.

Columbus, Ohio, Region Boosts Smart Mobility Research
From ACM TechNews

Columbus, Ohio, Region Boosts Smart Mobility Research

The Columbus, OH, region is funding smart mobility and driverless vehicle research.

Can Artificial Intelligence Predict Earthquakes?
From ACM TechNews

Can Artificial Intelligence Predict Earthquakes?

Paul Johnson's research team at Los Alamos National Laboratory is applying artificial intelligence to earthquake prediction, using machine-learning algorithms,...

A Computer to Rival the Brain
From ACM News

A Computer to Rival the Brain

More than two hundred years ago, a French weaver named Joseph Jacquard invented a mechanism that greatly simplified textile production.

Thinking Deeply to Make Better Speech
From Communications of the ACM

Thinking Deeply to Make Better Speech

More work is needed to make synthesized speech more natural, easier to understand, and more pleasant to hear.

What News-Writing Bots Mean For the Future of Journalism
From ACM News

What News-Writing Bots Mean For the Future of Journalism

When Republican Steve King beat back Democratic challenger Kim Weaver in the race for Iowa's 4th congressional district seat in November, The Washington Post snapped...

Can Artificial Intelligence Predict Earthquakes?
From ACM News

Can Artificial Intelligence Predict Earthquakes?

Predicting earthquakes is the holy grail of seismology.

New Software Will Standardize Data Collection For Great White Sharks
From ACM TechNews

New Software Will Standardize Data Collection For Great White Sharks

Researchers collaborated on software that helps researchers collect and manage data on great white sharks spotted along the coast.

Success By Deception
From ACM TechNews

Success By Deception

Researchers at ETH Zurich in Switzerland say they have refined machine learning by deliberately misleading intelligent machines.
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