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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Log In to Your Phone with a Finger-Drawn Doodle Instead of a Password
From ACM News

Log In to Your Phone with a Finger-Drawn Doodle Instead of a Password

Rather than painstakingly typing in passwords on your smartphone, you may eventually just swipe a shape or other pattern on its display to authenticate yourself...

Defense Secretary Favors Strong Encryption, Not 'back Doors'
From ACM News

Defense Secretary Favors Strong Encryption, Not 'back Doors'

Declaring that strong encryption is essential to the nation's security, Defense Secretary Ash Carter told a tech industry audience Wednesday that he's "not a believer...

How the Feds Could Get Into Iphones Without Apple's Help
From ACM News

How the Feds Could Get Into Iphones Without Apple's Help

It's a showdown that has the country mesmerized.

Advertising Company Will ­se Its Billboards To Track Passing Cellphones
From ACM News

Advertising Company Will ­se Its Billboards To Track Passing Cellphones

Clear Channel Outdoor—one of the largest outdoor advertising companies in the U.S.—is starting a new program called Radar that will use billboards to map real-world...

Isis Turns to Foreign Encryption Products as Apple-Fbi Fight Rages in ­.s.
From ACM News

Isis Turns to Foreign Encryption Products as Apple-Fbi Fight Rages in ­.s.

FBI and Apple officials spent Tuesday afternoon on Capitol Hill, debating American encryption laws with members of Congress. Prompted by a case related to the ...

White House Officials Soften Approach at Rsa Conference
From ACM News

White House Officials Soften Approach at Rsa Conference

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch joined a parade of Obama administration officials to tech's home turf on Tuesday. Their message: National security depends on...

In Fighting FBI, Apple Says Free Speech Rights Mean No Forced Coding
From ACM News

In Fighting FBI, Apple Says Free Speech Rights Mean No Forced Coding

The Justice Department wants Apple to write special software to help it break into the iPhone used by one the San Bernardino terrorists.

Ny Judge: ­S Cannot Make Apple Provide Iphone Data
From ACM News

Ny Judge: ­S Cannot Make Apple Provide Iphone Data

A federal judge ruled Monday that the U.S. Justice Department cannot use a 227-year-old law to force Apple to provide the FBI with access to locked iPhone data,...

Pentagon Starts Aggressive Cyberwar Against Is
From ACM News

Pentagon Starts Aggressive Cyberwar Against Is

Not long after Defense Secretary Ash Carter prodded his cyber commanders to be more aggressive in the fight against Islamic State, the U.S. ramped up its offensive...

Facebook Is Making a Map of Everyone in the World
From ACM News

Facebook Is Making a Map of Everyone in the World

Americans inhabit an intricately mapped world.

Chameleon Adapts to Secure the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Chameleon Adapts to Secure the Cloud

A minority-led group of researchers is looking to the U.S. National Science Foundation-funded Chameleon cloud platform as a tool for developing cyberattack prevention...

A New Algorithm From MIT Could Protect Ships From 'rogue Waves' at Sea
From ACM TechNews

A New Algorithm From MIT Could Protect Ships From 'rogue Waves' at Sea

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a predictive tool that could give ships a two- to three-minute advance warning of approaching rogue...

Apple Encryption Stand Highlights Mobile Operators' Dilemma
From ACM News

Apple Encryption Stand Highlights Mobile Operators' Dilemma

Apple Inc's stance on privacy in the face of a U.S. government demand to unlock an iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino attackers has raised awkward questions...

The Secret History of America's Cyber War
From ACM News

The Secret History of America's Cyber War

Two months earlier, Edward Snowden, a contractor with the National Security Agency, had leaked tens of thousands of highly classified documents, revealing that...

Peter Naur
From Communications of the ACM

Peter Naur: 1928-2016

Peter Naur, a Danish computer scientist and 2005 recipient of the ACM A.M. Turing Award, died recently after a brief illness.

Apple Is Said to Be Trying to Make It Harder to Hack Iphone
From ACM News

Apple Is Said to Be Trying to Make It Harder to Hack Iphone

Apple engineers have begun developing new security measures that would make it impossible for the government to break into a locked iPhone using methods similar...

Flaws in Wireless Mice and Keyboards Let Hackers Type on Your Pc
From ACM TechNews

Flaws in Wireless Mice and Keyboards Let Hackers Type on Your Pc

Bastille researchers warn of a new hacking technique in which malefactors armed with antennas can hijack wireless keyboards and mice from seven companies.

What Role Should Silicon Valley Play in Fighting Terrorism?
From ACM Careers

What Role Should Silicon Valley Play in Fighting Terrorism?

On Friday, January 8, several high-level officials from the Obama administration—including the attorney general, the White House chief of staff, and the directors...

­nited Nations Cito: Artificial Intelligence Will Be Humanity's Final Innovation
From ACM TechNews

­nited Nations Cito: Artificial Intelligence Will Be Humanity's Final Innovation

United Nations chief information technology officer Atefeh Riazi emphasizes artificial-intelligence innovation as the next nexus of human technological advancement...

On-Chip Random Key Generation Done ­sing Carbon Nanotubes
From ACM TechNews

On-Chip Random Key Generation Done ­sing Carbon Nanotubes

A new process uses carbon nanotubes to randomly wire part of a chip, which is then used to generate cryptographic information. 
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