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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Imec Demonstrates Self-Learning Neuromorphic Chip That Composes Music
From ACM TechNews

Imec Demonstrates Self-Learning Neuromorphic Chip That Composes Music

Researchers say they have created the world's first self-learning neuromorphic chip, based on OxRAM technology, that demonstrates the ability to compose music. ...

What This Apple-Picking Robot Means For the Future of Farm Workers
From ACM News

What This Apple-Picking Robot Means For the Future of Farm Workers

Robots are replacing human workers at a faster pace than any other point in history. Most of these robots are in factories, but a new kind of mechanized worker...

A Chinese Genome Giant Sets Its Sights on the ­itimate Sequencer
From ACM News

A Chinese Genome Giant Sets Its Sights on the ­itimate Sequencer

The world's largest genetics research center isn't at Harvard or Stanford or even the NIH. It's a 20-mile drive from Hong Kong International Airport, in the bustling...

Patching the Electric Grid
From ACM News

Patching the Electric Grid

Electric grids worldwide are increasingly vulnerable to attack as new technologies like smart meters and analytical software are added to them, with mature systems...

Bigger Is Better: Quantum Volume Expresses Computer's Limit 
From ACM News

Bigger Is Better: Quantum Volume Expresses Computer's Limit 

The race to build the first useful quantum computer continues apace. And, like all races, there are decisions to be made, including the technology each competitor...

Advancing Cancer Immunotherapy With Computer Simulations and Data Analysis
From ACM TechNews

Advancing Cancer Immunotherapy With Computer Simulations and Data Analysis

Researchers have developed a unique mathematical model to probe interactions between prostate tumors and common cancer immunotherapies.

Google's AI Invents Sounds Humans Have Never Heard Before
From ACM TechNews

Google's AI Invents Sounds Humans Have Never Heard Before

Google researchers have found a way to use artificial intelligence to produce entirely new sounds.

Sdsc's Comet Helps Replicate Brain Circuitry to Direct a Realistic Prosthetic Arm
From ACM TechNews

Sdsc's Comet Helps Replicate Brain Circuitry to Direct a Realistic Prosthetic Arm

Researchers used the San Diego Supercomputer Center's Comet system in applying a novel algorithm to replicate neural pathways for controlling limb movement.

Your Face Can Get You More Than Just Toilet Paper in China
From ACM News

Your Face Can Get You More Than Just Toilet Paper in China

Now a number of female students at one of the country's top universities can use their face to open doors, according to news reports.

How to Make Fully Homomorphic Encryption 'practical and ­sable'
From ACM TechNews

How to Make Fully Homomorphic Encryption 'practical and ­sable'

The U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity has awarded Galois $1 million to make fully homomorphic encryption available to programmers.

Nasa Asks Scientific Community to Think on Possible Europa Lander Instruments
From ACM News

Nasa Asks Scientific Community to Think on Possible Europa Lander Instruments

NASA is asking scientists to consider what would be the best instruments to include on a mission to land on Jupiter's icy moon, Europa.

Should the Government Keep Stockpiling Software Bugs?
From ACM News

Should the Government Keep Stockpiling Software Bugs?

As the dust settles from the global ransomware attack that has crippled systems in more than 150 countries since Friday, the U.S. government's shadowy process for...

The Cybersecurity Risks ­.s. Election Systems Face Heading Into the 2018 Elections
From ACM TechNews

The Cybersecurity Risks ­.s. Election Systems Face Heading Into the 2018 Elections

Cybersecurity experts are warning of U.S. voting systems' vulnerability to cyberthreats going into the 2018 midterm and 2020 presidential elections.

­nder Cyberattack: ­h Researchers Look at How to Catch a 'phisher'
From ACM TechNews

­nder Cyberattack: ­h Researchers Look at How to Catch a 'phisher'

Researchers are studying why phishing attacks are so successful in an attempt to develop the next generation of email filters.

The State of the Car Computer: Forget Horsepower, We Want Megahertz!
From ACM News

The State of the Car Computer: Forget Horsepower, We Want Megahertz!

If I asked you "how many computing devices do you own?" your mind will probably first jump to your PCs and laptops at home, and then to your smartphones and tablets...

China, Addicted to Bootleg Software, Reels From Ransomware Attack
From ACM News

China, Addicted to Bootleg Software, Reels From Ransomware Attack

China is home to the world's largest group of internet users, a thriving online technology scene and rampant software piracy that encapsulates its determination...

Tech Majority Disagrees With AI Warnings From Hawking, Musk, and Gates
From ACM TechNews

Tech Majority Disagrees With AI Warnings From Hawking, Musk, and Gates

A new study demonstrates strong public and expert skepticism of warnings about artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Course Creates AI Teaching Assistant
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Course Creates AI Teaching Assistant

A team of researchers has developed a virtual teacher's assistant, called Jill Watson, using technologies from IBM's Watson platform.

Seeing with Your Tongue
From ACM News

Seeing with Your Tongue

The climbers at Earth Treks gym, in Golden, Colorado, were warming up: stretching, strapping themselves into harnesses, and chalking their hands as they prepared...

The Benefits of Old Age (for Transistors)
From ACM News

The Benefits of Old Age (for Transistors)

In case you didn't know, the transistors in your computer's processor, your smartphone's memory, and your car's autobrake system get old.
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