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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Terahertz Imaging on the Cheap
From ACM News

Terahertz Imaging on the Cheap

Terahertz imaging, which is already familiar from airport security checkpoints, has a number of other promising applications—from explosives detection to collision...

Do-It-Yourselfers Inspire Hardware Renaissance in Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Do-It-Yourselfers Inspire Hardware Renaissance in Silicon Valley

In the shadow of Internet monoliths such as Facebook, Google and Twitter, it's easy to forget that Silicon Valley got its start from hard-scrabble tinkerers building...

Will We Ever… Control the Weather?
From ACM News

Will We Ever… Control the Weather?

With 2,000 drummers, 15,000 other performers and vast quantities of fireworks, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics was a dazzling spectacle.

Wiring of Retina Reveals How Eyes Sense Motion
From ACM News

Wiring of Retina Reveals How Eyes Sense Motion

A vast project to map neural connections in the mouse retina may have answered the long-standing question of how the eyes detect motion.

Computer System Automatically Solves Word Problems
From ACM News

Computer System Automatically Solves Word Problems

Researchers in MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, working with colleagues at the University of Washington, have developed a new computer...

Self-Assembly Required: One Scientist's Bid to Build Cancer-Killing Nanorobots
From ACM News

Self-Assembly Required: One Scientist's Bid to Build Cancer-Killing Nanorobots

The term "cancer killing nanorobot" could conjure up all sorts of images, the best involving teeny tiny laser eyebeams.

World's Thinnest Nanowires May Lead to Foldable Tablets, Smartphones
From ACM TechNews

World's Thinnest Nanowires May Lead to Foldable Tablets, Smartphones

Researchers  have created nanowires 1/1,000th the width of the microscopic wires used today to connect transistors in integrated computer chips. 

Devices That Know How We Really Feel
From ACM News

Devices That Know How We Really Feel

Admit it: Sometimes you just want to punch your PC, or slap your smartphone, or knock your notebook.

Basic Science Finds Corporate Refuge
From ACM News

Basic Science Finds Corporate Refuge

Microsoft makes Windows, Word, and the Xbox. But it also employs scientists who make sensors to stick on the hides of elephants and rhinoceroses.

Transcending Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Transcending Artificial Intelligence

While it can be a blast going to see the latest Hollywood sci-fi thriller, watching it along with a leading expert in the science and technology fields relevant...

Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook's Future, From Virtual Reality to Anonymity
From ACM Opinion

Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook's Future, From Virtual Reality to Anonymity

No one ever accused Mark Zuckerberg of standing pat.

Massachusetts Invests In Big Data Innovation
From ACM TechNews

Massachusetts Invests In Big Data Innovation

Massachusetts is providing $3 million in funding to launch its Open Cloud project to build a new public cloud computing infrastructure for big data innovation. 

Target on Mars Looks Good For Nasa Rover Drilling
From ACM News

Target on Mars Looks Good For Nasa Rover Drilling

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover performed a "mini-drill" operation Tuesday, April 29, on the rock target under consideration for the mission's third sample-collection...

Cyborg Angst: 5 Ways Computers Will Perplex ­S in 2039
From ACM News

Cyborg Angst: 5 Ways Computers Will Perplex ­S in 2039

Brain chips mean we are struggling to distinguish our own thoughts from ideas implanted by advertisers.

What's The Nsa Doing Now? Training More Cyber Warriors
From ACM News

What's The Nsa Doing Now? Training More Cyber Warriors

The U.S. needs more cyber warriors, and it needs them fast, according to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.

Watson in Your Pocket: Supercomputer Gets Own Apps
From ACM News

Watson in Your Pocket: Supercomputer Gets Own Apps

If you could quiz Watson, IBM's all-knowing supercomputer, from an app on your phone, what would you ask it?

Hackers Can Mess With Traffic Lights to Jam Roads and Reroute Cars
From ACM News

Hackers Can Mess With Traffic Lights to Jam Roads and Reroute Cars

The hacker in the Italian Job did it spectacularly.

Ohio Surgeons Hope Chip in Man's Brain Lets Him Control Paralyzed Hand with Thoughts
From ACM News

Ohio Surgeons Hope Chip in Man's Brain Lets Him Control Paralyzed Hand with Thoughts

Chad Bouton snapped awake at 5 a.m.

­sing ­ltrasound to Feel Virtual Objects
From ACM News

­sing ­ltrasound to Feel Virtual Objects

A startup called Ultrahaptics aims to make gesture control and virtual reality more engaging by using ultrasound waves to let you feel like you’re touching virtual...

Fifty Years of Basic, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal
From ACM News

Fifty Years of Basic, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal

Knowing how to program a computer is good for you, and it's a shame more people don't learn to do it.
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