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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Bringing Women Back to Computer Science: ­w in National Spotlight Over Efforts
From ACM TechNews

Bringing Women Back to Computer Science: ­w in National Spotlight Over Efforts

The University of Washington's Department of Computer Science and Engineering last year awarded 30% of its bachelor degrees in computer science to women. 

Why Do the Feds ­sually Try to ­nlock Phones? It's Drugs, Not Terrorism
From ACM News

Why Do the Feds ­sually Try to ­nlock Phones? It's Drugs, Not Terrorism

Until the FBI backed down from its battle with Apple over accessing the iPhone 5c of San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook, it seemed the agency had chosen...

The Apple-Fbi Battle Is Over, But the New Crypto Wars Have Just Begun
From ACM News

The Apple-Fbi Battle Is Over, But the New Crypto Wars Have Just Begun

Apple's standoff with the FBI unfolded over the course of several weeks, but ended in a matter of days.

Where's the Lane? Self-Driving Cars Confused By Shabby ­.s. Roadways
From ACM News

Where's the Lane? Self-Driving Cars Confused By Shabby ­.s. Roadways

Volvo's North American CEO, Lex Kerssemakers, lost his cool as the automaker's semi-autonomous prototype sporadically refused to drive itself during a press event...

Apple's New Challenge: Learning How the ­.s. Cracked Its Iphone
From ACM News

Apple's New Challenge: Learning How the ­.s. Cracked Its Iphone

Now that the United States government has cracked open an iPhone that belonged to a gunman in the San Bernardino, Calif., mass shooting without Apple's help, the...

Bitcoin Technology's Next Big Test: Trillion-Dollar Repo Market
From ACM News

Bitcoin Technology's Next Big Test: Trillion-Dollar Repo Market

Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., a firm at the center of Wall Street’s trading infrastructure, is about to give the technology behind bitcoin a big test: seeing...

American Tech Giants Face Fight in Europe Over Encrypted Data
From ACM News

American Tech Giants Face Fight in Europe Over Encrypted Data

Silicon Valley's battle over encryption is heading to Europe.

Apple's Encryption Battle with ­nited States Still Alive in Brooklyn
From ACM News

Apple's Encryption Battle with ­nited States Still Alive in Brooklyn

The U.S. Department of Justice will disclose over the next two weeks whether it will continue with its bid to compel Apple Inc to help access an iPhone in a Brooklyn...

Apple Likely Can't Force Fbi to Disclose How It Got Data from Seized Iphone
From ACM News

Apple Likely Can't Force Fbi to Disclose How It Got Data from Seized Iphone

The US government isn't saying whether it will divulge to Apple the method it used to access the locked iPhone seized by one of the San Bernardino shooters.

­.s. Says It Has ­nlocked Iphone Without Apple, Ending Lawsuit
From ACM News

­.s. Says It Has ­nlocked Iphone Without Apple, Ending Lawsuit

The Justice Department said Monday that it had found a way to unlock an iPhone without help from Apple, allowing the agency to withdraw its legal effort to compel...

Massive Robots Keep Docks Shipshape
From ACM News

Massive Robots Keep Docks Shipshape

At one of the busiest shipping terminals in the U.S., more than two dozen giant red robots wheeled cargo containers along the docks on a recent morning, handing...

Software Flags 'Suicidal' Students, Presenting Privacy Dilemma
From ACM News

Software Flags 'Suicidal' Students, Presenting Privacy Dilemma

Ken Yeh is the director of technology at Ontario Christian Schools, a private K-12 school near Los Angeles with about 100 children per grade.

Security Missed Brussels Bombs–But Could Sensors Spot Them?
From ACM News

Security Missed Brussels Bombs–But Could Sensors Spot Them?

After terrorists attacked Paris last November, nearby Brussels, home of many of the attackers, posted heavily armed soldiers in public places.

'minimal' Cell Raises Stakes in Race to Harness Synthetic Life
From ACM News

'minimal' Cell Raises Stakes in Race to Harness Synthetic Life

Genomics entrepreneur Craig Venter has created a synthetic cell that contains the smallest genome of any known, independent organism.

Tech Could Help Secure Public Spaces, If Europe Wants More Surveillance
From ACM News

Tech Could Help Secure Public Spaces, If Europe Wants More Surveillance

Facial recognition software, scanners that detect weapons and cameras that spot nervous people are some of the technologies that could be used more widely to secure...

Fbi Director Says Fight with Apple About Terrorism, Not Setting Precedent
From ACM News

Fbi Director Says Fight with Apple About Terrorism, Not Setting Precedent

James Comey, the Federal Bureau of Investigation director, is defending the agency's legal battle with Apple, saying it is about fighting terrorism and not about...

Existing Technologies Can Assist the Disabled
From Communications of the ACM

Existing Technologies Can Assist the Disabled

Researchers consider how to adapt broadly available technology products for those battling physical impairments.

Marvin Minsky
From Communications of the ACM

Marvin Minsky: 1927-2016

Marvin Minsky, an American scientist who co-founded the Massachusetts Institute of Technology AI laboratory and was honored with the ACM A.M. Turing Award, passed...

A Decade of ACM Efforts Contribute to Computer Science For All
From Communications of the ACM

A Decade of ACM Efforts Contribute to Computer Science For All

President Obama has asked Congress to approve $4.1 billion in spending to support the Computer Science for All initiative, aimed at providing computer science education...

How the Hell Could the FBI Hack Into That iPhone?
From ACM News

How the Hell Could the FBI Hack Into That iPhone?

You know that part about the FBI needing Apple's help to unlock a terrorist's iPhone 5C?
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